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Look what followed me home....again.


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Tank is done and filled. I've had the filter running for the past week on an existing tank so it should be cycled and ready to put the angels in it with in a couple days I am expecting. After running for half the day with the wood and Indian Almond Catappa Leaves in it the PH is now steady at 6.6 which should be a very good level for the angels. I also like the tannic color the leaves give the water, very natural looking.

This was my first SA themed tank I have done, all my other have been Malawi themed, and for the first SA tank I am pretty pleased with the overall look of the tank. It's going to be nice having this tank right in the work shop where I spend so much of my time. Once the angels are in it I'll post a pic of them in their new home.





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Steve this is clearly a passion of yours. Have you considered taking it a two further? Perhaps turning it into a business? There are any avenues you could go down to make a bit of extra cash off of this.


I actually started working on a website to sell them last year, but after much thought it really was gonna be too much labor/hours of work to be very profitable. Some of the background for say an average size 55g 4ft tank can take upwards of 20hrs worth of work, so by the time you add in materials etc I'd have to charge around $250 just to make it worth doing.


I am actually working on one for a fellow fish club member right now though (I'll post a pic of it when done). We did some trading for building his. Got a really nice fish that would be a $50 fish in most shops, a few fancy plecos that would be $15 each, a nice stand and 20g tank and few other things. So that worked out nice.


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Not being funny Steve, but here in London at least, your smaller tanks would go for $500 at least.

The biggest one you've done, think it was the first one, would've easily fetched $2,5k.

I think you're selling yourself short old man. Pity you're so far away, I'd gladly sell them for you!


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I agree with everyone. Impressive work and you should sell them. You know what the standard sizes are for fish tanks and possibly your favorite brands. You could design a few standard backgrounds, sides etc… and have them mass produced or do something like make one and vacuum form them yourself. This way someone wants a custom they can pick from a hand full of designs you already have and you can slap it in and finish it in a fraction of the time. I think of companies like cagesbydesign.com who charge a huge premium using crap materials to maximize profit. Even in their header image on the site they have an albino Boa on one of their crap styrofoam rocks that are impossible to clean if it poops on it. Your designs are leaps above what I’ve seen at pet, feed, cage stores.


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