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Black Ops 3 MP reveal


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What the fuck was that? I'm officially done with CoD. Was hoping 3Arc was going to go back to what made the franchise great. All I can say is thank god for Fallout,Battlefront and a list of other games to keep me busy

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Usually I look forward to the cod reveal bit since there has been "leaked" info its all sounded crap...so I had no intention of going near it...cod is done I'm full on into the battlefield series now.

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Oddly enough, COD still puts up insane numbers for sales and DLC's


The announced exclusivity with Sony was weird, I don't think much will come out that I will care about though.


Destiny changed the nature of FPS when they took the playbook that had been CoD and poured RPG all over it. (Now if Destiny could just do the same with Battlefield 4)

Games like The Division and For Honor are starting to show that customers want that style of game more, and it makes sense. 


Lastly, the entire time I watched this premiere last night, I thought about this game right here:


Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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The first three seconds gave me hope. A hope for a better cod game. As quick as they gave that hope they destroyed it. Running on walls? Really? It's not like a park our three to four step run, these guys are running on the wall using snipers.

I've never had the pleasure of using a sniper, but I'd imagine the kickback would have knocked you off the wall....

Maybe next cod game will not have parkour soldiers.

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I made it 1:50 before his use of "Seen" became way to much for me to handle. 


The word is "Saw" you dumb fuck! As in you "SAW" something


Seen is a Past participle, it has to have a helping verb, or you end up sounding like a fucking moron.


//get off my lawn

///Do they even attempt to teach proper English language or grammar in school anymore?

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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