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Eh. Probably.

But it comes out in 2017, so it ins't really that close.

Then again, Zack "never picked up a comic book in his life" Snyder is taking charge, so...



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Well sh*t, it's actually CALLED Batman Vs. Superman.


Hey, I'm okay with a glorified Justice League prequel. That's basically what...hell...any Pre-Avengers, post-Iron Man Marvel movie was.



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Ok, so...



I thought the movie was excellent although it suffered some pacing issues in the middle and dragged on too slow.  But bonus for me, that's when I went to the bathroom. Usually after a big mid-movie action scene is the best spot for that.  10 minutes could have probably been cut and the movie would have still been understandable.


What's up with the gratuitous Bryan Singer insertion shot.  He wasn't even a cameo really, it was obvious and blatant.   When he was running the camera filming Beast as he was tied up in the water fountain.


Storm didn't talk much. +1.


I had a feeling Cyclops would be back since he showed up on the Red Carpet Premiere. That was cool.  And yes, Famke too, she's hot.  Maybe they will take another shot at the Phoenix Saga and get it right.


I loved the extra credits scene and the foreshadowing of the Four Horseman of Apocalypse but why the hell did they put it at the very end? Jesus.  The other Marvel movies put it half way through so people can get on with it. 




in other Marvel Movie News (Ant-man loses Director)


Keep calm and question nothing.

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Ok , time for a critical review.



1. How the hell did Magneto control the Sentinels, sure he could move them around like puppets, but not control their computer programming.  And wasn't it convenient that he said "Do what you were designed to do" aka kill mutants and they went off to kill all other mutants but him, even though they were looking right at him when he gave the command. Only later did they start to come after him, again when it was convenient.


2. Speaking of convenience. How about that serum that lets Professor X walk. lol.  I guess they needed to save money on that plane scene and couldn't get a wheelchair up there.


I guess that's about it. I thought there was one more thing that didn't make sense but I can't recall it right now.


Keep calm and question nothing.

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prior to seeing it, i can't place any confidence in this movie based on Megan Fox's involvement alone.  this is coming from a rabid TMNT fan who would've liked to have been optimistic about this . . . but is not, at all.


I share the same feeling, and reading speculation that April will somehow be Splinter's (if Hamato Yoshi is Splinter in this) daughter which would make her the Turtles sister isn't helping matters.


Also "We're taking your armor to the next level."  William Fichtner is The Shredder so he's saying that to Oroku Saki? The full cast and crew hasn't been released.


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Also "We're taking your armor to the next level."  William Fichtner is The Shredder so he's saying that to Oroku Saki? The full cast and crew hasn't been released.


it looked like a robot.  if it's a robot, somebody's gonna pay.


bottom line, i don't expect any existential pondering or a compelling struggle with identity when it comes to this re-make. 


less this:



lots more of this:





sadface, man.

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I'm excited about reading this: James O’Barr Confirms Jack Huston and Jessica Brown Findlay for The Crow


I really like Jack Huston; psyched for this now. Way better fit and look for Eric than Bradley Cooper IMO. Interested to know who they are going to pick up for Top Dollar and the gang, also if the Skull Cowboy will make it in this one. :)



Edit: Found this today. If you've never read the OG comics or graphic novel and want to. https://thecrowcomics.wordpress.com/


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