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Black Spindle day


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Struggled to get it for Chad and then Matt. I needed an exotic sword as it was just Chad with one and then us with our LMGs.

We managed with just the 1 sword between us. But i'm sure it would have made life easier having another 1 or 2! Thinking about it a bit more, the key for us was timing the burn phases on the boss. Basically get the 2 blights down whatever it takes,the the adds out and then fuck him up as much as possible, Rinse and repeat. Also orbs are your friend here, we ran a sunsinger warlcok and 2 hammer titans, although a bit more squishy at time the adds were going down pretty fast. YMMV but just some thoughts to help out peoples that couldn't get it done. With that said we only had 6 seconds to spare!!
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swords are almost a must.  Exotic swords dispatched the wizards pretty quick.  Legendary swords are ok for the mop up at the end.






SPACESHIP!  I has one.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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