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The Dark Below - Expectations / Wants


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Lots more diversity with regards to weapons, armour and shaders. They need an exotic shader to change exotic armor colors. I want a super exotic shader that can give you custom colors. Level 28-32 strikes with options to add heroic modifiers and random element damage every week.

The biggest thing I want is a more captivating story line. They have the bare skeletons for a great loot but I'm afraid they will be introducing new stuff without trying up loose ends.

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More social stuff. The inability to talk to people in your fire team is beyond ridiculous.

Trading items, expanded eventually into an auction house.

The city needs to be opened and explorable, preferably with missions.

More options for unwanted gear. Dismantling is silly.

The ability to put bounties into your vault. Carrying an exotic bounty for a week and not being able to use that slot is a pain in the ass.

More randomness. Even if it's multiple spawn points for patrol missions. Spawning at the same spot each and every time is ridiculous.

Better bosses. The bosses in strikes are the laziest effort I've ever seen. Bosses that feel like bosses. Models that are exclusive to that one encounter, and not used anywhere else.

More diversified mounts.

Crafting system. I have a billion weapon parts and nothing to do with them. Even if it's just a temporary buff or whatever, give us other uses for them.

Consumables. Whether it's XP gain, damage bonus, or my personal favourite: allow materials to be visible on the map for a short time. Maybe one which amplifies the sounds that chests make.

To name but a few.


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More social stuff. The inability to talk to people in your fire team is beyond ridiculous.

The ability to put bounties into your vault. Carrying an exotic bounty for a week and not being able to use that slot is a pain in the ass.

Better bosses. The bosses in strikes are the laziest effort I've ever seen. Bosses that feel like bosses. Models that are exclusive to that one encounter, and not used anywhere else.

These 3 ideas look the most likely in the next month.

Latest update said they are working on the mic issue.

It also more slots for bounties will be available so no need to put it into the vault.

May not go all the way to 'better bosses' put level 28 strikes will help massively going forward as the bosses aee currently to weak now that everyone has levelled up significantly.

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Trading in some format at least with your clan mates would be sweet... Nothing like someone having multiples or something they don't even want, and can't do anything with it except dismantle it... I wonder what happened to the trading option they mentioned in one of their early videos... Also a way to upgrade or buff the legendary armor you already have and not be stuck with the same raid armor pieces as everyone else...




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Trading in some format at least with your clan mates would be sweet... Nothing like someone having multiples or something they don't even want, and can't do anything with it except dismantle it... I wonder what happened to the trading option they mentioned in one of their early videos... Also a way to upgrade or buff the legendary armor you already have and not be stuck with the same raid armor pieces as everyone else...


Trading would be great.  Your second point is something that bothers me.  Eventually, everyone will just have the same exact armor if we all want to hit max level.  Whatever the last Raid is, that's the armor we will all end up wearing.  Boring.  There needs to be a way around this.  




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Trading would be great.  Your second point is something that bothers me.  Eventually, everyone will just have the same exact armor if we all want to hit max level.  Whatever the last Raid is, that's the armor we will all end up wearing.  Boring.  There needs to be a way around this.  


it's one of the most irritating things for me right now... trying to get the last two pieces I need for my hunter to be a 30, and I get the multiple attempts, etc, but to end up looking like EVERY OTHER HUNTER out there that is a level 30 is pretty lame imho... we should be able to mod armor we like... we need more options!!!




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it's one of the most irritating things for me right now... trying o get the last two pieces I need for my hunter to be a 30, and I get the multiple attempts, etc, but to end up looking like EVERY OTHER HUNTER out there that is a level 30 is pretty lame imho... we should be able to mod armor we like... we need more options!!!


And along the same lines... the shaders!  Those damn shaders.  90% of them suck ass.  I wish we could choose which shader color to use on each piece of equipment.  




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And along the same lines... the shaders!  Those damn shaders.  90% of them suck ass.  I wish we could choose which shader color to use on each piece of equipment.  


that would be cool, or a custom shader we can have sliders to just make our own... speaking of the shaders, do you guys keep them or dump the ones you don't use???




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that would be cool, or a custom shader we can have sliders to just make our own... speaking of the shaders, do you guys keep them or dump the ones you don't use???


I just put all of mine in the vault.  




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