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Call of Duty burnout


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I think Advanced Warfare is a great game aside from a few niggly issues. It's certainly the best Call of Duty for years and a significant improvement on last year. I didn't play MW3, BO2 or Ghosts very much because I didn't enjoy them like the old days with COD 4, WAW, MW2 and BO1 so as long as AW was great; I thought I'd really give it a dedicated play on the daily but instead; I'm feeling less and less motivated to play despite being impressed with the title. I've played about 35 hours so far since release which is a fair bit but still significantly less than many I have seen and I'm currently P1 Lvl 41. I just feel really burnt out though which is strange because with only playing about 200 hours of COD in the last 3 years; I was hoping to really engage with the series on a regular level like before with this game. I don't know if I'm just tired of COD in general or have outgrown it, but even it being a great game in my eyes with hours of fun to be had, it still can't give me that incentive to play. I did think I was getting a bit fed up of FPS games altogether but I am really looking forward to starting Far Cry 4 next week and would rather invest my time on different games such as Dragon Age Inquisition than Call of Duty at the minute. 


I will certainly continue to play AW in the coming weeks when I feel like but these past ten or so days; I've only played a few matches and don't even feel I'm missing out on much. Anyone going or feel the same way? 

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I've been feeling CoD burnout for years now.  I thoroughly enjoyed the series up until Black Ops 2, but after that... I was done.  I hated Ghosts, barely played it at all, and now I just don't feel motivated to AW.  It's a cool game, but I'm just done.  I hate the community.  The game hasn't really changed much over the years.  Tweaks here and there, additions of a few things, but overall, it's the same old game.  I'm just burnt out on it.  




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I played nothing but cod for years and really enjoyed my time playing up till ghosts, I did have a lot of time into it but once I git bf4 and learned to play that I was done.

I also tried destiny alpha and beta I wasn't sold on it at all so against my better judgement I pre ordered AW, however before it came I found out how much I enjoyed destiny but thought AW would run alongside no probs however the state of the game at launch has totally ruined it for me before I get chance of get pissed at the community and now I have destiny, last stand for bf4 and now Farcry 4 it just means I really dont need AW.

The next cod I will take a look at but it will have to have great reviews after launch, I'm not totally burnt out on the series I just know there's other things to try.

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My first CoD was MW2

I loved it, and then Blops came out, and that was honestly amazing.

I went back and played WAW and MW1, both were good but servers were dead.


MW3 was crap.


BlOps 2 I still play around in.


Ghosts meh


IDK the game doesn't change, so I feel I have to judge them based on their maps, and none have come close to MW2 or BLOps 1

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I like AW, I will play it around 50/50 with warframe I think, would be more in AWs favour but warframe just got a ton of new content for me to get through...

I was burned out after the connection issues of BO2 and the shambles of ghosts, but I'm certainly back into COD again with AW...


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