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Destiny 2 PvP


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I know some may dislike currently how they geared up the beta towards PvP and I'm hopeful they rebalance it for launch.


However, I thought it be best to capture peoples thoughts and new info on PvP here.


Looking at it on its own, PvP in the beta was great. Countdown is fucking amazing....mainly because its SnD. Great for 4v4, really works.


Also, the new Survival mode for competitive is exactly the mode i was hoping for. Probably the closest to the game mode in The Last of Us but without crafting. 8 lives each team.


So, yeah it does look a better offering currently but it'll be how the weapons perform in it when we get to Launch.


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I thought the PvP part of the beta was spot on besides for the last minute of the match when everyone had their supers. I actually enjoyed it a lot more than the strike. I know,well hope,that will change. I liked the TTK,it was rewarding to have good aim. I liked the way the power ammo was.  It also rewarded team play.  Coming from a old Halo player where team shooting was a big thing,it seems like they brought that back.  All the weapons felt really good besides for the scout rifles and that may be due to the maps being smaller and not being able to stay at a good range.  Overall I give it a solid 8 out of 10. 

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5 hours ago, TigerBurge said:

I thought the PvP part of the beta was spot on besides for the last minute of the match when everyone had their supers. I actually enjoyed it a lot more than the strike. I know,well hope,that will change. I liked the TTK,it was rewarding to have good aim. I liked the way the power ammo was.  It also rewarded team play.  Coming from a old Halo player where team shooting was a big thing,it seems like they brought that back.  All the weapons felt really good besides for the scout rifles and that may be due to the maps being smaller and not being able to stay at a good range.  Overall I give it a solid 8 out of 10. 


I agree with the scout rifles, smaller maps from 4v4 play doesn't help those weapons at all. I mainly used the AR or the Titan minigun which was pretty awesome. I love how tactics can actually come into Countdown, especially with the shields. Popping them up at specific times and bottlenecks can really help you hold a point down well.


Supers will also split people's opinions in PvP because people just want to win from good old 1v1 shooting. They should really think of a game mode where Supers are switched off.

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No Rumble

No Clash (not 100% guaranteed)

No 6v6


What a load of shit. I'm not saying the remaining 4v4 won't be good, I think it will be great but they shouldve had both.


Lars Bakken has said they'll be looking to see what happens but for the reasons we've already worked out (maps all created for 4v4, etc) then it's going to be difficult for them to make a 6v6 game.


I'm loving all the changes and improvements they're making to PvE and other elements, but if the whole idea is being more social and creating large groups to play with, then you need more game modes that can handle larger then 4-man fireteams.

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35 minutes ago, Baabcat said:

4v4 only has been notified ages ago Lee, not sure why it's suddenly lit your fuse 🙂


My annoyance isn't about 4v4 - that got mentioned ages ago, agreed. However, they've never come out since then and talked about 6v6 going completely. It was an assumption made by everyone that it was just missing, but they could still have game modes that allow for 6v6. Mainly because if they have the raids set as 6 it really doesn't make a lot of sense nothing else is 6.


As I stated above, it is more about no 6v6 game mode alongside the 4v4 stuff in PvP whatsoever that bothers me. All the key top PvP games have modes continuously at 6v6 so I just think that they have got it in the bag but its down to a stupid release plan of when they release stuff. Plus, it'll always bother me more than others as one key thing I wanted was more activities for bigger fireteams. We regularly had more than 4 on so I wanted bigger games with all.

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On a positive note, as Trials has been confirmed going to 4v4 like the rest of the game modes, they are promising that it will even better than last time. Clearly not much to go by but this is good news for the community. Whilst we didn't play much of it (i'm really not sure why though), it was the most successful game mode they had across the entire content in Destiny.


I think with it increasing to 4, I think this will appeal to us lot some more - I never went to the Lighthouse but it always sounded a great reward to get there.


I also think the change up to divide PvP into 2 sections; Quick Play and Competitive, will clearly do significant improvements to a PvP mode that quite a few felt like it was broken since Day 1. It's a proven model that is pretty much guaranteed to work and I can see nearly all of us when we do play PvP ending up on Competitive modes for all round better games.

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The only thing I think that will be missed is where a group of 6 raids and then splits off in to 2 groups 3.  Though on the flipside, at the launch of the game and DLC's it was never hard to get a fully party of 8 which would work nicely for PvP - though I don't think it has been confirmed that we will be able to make custom game modes so no FG v FG :( 


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though I don't think it has been confirmed that we will be able to make custom game modes so no FG v FG [emoji20] 

They confirmed it won't be available at initial release but it will come eventually. If it comes out at the start pro players will just immediately go into learning maps and strats too early and then spoil the game for everyone else. I get that we have to wait.

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