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Pink Floyd


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So Jsin mentioned listening to "Wish you were here" by Floyd.


I tossed a few albums back at him, and instead of derailing his thread I hopped down here.


I have no idea if you all listen to Floyd or not, but way back in the day I was intro'd to Pink Floyd by an uncle of mine who rented "The Wall". I remember him renting it at Errols video in Baltimore with a GI Joe tape. I don't think a 6 year old should watch The Wall, but I did and it blew my mind, and started a life long obsession with all things Floyd.


I don't think it would be possible to list a "Favorite" album, so I was going to instead just post up a list of their albums that I own, and how I feel about them/ What they mean to me. (As with all opinions these are my own, and will differ from most people.... Your Mileage may vary!)



• PIPER AT THE GATES OF DAWN (1967) - Interstellar Overdrive, Great song.

• A SAUCERFUL OF SECRETS (1968) - I love this album but it is all over the place. "Set the controls for the heart of the sun", it is in my top ten floyd songs; it takes you on this 


• UMMAGUMMA (1969) - I own it, but I don't listen to it. I am always left with the impression that I didn't do enough acid to truly appreciate this album

• ATOM HEART MOTHER (1970) - See UmmaGumma

• RELICS (1971) - Psychedelic Rock. Not much more to be said. The song "Careful with that Axe, Eugene" is fun. As is Cirrus Minor 

• MEDDLE (1971) - One of these Days, and Echoes! Two of the greatest songs ever. I enjoy the album but more and more I find myself only listening to these two songs on it. Echoes is awesome as it starts off as this Psychedlic trip and dives into what I guess is called Progressive Rock. I'm not good with music genre's, I just know the song brings out a ton of awesome memories from when I was high school and college, doing illegal crap and being stupid, and having tons of fun.


• THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON (1973) - So this is the album that everyone knows. It is a staple for any classic rock playlist.

• A NICE PAIR (1973) - this is just a repackage of Piper at the Gates, and Saucerful of Secrets.

• WISH YOU WERE HERE (1975) - This album right here. It doesn't get much better than being able to listen to "Shine on you Crazy Diamond" parts 1-5, and then immediately jumping into parts 6-9. don't get me wrong I love Machine, Cigar, and Wish, but man, Diamond. As soon as I hear the first few notes of Shine, I just get mellow. Its like this feeling of contentedness takes over, and then BAM! Gilmours guitar kicks in, and I start reflecting on old friends and lost loves. Its weird to type, but it is an actual physical feeling for me. 

• ANIMALS (1977) - What I would consider to be an album that starts off with what could arguably be a love song, that ends up diving right into full on hatred of capitalism. Sounds odd, I know.  "Pigs on the wing" is a great song that brackets the album, just like Shine On does. Dogs, the second track is a powerful song, and I would have to agree with critics that say it might be David Gilmours finest song ever. Pigs (3 different ones) is all about how capitalism ruins everything by creating the have's and have nots. Sheep, all about the have nots; its an ugly song lyrically, and I say that because the message it delivers is almost prophetic. (Not being a conspiracy theorist here, but sooner or later the sheep will have to fight the dogs to get rid of the Pigs.

• THE WALL (1979) - I have a hard time listening to this album anymore. It portrays life and love as a horrible thing, causing the protagonist to build this wall around him and bottle his emotions up around him. At this point in my life, I don't honestly believe that Life is that bleak or hard. We all build "Walls" in our lives, but the trick is remembering that while you build walls, you need to leave room for windows and doors.......That might not make sense..... So anyway. Comfortably numb.... AKA "Gilmour solidifying his name on every Greatest Guitar solo list ever", nuff said!
                                 "Goodbye Blue Sky" - when I saw the Wall for the first time, this is the sequence and song I remembered over all others. Its always struck me as a hauntingly beautiful track. I've always enjoyed it, but hate hearing it accompanied by Empty Spaces.


• THE FINAL CUT (1983) - I honestly can't listen to this album without growing incredibly depressed. It is an incredibly personal album. The songs "One of the Few", "Paranoid Eyes", and "Two suns in the Sunset" just flipping kill me emotionally. There are few albums/ songs that come along where you can really hear pain and sorrow in the singers voice. This is one of those. The lyrics will wrap their hands around your soul and drag you into a dark pit of self doubt, regret,  and depression over past loves. Everyone should listen to it at least once. NOTE: this album makes "The Wall" look like something the Teletubbies would sing.


• A MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON (1987) - So this was actually my first ever cassette tape. My sister bought it for me for Christmas in '87. I tribute my romantic leanings in life and relationships to this album. Specifically the song "One Slip" is responsible for this. When I was younger I never understood the meaning and importance of the tracks "On the Turning away", "Sorrow", both partially about social responsibility, followed by regret for not helping others more in life.


I don't really consider Division Bell or The Endless River to be part of Pink Floyds album listing. To be honest "Momentary..." should really be considered a Gilmour side album, I only include it here as it was my first Cassette tape


//I have left off all side work and a few other compilation albums because they don't really fit into the narrative here as I intended it.


Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Sadly, i was to young.


I've seen a lot of filmed footage, but never myself. If ever a time machine was invented, the first thing i would do is punch hitler, then I woudl go see floyd, and then maybe punch hitler again...

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Sadly, i was to young.

I've seen a lot of filmed footage, but never myself. If ever a time machine was invented, the first thing i would do is punch hitler, then I woudl go see floyd, and then maybe punch hitler again...

I saw them in '94 in Clemson. I was 16 and still one of the best concerts ever
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I saw them in '94 in Clemson. I was 16 and still one of the best concerts ever

I'm so jealous.  That would be bad ass.  If were 16 and headed to a Pink Floyd concert... I would have certainly been eating some 'shrooms, lol.




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I'm so jealous. That would be bad ass. If were 16 and headed to a Pink Floyd concert... I would have certainly been eating some 'shrooms, lol.

That was definitely during my party days.

Has anyone ever seen The Dark Side of the Moon laser light show?

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ashamed to say i'm unfamiliar with their whole catalog, but there's this channel i get called Palladia that occasionally airs this Stratocaster TV special they did a while ago.  the clip below was part of it, and i can still remember being moved the first time i watched it.  there's something undeniably pretty about it to me:



the solos kill me, in an understated way.

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Epic post Bart, just epic, and exactly the kind of I was looking for to figure where to go next with their catalog. Thanks for that.



I'll have to report back with my listening results, but everyone please share your stories, your favorite songs, what they mean to you, even critical musical analysis, whatever.



As a guitarist, David Gilmour has rocketed to the top of my short short list in recent years. When I was young, I was into all the shredders and metal: Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, Metallica, Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai etc. I thought Jimmi Hendrix was a talentless hack. I just wasn't mature enough yet to understand the finer points of musicianship and musicality. Now I can't even really stand to listen to those guys.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I absolutely love Pink Floyd, except the Syd Barrett era... Just too odd for my taste.


You don't like the "Division Bell" album? I really like one half of it but the other is pretty uninteresting... Some of my absolute favorites are "Marooned", "Poles Apart", "Coming Back To Life" and "Lost For Words". Also "High Hopes"...


Perhaps not the best album but in my opinion the best sounding aside from "The Wall".

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My problem with every album AFTER the final cut is that it is really no longer Pink Floyd.


If you listen to Gilmour's solo albums, you will see how Floyd has morphed into his personal band, that bows to his creative urges. There isn't anything wrong with that in and of itself. Its just that Pink Floyd was always about the Group dynamic, and its now gone.


If you were to take songs from any album pre-Waters leaving, you can hear the passion and turmoil the band was going through, which created passion in the albums. The infighting between Waters and Gilmour is legendary; but out of that fighting we were given really personal and haunting pieces of music.


With Momentary lapse of Reason, Division Bell, and Endless River, its missing.


I'm not saying you're wrong in your opinion. I'm just saying that for me, I can hear a distinct difference in passion, anger, and creative leanings. I do enjoy the albums, but not in the same vein or with the same love I do the older Pink Floyd stuff.


if that makes sense.


@Jsin - I never really got into guitarists when I was younger. Now though I really pay attention to play styles and passion. I used to think that Eddie Van Halen was a god. Now, I think he is a really good technical player, but the dude has zero soul for music from what I hear.


Marty Friedman - Dude! He never got the credit he deserved from Mega Dave! Don't get me wrong I love MegaDeth, but Mega Dave is a dickhole and he burns his guitarists out.


Yngwie Malmsteen (Sp) - Give him a try - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yngwie_Malmsteen

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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My problem with every album AFTER the final cut is that it is really no longer Pink Floyd.


If you listen to Gilmour's solo albums, you will see how Floyd has morphed into his personal band, that bows to his creative urges. There isn't anything wrong with that in and of itself. Its just that Pink Floyd was always about the Group dynamic, and its now gone.


If you were to take songs from any album pre-Waters leaving, you can hear the passion and turmoil the band was going through, which created passion in the albums. The infighting between Waters and Gilmour is legendary; but out of that fighting we were given really personal and haunting pieces of music.


You hit the nail with this. 




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I know what you mean. People often describe The Division Bell as "fluffy" because of the change in mood from the earlier albums. It's has a very typical 80´s pop/rock sound that's just not Pink Floyd.


I first listened to the whole album earlier this year and I remember thinking how ridiculous I thought it was. But I still kinda liked it, mostly because of the guitar solos and stuff like that.


I've grown pretty tired of listening to Pink Floyd the last couple of years though because it mostly just makes me feel melancholic.

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ashamed to say i'm unfamiliar with their whole catalog, but there's this channel i get called Palladia that occasionally airs this Stratocaster TV special they did a while ago.  the clip below was part of it, and i can still remember being moved the first time i watched it.  there's something undeniably pretty about it to me:



the solos kill me, in an understated way.


This is why I listen to The Division Bell... Have you heard the studio version of this solo? I much prefer it over any other version...



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My problem with every album AFTER the final cut is that it is really no longer Pink Floyd.



@Jsin - I never really got into guitarists when I was younger. Now though I really pay attention to play styles and passion. I used to think that Eddie Van Halen was a god. Now, I think he is a really good technical player, but the dude has zero soul for music from what I hear.


Marty Friedman - Dude! He never got the credit he deserved from Mega Dave! Don't get me wrong I love MegaDeth, but Mega Dave is a dickhole and he burns his guitarists out.


Yngwie Malmsteen (Sp) - Give him a try - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yngwie_Malmsteen

I actually really like Marty, the solo from Tornado of Souls stills slays me. Perhaps I chose bad examples, but my larger point was as I've grown older I've started admiring musicality much more than virtuosity.


Now just need to make some time to listen to music, not enough hours in the day man.




@Plumber - I had already seen that video, but I agree completely, chills all over.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I actually really like Marty, the solo from Tornado of Souls stills slays me. Perhaps I chose bad examples, but my larger point was as I've grown older I've started admiring musicality much more than virtuosity.


Now just need to make some time to listen to music, not enough hours in the day man.


Marty Friedman is amazing, I think he is a great example. I love Tornado of Souls, also Five Magics and Polaris. Damn I guess tomorrow will be a Mega Dave day for me.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Great post.

I've read that elsewhere though, just can't remember where


We should do more posts like these about bands we like

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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