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What are your expectations for Ghost


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Not excited for it. I don't think I'll pick up another game until I pick up my ps4 and I don't know what I'll get yet, depends on who else has the console I guess.

Tired of the connection, tired of the cunts that play it.


Pretty much this.




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I will look forward ton it as usual, its my goto game ad it can be picked up and played when I'm short on time but with GTA online it won't get as much time as previous cods which I haven't had any trouble with, however I will probably pick up a ps4 next year with destiny and see what else is available so it might take more of a back seat then.

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As 'meh' as some of you guys are, a good portion of the peeps in |A| are still getting it. So i'm happy just to keep shooting faces with you guys. Currently, i'm not excited about it at the moment, but that always changes when I have it in my hands.


And IW makes better CoDs.... So i'm automatically happy about that.


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I don't think the PS4 is helping me, I know I'm getting it before Christmas so that's probably when I'm getting my next game. I'll probably still get Ghosts and ill probably be quite excited closer to the time. Just feel a bit meh about it at the moment, GTA 5 will probably keep me going until the PS4.

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As 'meh' as some of you guys are, a good portion of the peeps in |A| are still getting it. So i'm happy just to keep shooting faces with you guys. Currently, i'm not excited about it at the moment, but that always changes when I have it in my hands.


And IW makes better CoDs.... So i'm automatically happy about that.


What was that? ;)

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I expect me and the rest of Di (the 3 of us that are at all active) to play it for a few months and bitch about it for most of that time. Then say fuck it and play something else. (TitanFall, BF4,etc.)


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I'm nowhere near as excited for this cod as I was other iterations. With that said i'll def still get it and it'll probably be the 1st purchase for the PS4.

It's not that I don't think that the game has it's faults. It's just that even with the faults it's still the best arcade FPS game. I like my instant gratification with these games, even if it comes with a dose of rage! :)

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User may experience a high last for several hours upon arrival in the gaming system, followed by several instances of rage but glossed over by the newness of the game.  As the days roll on, the exploits of the game will be made known and trolls will squeeze every last drop of douchebaggery they can out of those set ups before they are patched; invariablly taking much longer than treyarch would patch them. 


But hopefully the



"dedicated servers"




will make up for it.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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