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Lolz. Mike & Chris.

Like the idea you're trying their Mike. Few tweaks needed to my name as I main D.Va just abobe Reinhardt, then Tracer.

Re: last night.

I listened for the majority of the night rather than playing. I noticed a few things as I'm sure others did.

Putting it bluntly mid-way through some already tilted. But equally for all of us to play well as a team it needs 5/6 playing extremely well. If 1/2 of us just feel abit off (it is okay btw as we're not pros [emoji12] well, stretch is!) we can easily lose. We are in that middle 2500 upwards ground that consistency is key.

Also, I think people just need to call out where enemies are more often. Just short, concise and clear callouts. Worth a try.

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On 10/01/2018 at 12:05 PM, Mikepjbell said:

Posted this in another thread but something like the below might help:



I like that dude. Shows what we can do as far as team comp is concerned.


I honestly believe our issues are due to frustration and patience rather than mechanical skill or comp.

1 team wipe and we all go to shit. When you watch the pros that exactly how you do it. You fully commit to a fight as a 6 stack and you either win or lose. But don't lose heart we just go and try again. If you get picked out 1 by 1 over a period of 30 secs or so then we weren't grouped up properly in the first place.

We tend to get frustrated and "try" something when just a simple wait for 5 secs in spawn and do nothing would be a much better option. Sometimes the best solution is a deep breath, scratch your nuts and go again with the team.


Communication is key too. Our call outs are getting much better but we have to stop shouting as much so we can make sure all the call outs are heard


I think if we (in our current forrm) tried gamebattles we'd get our arses handed to us 😂😂


With this said, going to this level of co-ordination does seem to take a lot of the fun out of things so we need to make sure we're making time to have some games where the try hard panties are well and truly off 👍

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Can't remember which map, but we had the strat confirmed at character selection. We picked characters and did it. In the words of Zarya....


Visuwalize, the eegsecute.


Via the FG App






20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I'd like to know 6 stack info that would be ideal for each map, attack and defence.

Then ideally each character's best and worst enemy to go up against ao we can learn to switch out more often.

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14 minutes ago, Mikepjbell said:

I kept swapping between Genji / Winston / Pharah last night and nothing was working, I was getting my ass handed to me 100% of the time :(


I just think its still early for you to work out who are your main players. If you have had some success with one or two of them then stick it out a little more. It takes time to know if it feels the right player and even harder to work when the team lose a lot!


Also, don't go by medals. Yes, its nice to get some but its how you feel with the player and judging if its helping the overall balance.


I personally think you're getting better quickly with Winston.

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Yeah Winston is my go-to, but I'd like to still get good at Genji.



"As one of the most mobile tanks in the hero roster, Winston is best played as a disruptive menace that thrives on upsetting the balance of the enemy team. He’s able to fly into the enemy backlines and harass the healers and damage dealers, selflessly drawing attention away from his team, before leaping out of the fray and to safety. His aggressive kit requires a huge deal of game knowledge, coupled with decent decision-making skills in order to have an impact without dying too frequently."


This is really what I'm aiming for when I jump - just to generally cause chaos without dying. My problem is at the moment with Winston is I'm not getting back out quick enough to stay alive.

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You know, the thing about this game isn't knowing so much what your own character is good at or needs support in, but actually knowing the details of every single character. Only then can you properly support your whole team both in what you're doing to survive, and also what you're doing to ensure that you use your own character powers to provide the service your teammates need to fully utilise their own abilities and quirks.


That's a lot of reading.


A lot of fucking reading.

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8 minutes ago, crispymorgan said:

Welcome to overwatch.  There's a website that you put your enemy's comp in, and it gives you the best picks to counter.

We should mine the shit out of it and bring the useful stuff here. Especially bits that we aren't doing quite right that have the biggest impacts.

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Our biggest downfall is lack of control. Lots of enthusiastic people pulling in different directions. How about a captain?

Via the FG App


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Our biggest downfall is lack of control. Lots of enthusiastic people pulling in different directions. How about a captain?

Via the FG App

Agreed we need captains and those people have to own a large amount of knowledge of the game. They need to co-ordinate the attacks and people need to listen.

We do but we need to remind ourselves that why we have so much fun playing together and on this game is to have am element of freedom within a team.

If I think of a football team analogy, the captain rallies the troops and keeps them in the guardrails, whilst allowing the flair players to do their magic inside the boundaries.

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5 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:


We do but we need to remind ourselves that why we have so much fun playing together and on this game is to have am element of freedom within a team.

If I think of a football team analogy, the captain rallies the troops and keeps them in the guardrails, whilst allowing the flair players to do their magic inside the boundaries.


Sure, but I think it's circumstantial.


When I talk of someone actively managing the team, I'm only on about pre-booked comp play.


I don't want to detract from the fun of this game, and I do agree people need to be able to go and do their own thing. However, in the circumstances where we want to see if we can push ourselves as a team, during times we've booked specifically to do so, then much more tighter controls and tactics must be enforced.


All other times, by all means, it's shits and gigs. 

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When playing casual, we still need someone to herd the cats.  It's just good tactics.  I'm not suggesting that any one is charge, but someone needs to make the call. 


If you haven't watched the overwatch league yet, I suggest doing so.  Whilst the gameplay might be from another world, you'll never see  half a team rush a point.  Ever.

I'm as guilty as the next man, so I'm not criticising anyone, but it's a fairly simple idea that will have a big impact.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Sure, but I think it's circumstantial.
When I talk of someone actively managing the team, I'm only on about pre-booked comp play.
I don't want to detract from the fun of this game, and I do agree people need to be able to go and do their own thing. However, in the circumstances where we want to see if we can push ourselves as a team, during times we've booked specifically to do so, then much more tighter controls and tactics must be enforced.
All other times, by all means, it's shits and gigs. 

When playing casual, we still need someone to herd the cats.  It's just good tactics.  I'm not suggesting that any one is charge, but someone needs to make the call. 
If you haven't watched the overwatch league yet, I suggest doing so.  Whilst the gameplay might be from another world, you'll never see  half a team rush a point.  Ever.
I'm as guilty as the next man, so I'm not criticising anyone, but it's a fairly simple idea that will have a big impact.

Couldn't agree more guys, I think we're on the same wavelength. I actually think all this talk is pretty cool tbh.

I'm an average player at best but with a few tips and guides to follow, the idea of just getting better at the game is a good feeling.

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Sure the OW champ (Stretch is it?) can book a few more sessions where we work on these things as a team.


Getting regular play with people you're used to playing with is key as well.


Also I need a new headset. Not prepared to spend £50+ though when I already have very good headphones. 

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It's the idea of getting better that appeals. I've been a gnats todger away from diamond. I'd just like to see how far I can push, but with the guys I usually play with. If that means reading up, practicing, then I'm cool with that. I also get that people might not want to, that's cool too.

Via the FG App


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Sure the OW champ (Stretch is it?) can book a few more sessions where we work on these things as a team.
Getting regular play with people you're used to playing with is key as well.
Also I need a new headset. Not prepared to spend £50+ though when I already have very good headphones. 

/slight thread derail but in short Mike, coming from my inexperience a few years back these guys will tell me and you it is absolutely worth buying decent headsets and around £50 is reasonably cheap when the best are c.£250. Check the Hardware section as George recently asked this question.
It's the idea of getting better that appeals. I've been a gnats todger away from diamond. I'd just like to see how far I can push, but with the guys I usually play with. If that means reading up, practicing, then I'm cool with that. I also get that people might not want to, that's cool too.

Via the FG App

Agreed. Keep sharing info that you find. What many people don't realise is that lots of people want to know more and you might've found the nugget info they're looking for.

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Guys, just wanted to say  I really enjoyed playing this the other night with stretch didds crispy and Lee. Won all 3 of my placement matches with yous and a couple of them were really tight games which made the wins even sweeter. Didds was healing me and reviving me like nobody’s business and stretch was giving me some great advice, such as “don’t run away Mart stay and fight” ok! I am bang average at this game (probably even below bang average) but i think, as someone said earlier,  if you just keep a calm head on this game and make the right decisions then you will get some joy, eg waiting to group up before rushing into a point. AnD of course good communication always helps

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22 hours ago, Mikepjbell said:

Yeah Winston is my go-to, but I'd like to still get good at Genji.



This is really what I'm aiming for when I jump - just to generally cause chaos without dying. My problem is at the moment with Winston is I'm not getting back out quick enough to stay alive.

Winston is a solid pick but just difficult to figure how to stay alive as you're finding. The hardest thing is to learn how to use the bubble to the best effect and making sure that your positioning (whether inside or out) makes the best use of it to aid in the survivability.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

Our biggest downfall is lack of control. Lots of enthusiastic people pulling in different directions. How about a captain?

Via the FG App

I like this idea. We just need to make sure we fully commit to the team fight and we're not splitting off to do our own thing


10 hours ago, Findmartin said:

Guys, just wanted to say  I really enjoyed playing this the other night with stretch didds crispy and Lee. Won all 3 of my placement matches with yous and a couple of them were really tight games which made the wins even sweeter. Didds was healing me and reviving me like nobody’s business and stretch was giving me some great advice, such as “don’t run away Mart stay and fight” ok! I am bang average at this game (probably even below bang average) but i think, as someone said earlier,  if you just keep a calm head on this game and make the right decisions then you will get some joy, eg waiting to group up before rushing into a point. AnD of course good communication always helps


Was a pleasure mate!! They were some really close games which always make you feel good afterwards 😁


I've gotta say, if nothing else, a discussion thread like this will go a long way in improving our game just from honest and upfront conversation 😘

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