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I think this is accurate


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So in my life time I've played a lot of video games. I've played endgame of a long list of MMOs and was a hardcore WoW raider for a while, along with being VERY into FPS, closely following arena style FPS, such as Halo. Destiny is so great because it's a great mix of the two styles of gaming! However, there seems to be a vastly different understanding of the game between the Destiny community and Bungie. The more I think about it, I think I understand why it seems we aren't on the same page. When I first started playing Destiny and jumped into the main story it felt very much like a shooter. There was a definite Bungie style to it. The more and more I played though the more and more MMO elements I started to see. I began to get excited because, hey, I love MMOs and FPS's, so this is a pretty cool mix of both worlds.
Now as a 29 Titan who raids once a week I'm beginning to see the lack of endgame PvE content. It's a lot of grinding, and while I love grinding to an extent, this almost feels like that's exclusively the endgame. So I began to think to myself "I wonder what Bungie thought players were going to do during endgame? Surely they didn't think we would do nothing but grind?" But then it hit me. Bungie develops FPS arena shooters. When they made Halo people spent HOURS playing the same levels, playlists, etc. They're used to that being enough for people, and actually being praised for it. I feel Bungie honestly thought Crucible was going to be the driving force of this game. That's what they've always done, why change the formula of success?
Here's where I think the schism is. While I enjoy Crucible and the arena style aspect of their brand of FPS, the style of Destiny inherently draws us away from Crucible. It has an addicting loot system, which causes us to look for the best way to find said loot. I honestly think it's a clashing between the PvP system and the PvE system. Bungie thought Crucible would keep us happy, where the way the game is built causes us to want more PvE endgame content. The Destiny community and Bungie are looking at the game through different lenses. Hopefully Bungie see's this now and begins to add more content for PvE, because I feel a lot of people are already beginning to be burnt out (not me personally, I love this game haha).
TL;DR Bungie thought the Halo aspect of Destiny would keep us happy, but instead got us addicted to their loot system which was lacking.
Edit: I see a lot of people saying Crucible doesn't have a lot of content compared to Halo, so that couldn't be the case. I'd say the argument could be made that the replayability that Halo had with the extra features was thought to be replaced by the PvE experience (which doesn't replace it.)




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Nice read. I agree with what he's saying. I enjoy the grind but it does get tiresome. 100 marks per week can be capped in a few hours. Then what. There needs to be a better reward system. Once you hit a certain level green drops are no longer uncommon. That's all you get. Post patch I haven't gotten one purple engram on my Warlock. I was getting a couple a day pre patch. Reward players for playing. Don't leave it all up to RNGesus

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I'm going to say a few things.

First off, this game was sold to the wrong audience. If you don't like repetitiveness and grinding.. then sorry.

I have three different 28s and hardly ever play PvP, I quite dislike it without friends to dick around with. I am having the time of my life playing the PvE. I don't see myself getting bored with Destiny for atleast a year.

The whole thing on the loot system.. I think it is perfect. It works for this game. Just don't have the expectation of progression through RNG and you shouldn't have a problem. I see tonnes of people on reddit crying that they're stuck at level 24. The replies everytime.. grind your rep and buy your first purples.

It is satisfying when you get an exotic with this loot system instead of everyone having all of them. I have yet to find an exotic and I can't wait until I do, I will literally scream. The exotics I do have, I either bought with the coins I earned, or gotten them through bounties.

Sorry, got a bit ranty.

But if you have this many complaints about the game(not you guys, the community) then put the game down. It clearly isn't for you. This isn't like MMOs of the past. This isn't like Halo(the PvP). This is a first of its kind in genre. MMOFPSRPG blah blah. No one can pinpoint what exactly it is.

Just my thoughts I thought I'd put up. Sorry if it offends anyone, not meant to.

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I agree with you Hector. My complaint is since the patch your rarely see purples drop. I'm not talking about exotics. I know you aren't directing that at me. I love this game. I keeps me wanting to come back. I hate the PvP. It's not fun. It's to slow. I hate having to play it to buy stuff for a faction.

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Whereas I can happily play pvp for hours on end, I love it.

That said, how many of you guys have played MMOs before? Only reason I ask is that I spent years grinding in wow so that's most likely why I'm just fed up with grinding.

If grinding is a new experience for you then it might be why it doesn't bother you as much. I understand the reasoning behind grinding but not being able to see all the content without it is rubbish.


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I actually like both the PvE and the PvP. The grinding was getting me down a bit but now I've got a much better understanding of what you need to do to get stuff it doesn't bother me. I don't think I would ever spend CoD like hours / days into the PvP but I'm not sure I' ll ever do that with CoD again anyway. And the superpowers do make it a laugh

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I don't mind the grind as i find every mission fun in it's own right.

However the amount of PvE content is very dissapointing to say the least. DLC should cover extra storylines, new paths to travel and not explain what they didn't do in the 1st place.

The PvP is a welcome distraction for me, but that's about all it is

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DLC should cover extra storylines, new paths to travel and not explain what they didn't do in the 1st place.

The PvP is a welcome distraction for me, but that's about all it is


I feel that these are the two most central points.  


The game (campaign/PvE) was chopped up into pieces to sell as DLC.  Thanks Activision.  


And, I think Bungie felt that people would play PvP a lot more than they do.  If all the PvP DLC content was in it from the start, people probably would.   




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Only reason I ask is that I spent years grinding in wow so that's most likely why I'm just fed up with grinding.

Sort of the same way I am with PvP. It's Halo with supers. I put countless hours into Halo. Played them all. Used to love it. Match making was amazing. Ranking system was great. You went up and down in ranks. All depending on how you play.

I was hoping PvP in Destiny was going to be the same. It's not even close. Possibly the most unbalanced match making ever. It's just as bad as pubs in CoD games. I play to win. To many times I've had teammates AFK in Destiny and get the rewards after the match is over,all the while the people who actually ptfo and try get nothing. They do it in strikes too. So it's just not PvP. It's the video gaming community.

I love the grind of PvE in this game. Then again I loved it in Warframe. Never played any other MMO's . So I'm now tired of it yet.

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That's an interesting theory, smells of truthiness. The problem is, if they wanted PvP to carry the game, then they needed to make PvP a hell of lot better than it is, starting with the atrocious matchmaking and abysmal net code. I really don't see the point of PvP, there's nothing to unlock, no advancement, no incentive to win other than pride and 15 rep.


I'm disappointed in the amount of PvE content, but I've still got plenty to do for the time being. Just got my Hunter to level 28, so now I have two characters to do Nightfalls and Raids with.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Must admit I have been wondering what to do now my titan is level 29 but I can still get obsessed with the grind, however if nothing changes much with pve then I will get burnt out on the game I'm already struggling finding reasons to build my warlock class.

As for PvP I actually enjoy it on most maps as it as a challenge, I don't really care about matchmaking I play for my pride you could say same as most multi players when running solo however it was fun playing with the guys the other night and it was relaxing compared to raiding etc.

The story side really does need fleshing out etc

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