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Office 265 Gallon aquarium


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Well been using a bit of my down time since I closed down my business for 2 weeks during Christmas to try to finally get back to resealing the big 265g aquarium I built my office around. Filled it up about 2 hours ago....so far so good not a drop yet. Hoping for a Christmas miracle! because that would be a lot of water to have to clean up on Christmas lol


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Still a ways to go but here's a sneak peak. Once it's completely finished I'll post some better pics of it. Damn it feels good to sit and see it running after two years of work. The CCF cave lights don't have that purple hue to them in person, they only do in pictures for some reason, they don't photo well. When I take some finished pics I'll have to play with the settings on my camera so I can get the true color to show on film.


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Well decided to move behind the tank yesterday and today and start getting the backside in order. I figure maintenance on a tank this size is going to be a big enough pain so I wanted to make sure all the support equipment was clean and orderly so that it will make maintenance go as smooth as it can go. So spent some time routing and securing all the wires so they don't look like a big spiders web, as well as set up a little area to work/store items. Also paid a vist to the dollar store and got a bunch of containers to keep bulk foods in for the fish. Getting closer everyday now.



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I wish I had your motivation.  I feel so lazy any time I check out on of your threads.  



I think it's simply something that stuck with me from my early days of sobriety to be honest Tommy. Back then bad things happened when I sat still too long with nothing to do so I kept myself busy all the time. Now a days I think it's just something that I got use too and it stuck with me.


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Here's some pics with the dimmer switch on it. I ran the cable for the switch through the rock wall and attached it to the front trim work around the tank opening that way I can control it while sitting at the desk. Honestly the pics don;t do it justice, for some reason the pics don't look like that much of a difference in lighting, but in person the dimmer actually knocks the brightness down by at least 50% or more.

Pics above are full brightness and least brightness, it's also variable between the two.


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Setting up the water storage containers/area now. Have the first of two 42 gallon storage containers set up with bubbler and heater to off gas and preheat the water which should give me the ability to change about 30% water from these two containers.

Also set up the filters with established media in the form of matrix media, bio rings and floss the other day, and added 24oz of Smart Start Complete as a little extra safe guard so plan to start SLOWLY stocking later today. It'll be a solid month 6-8 weeks of stocking so that I don't add too much to the bio load at once, but the first few inhabitants will be going in later this evening.


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Spent the past few days finishing up the 265g tank. I will still be stocking a ton more fish slowly over the next couple months but I have finally finished up the tank and room itself. Stocked the 10" Venestus as well as 11" Champsochromis today. I didn't plan on adding them so soon but because of moving other fish in the other tanks they were getting pretty aggressive so I had to move them to the big tank. I'll just have to stay on top of daily water changes for the next few weeks since I added them now.

Some of the last things I finished over the past few days were finished up all the lighting work, and finished up the jungle/rock wall. I had some wood limbs that I had been drying for awhile out back which I stripped of bark and cut to fit into the wall so it looks like the branches are coming out of the wall and going into the ceiling as well as side wall. Added moss, vines and leaves and now have the full effect I wanted.

Once I get a chance I'll take some video and upload to show the fish better as well as to show the nice shimmer the big LED spotlighting gives off, but here's some finished pics for now. Nearly two years of work but well worth it now that it is finally finished!
















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