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Raiding with the noobs - Part Deux


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I would like to thank everyone who helped Mazzer, Dave and I partly through the raid last night, Jason, Matt, Chip and Sam and if Ive missed anyone off I apologise deeply as I'm not very good with names, you all must have the patience of saints to go through that with us being able to explain and take us through what we did was fantastic, I really enjoyed it even though I spent a bit of it dead waiting for a revive, over four hours keeping calm must have been a feat in itself and I'm very grateful for your efforts. It would be nice if you could help us finish one sometime as it might be a bit better as we have an idea what's expected of us now.


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I would like to thank everyone who helped Mazzer, Dave and I partly through the raid last night, Jason, Matt, Chip and Sam and if Ive missed anyone off I apologise deeply as I'm not very good with names, you all must have the patience of saints to go through that with us being able to explain and take us through what we did was fantastic, I really enjoyed it even though I spent a bit of it dead waiting for a revive, over four hours keeping calm must have been a feat in itself and I'm very grateful for your efforts. It would be nice if you could help us finish one sometime as it might be a bit better as we have an idea what's expected of us now.


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Gary, I hijacked your thread and changed the title, hope you don't mind.



So, noob raid part deux, let's make it happen. We have members of this community that have yet to slay Oryx in the ascendant realm; this is unacceptable to me.


Plumber Dave, please discuss with your noob crew and come up with a 3-4 (or 6) hour time slot that works for you and we'll go from there. Any other noobs want in, give a shout, we have room for two more. Precedence will be given to those who have not completed the raid, followed by those who helped last time, followed by any warm body willing to play Destiny.  :D


This is a fresh, normal mode, King's Fall raid.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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We would love to have another go but the times we are limited to the times we can play due to Maria's work, our best times would be a weekend afternoon starting at maybe 4pm GMT that would give us plenty of time to have a good go at it, thanks for the help.


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We would love to have another go but the times we are limited to the times we can play due to Maria's work, our best times would be a weekend afternoon starting at maybe 4pm GMT that would give us plenty of time to have a good go at it, thanks for the help.

Could you give it 2-3 hours Friday night Gary? I usually can't be online on Sat afternoons but i know we've had some decent raid runs on the weekend evenings.

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Could you give it 2-3 hours Friday night Gary? I usually can't be online on Sat afternoons but i know we've had some decent raid runs on the weekend evenings.

I'm the same as Lee. Kiddie duty until about 8ish most nights. Maybe an hour or so most nights rather than a massive slog? Just let me know when you want me!!
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However you want to go about it man. I'm -5 hours from you, so most nights by the time I'm on, it's 1am in the UK. I can help on the weekends though.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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