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I Forgot To Make This Introduction Thread


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My Ps4 username is xCryo_RekTx, but my real name is Jesse. I'm a 16 year old kid who lives in South Carolina. I enjoy playing video games such as: Destiny, Rocket League and Call Of Duty. Im always down to play Trials of the Nine, Do The Raid, Do the Nightfall, help with Milestones, etc.. If you need someone to help you complete something, let me know, I'm always ready to help. I've already met a lot of you and I have to say, this is the best clan that I've ever been in. Thank Yall for accepting me into the clan, I hope yall know a little more about me and if you have any questions about me or wanna play Destiny 2... just send me a friend request and shoot me a message. Thank yall ~ xCryo_RekTx

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Great intro Jesse. Welcome to FG, it's been great to play with of late. Great trials runs and hopefully we'll get some more runs in over the next few weeks. Also do what Rich says! Hopefully we can get a good fun rocket league games on the go.


Really glad you came here man, if there's anything you wanna know about here just shout up :D


Have a look around and post up where you're interested. Enjoy your stay :)

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