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No Man's Sky initial thoughts

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Started a new section for No Man's Sky and as people start to get this let's use this thread for initial thoughts and views. The early reports from critics are divided; which is no surprise because it is such a niche, never seen before, game.

I'm very close to going out and getting this today before my hols!

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On 09/08/2016 at 2:00 PM, Stretch616 said:

I think I'll love it but it's just whether I can devote the time to it 

This is exactly the same as me, i think i'll absolutely love the game but with BF1, COD and FFXV coming out i just don't think i'll have the time to put into this.

If it's between gaming by myself or gaming with you guys, i always go for gaming with you guys :wub:



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12 hours ago, L_C_Scipio said:

A few hours in, and this game is incredible. Not perfect by any means, and not something everyone will enjoy, but I think it's amazing.

Nice to hear your enjoying it Nolan! How is the survival / need for resources getting in the way of progression?

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5 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Nice to hear your enjoying it Nolan! How is the survival / need for resources getting in the way of progression?

Inventory management is a little tedious, but I don't have my suit and ship upgraded much yet so I can't carry much. So far I haven't had much trouble finding the resources I need to progress in the game. The survival aspect has just consisted of using some common elements to recharge your suit once in a while, so it's not very challenging.

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First thoughts after a few hours play.  It's an indie game at AAA prices.  It's a lovely little time waster.  But I'm struggling to see what extra stuff I could do.  I've mined, bought and sold, and shot stuff.  Honestly, it's not a survival thing, because everything you need is in complete abundance. Meh.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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