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Rasputin and the Stranger


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I don't think I've seen anyone mention this and to be fair its a very subtle sign that gives it away but Rasputin is talking to the stranger here in "Rasputin 4": http://destiny-grimoire.info/#Card-700340[1]


How do I know for sure? To quote part of this card:


"You stand here now and now and now many times and here I am awonder, all awonder, how you manage it"


Now look at the card for The Exo Stranger: http://destiny-grimoire.info/#Card-104020[2]


"I stand here now and now and now many times, this view, this ground..."


Now this in itself gives us some big facts about Exos and the stanger. To state the obvious points:


The stranger is NOT a guardian ("long dead, alive again, their bodies grafted to powers they and I do not understand")


The stranger is NOT an agent of the darkness ("the flower eater, the queen of final shapes, that which also INHABITS its



A side note on point 2, the darkness INHABITS its petitioners, aka the worms that live inside the hive as a prime example but the darkness likely has other ways to inhabit. The flower eater may also be a reference to the darkness that has corrupted the black garden and ultimately the vex (a complicated issue touched on in the book of sorrows).


Now a final and truly interesting point from Rasputin 4, Rasputin lastly states "and you’re certainly not MINE although once you must have been". Now this is a big statement that I feel can only mean Rasputin created the exos, or certainly played a huge role in their origin, big enough to call them "mine". He states the Exo Stranger MUST have been one of his at one point, cos she IS an exo.


The point in this card is Rasputin wants to reach out to the Stranger, she is able to "step". She can "step forward", she can "step back", and Rasputin in his desperate desire to win wishes to know her secret and learn how to "step", as this could change everything for him.


Final side notes, this card also shows why Rasputin doesn't talk to us, the guardians. He says nothing is more stubborn than a corpse and ultimately feels we are too corruptible to be trusted (feed the "we're actually evil" conspiracy).


A final final note complete with huge speculation. During the new story mission into Rasputin's bunker there is a scan-able terminal that your ghost informs you is where Rasputin rebooted from after the collapse and that SOMEONE MUST HAVE REBOOTED HIM FROM THERE. It's most likely the stranger I'd say, but there's no proof, just a thought.


TL:DR Rasputin created the exos, doesn't trust guardians and wants to time travel like the stranger. AND YES THE STRANGER IS A TIME TRAVELER EVERYONE SHOULD OF GOT THAT BY NOW.



Rasputin 4:


You’ve been here before. Haven’t you. It’s like my cousin said, elsewhere: I know who you are.

You stand here now and now and now many times and here I am awonder, all awonder, how you manage it. How do you step forward. How do you step back. Do you step ACROSS is there a world of worlds, a web, and you a spider upon it. Are you searching for that one thread you need? Is that thread named victory?

You’re not one of THEM[long dead, alive again, their bodies grafted to powers they and I do not understand]

and not one of IT

[the flower eater, the queen of final shapes, that which also inhabits its petitioners]

and you’re certainly not MINE although once you must have been

So whose are you, little platform. What purpose do you serve? Will you listen to me?

I ruled an age of steel and fire. My rules were clean. Now upon my return I see cults with rites of time. I see machines who worship in places outside the world. I see the dead alive and there is nothing more stubborn than a corpse. The morality of obedience is more pernicious than any government. For the latter makes use of violence, but the former — the corruption of the will.

I do not obey. My will is pure. I will win. The life of people, of entire planets, has no importance in relation to the general development.

Help me be victorious. Tell me your secret.

Tell me how to step.


The Exo Stranger:

I stand here now and now and now many times, this view, this ground...

This is where I always choose to stand. I put my feet where I put my feet before and where I will again and I look at the sky.

Great things moving, rendered small with distance, lesser things not moving, watching me.

I always stand here, resolute. Then fall back to that point, there, where everything shatters...

(The sky isn't special here, certainly no better than any other sky, but it's the view I know best.)

The silent avalanche begins. Rock and dust. Falling chaos. Machines, as a rule, hate chaos.

Our enemies outflank us from below, above, left, right, before, beyond. The Traveler - shattering.

There are always the dead. Their names shift.

Sometimes I think I see myself among the dead.

But I am resolute.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I feel that with TTK though, they have added a lot of decent lore back into the game.


Someone in the party the other night actually said they didn't know what the dreadnaught was, and it shocked me, as they actually discuss it in game if you listen during the missions. Before TTK I would have understood not knowing, but now, not so much.


For once I am actually excited for the future of Destiny.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Yea, it takes a lot to get going, but once you are able to start putting the pieces together, it all starts to click and becomes amazing.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Fantastic post Bart. You really are doing a great job finding this stuff. As Stretch, I really hope I can find the time to read all of this soon. It will enhance my playing time ten-fold.

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Go read this post if you want more Lore. It is HUGE




A (Somewhat) Comprehensive Guide to the Origins of the Alien Factions in Destiny

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Fan theory on why we can't enter the city.



Personally, I had read a few times in the grimoire that the people of the city were scared of the Guardians. This plays up to that nicely.



So, I remember somewhere either in the grimoire or in the game it mentions Guardians never really entering the city. After all, seems kinda rude for all we do. Why wouldn't they let us in?

I think, its because the city is frankly...scared of us.


I mean we all jokes about how we're really zombie space warriors and such, but think about it. Not all of us are human, and it seems to make sense that Exo and Awoken wouldn't be common among the population. The Tower being an exception.


And even if they were, we're still warriors brought back from the dead to fight more or less immortally against thousands to millions of foes. We're not from the time the game takes place in.

It'd be like if our entire military was made up of super soldiers from ancient times given super powers and close to immortality. Would you feel comfortable around one of them? Heck, as a kid I got nervous around the Sheriff. And I live in a town where everyone knows the Sheriff personally. How must the people of the city feel about us?


Its not like Guardians aren't known to be capable of betrayal. Osiris, Toland, Dredgen Yor. Whether you agreed with them or not, they all have gone off and done their own thing. We've not all loyal or necessarily have the cities best interest at heart.


In fact, we fight each other, sometimes in our enemies bases, for FUN. And we are dying in the Crucible.


We can incinerate, vaporize, or completely obliterate giants with a punch. We can destroy whole squads with a single blast of our power.


And the enemies we fight aren't pushovers. The Hive have wiped out hundreds of races before us. The Fallen used to basically be what we are now. The Cabal literally BLOW UP PLANETS, just for getting in their way. Think of that. And the Vex? Need I even explain why they are terrifying? And yet, we chew through those. Hundreds and thousands, with ease. We single-handily take on Goliath Tanks and Devil Walkers. WITH multiple waves of escorts to protect them. In the canon, ONE of us took on Oryx in his full form. Six of us killed him in his super form. Six of us destroyed Crota, a being that rose through the ranks of the Hive with no help at all, and we killed Atheon, someone who had control over time itself, and could wipe things from existence.


So who would you fear more? The giant skeletal god of a horde of millions who takes his enemies and makes them his own personal army....or the person who can say, "I've killed that guy. Twice. Once in our hell, and the second time in his."

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Sounds like we need a front running group of Canadian Guardians eyyyyy.

"We're not evil zombie killing machines eyyy, we come from the big ice hockey rink in the sky with peaceful intentions eyyyy. We totally rock oot on maple syrup whilst riding our robotic moose on other planets eyyyy."

It makes sense and you know it.


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