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The Xbox One is...


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Why poorly designed?

They said that from the beginning, it was designed to be a horizontal-laying console (like a DVR and such).

It'd be like saying a DVD player is poorly designed because it sctratches your sh*t up if you lay it vertically. :unsure:

Besides...what masochist has their consoles laying vertically so your pet/child/angry wife can knock it over?

I've always had mine horizontal.



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I stand mine up for improved cooling. It does seem a bit odd that they'd say this when it's plainly obvious that slot drives can be used vertically. So either:

This guys has no clue what he's on about

The X1 uses a cheap-ass disc drive

They're blowing smoke to cover up the real reason it can't stand vertically

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I stand mine up for improved cooling. It does seem a bit odd that they'd say this when it's plainly obvious that slot drives can be used vertically. So either:

This guys has no clue what he's on about

The X1 uses a cheap-ass disc drive

They're blowing smoke to cover up the real reason it can't stand vertically

It opens a relay for the Reapers waiting in dark space.



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Why poorly designed?

They said that from the beginning, it was designed to be a horizontal-laying console (like a DVR and such).

It'd be like saying a DVD player is poorly designed because it sctratches your sh*t up if you lay it vertically. :unsure:

Besides...what masochist has their consoles laying vertically so your pet/child/angry wife can knock it over?

I've always had mine horizontal.


Just poking fun and going off of how big of a piece of shit the 360 is where if you bump the console in either orientation when a disc is spinning it scratches the shit out of the disc. I can't imagine the One will be any less of a piece of shit than the 360.


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I swear to god, if this results in a console war I'll climb through the internet and punch you both in the face.


I was posting it for laughs but it ended up being sukka bait. It's humorous because of how much of a piece the 360 is and the MS racing wheel that catches on fire and THE worst D-pad in the business ever! The One is destine to explode or fall apart. That’s not one is better than the other talk that’s a summery based on facts. :lol:


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I've gamed on Xbox for the past decade and I am mortified at how dreadful the One is shaping up regardless of all the retractions Microsoft have made.  The damage has already been done and their reputation in my eyes is in tatters. I Can't wait to get back on the Sony bandwagon and as far as I'm concerned; Bill Gates can shove the VHS-Esque entertainment box right up his bottom 

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^Well said.


I've spoken to a few people who have said that "Microsoft changed their tune, it'll be fine" etc etc. As you say, the fact is that Microsoft have shown their hand, and nowhere in their deck do they have gamers' interests at heart. Everything about the reveal was just "take take take", they made it pretty clear that their only intention was to squeeze gamers until there is nothing left.


Everyone was saying how well Sony did, when in fact they didn't do well at all. All Sony had to do was not fuck up. That was it.


I give it a year before some of these restrictions for borrowing games and second hand stuff are all implemented via a "security update" - either that or MS will find another way to fuck their customers over.


mark my words. I'm even willing to put money on it.


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