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4 years smoke free!


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Great job, Steve.  That's awesome man.  I've been trying to get my family to quit for years.  My mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, freaking everyone.  Great job with all the lifestyle changes.


Chris, keep at it man.  I'm proud of you.  




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Doesn't fly Dave, seems like it hasn't been that long since I posted it had been a month lol.

Chris that's awesome, I remeber you saying you were quitting, glad to hear you stuck with it.

Thanks man. It's been one of the best things I've done
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Nice Job!!! I know the feeling I was told to quite 5 years ago by the surgeon; he said if I don't quite he's not operating on me. So that was a game changer. Now when you have been smoke free for awhile and you smell others you had just smoked; you never realized but thats how we all use to smell (prior smokers). Again Congrats and keep making progress.

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That's SO true viper. When I was a smoker I always thought people were nuts that said they smelled it on me because I could not smell it. Now though I honestly can tell a smoker that passes me in the store 20ft away, it's nuts how much I can smell it, and now I actually think it stinks lol.


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A guy on another forum said he took the money he normally spent on cigs and put it in a jar for a year.  At the 1st smoke free anniversary he bought something he'd lusted after for years as a reward for himself, a particular S&W revolver.  Sounded like good motivation to me.

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Congrats man!

I haven't been a smoker for at least two years now. Recently got myself a pack recently (stupid) and I felt physically ill from just smoking one cigarette. I can't believe it was something I used to do on a daily basis, gross.

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