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BF4 issues


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Instead of turning Cyber's review thiread into a moanfest, I wanted to start a new thread where we can discuss the issues we're facing with the game. Now as mentioned in that thread, I couldn't redeem my gold battlepacks last night that I got with my pre-order. I did eventually manage, I had to restart Origin and do it in game as they simply weren't appearing in Origin. I also played a game or two after that and I got kicked from numerous servers, but eventually did find one that worked nicely, at least for a little while. Jordie jumped in at one point and I noticed he kept disconnecting too, dunno whether this was the game or him.


This guy is one of the few people I actually listen to when it comes to BF4. He's got his head screwed on straight and explains a lot of what we're experiencing.




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I have only had 2 problems since playing. Firstly I somehow double tapped B which brought up the console. I couldn't figure out how to close it back down so I had to quit the game. Secondly, my mouse was fine in the menus and other programs, but as soon as I started playing it just wasn't being picked up. Both of these were minor and one offs. 



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Well, there's no denying that the game is completely borked. I'd say about 25% of the games I get into seem to run alright. Just came out of a match where the sound was completely random. Sometimes it'd be silent, then you'd only hear helis, then only jets and tanks, then footsteps and helis, etc etc. Never the full package. The connection issues are beyond fucked. I've been running the type 88 all evening which has a 200 round clip size. I'm not exaggerating when I say it sometimes takes 25 rounds to kill someone, but I get taken out in what seems like a single shot. 


Add to that the fact that someone in the know once mentioned the word "netcode" and suddenly every single moaner is an expert who knows all about this and won't fucking shut up about the netcode. One day I want a game like this to flop again, except I want that someone in the know to say something like "cooties" so that we get all the whiners going "the cooties is fucked, gg dice". At least we'll get a bit of a giggle from it then. 


Off to try again, adios!


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It sucks doesn't it. Great game with shit execution. How that sounds familiar. I wonder if all these companies are off shoring the development to incompetent low cost centers. It's not like they don't have the budget to produce something that actually works

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I wish everyone would have returned the game for refund within their 24 hour like I did. I'm pretty sure you'd have some executive that is concern about reporting revenues concern about it and getting something done. I find it hard to believe he execution is that bad when it isn't all that different from BF3 . 

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I had to give up with Battlefield 4 because the servers kept crashing and I lost a lot of gameplay data on Double XP weekend. Battlelog also caused my computer to crash numerous times and after not being able to connect to a single match on monday; I threw in the towel.  I didn't think much of the game anyway - I loved BF3 but 4 just seemed too buggy and the maps weren't as memorable as we saw previously in the series.  Thank the lord for Call of Duty the day after though! 

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Couple of issues:

-BF3's horrible team balancing issues haven't been fixed. Far too often matches are one-sided almost. My games last night:

Rush (attacking)- team can't destroy a single MCOM

Rush (defending, same map)- attackers win easily

Domination (300 tickets)- team loses by 200+

Domination (300 tickets)- team loses by 200+

Also, not sure if it's lag or poor animation, but I frequently get insta-killed, by all types of weapons. I'll empty half a clip into somebody from behind, only to die as soon as he turns around. Happens a lot.

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