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New Steam Store layout


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What a fucking mess! The 'Queue' and 'Curators' sections are completely unnecessary and take up a large chunk of the page and the blue colour scheme is gross. Far too much stuff cramped in on the main page and everything looks and feels confusing. I'm also getting recommended games I already own FFS. They've really ballsed this up!

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I've always preferred to search Steam in a web browser so I can utilize tabs. Having the option to view only one page at a time should have been addressed in the program. It's a glorified web browser to begin with.


One thing I noticed that I enjoy better is searching for titles. They don't have the "view 10 more" bullshit that always reloaded or rearranged games when you would go back to it, part of my no tab gripe, now when you go back it brings you back to the list and its in order from where you left off!


They should allow you to X out of or collapse the 'Queue', 'Curators' etc... sections. Also having the ability to rearrange the store page would be cool. I'd prefer to see the | Popular New Releases | Top Sellers | Upcoming | Specials | section on top. They could incorporate a week long deals tab and I wouldn't need anything else on the store page. :lol:


I'd rather the program let me think about what I want instead of trying to think for me and suggest 500 things I dont care about. Steam is like listening to Pandora now. You pick one thing and it plays/suggests 50 other things you don't want to hear/see. Like the Fresh Prince of Bel Air song when I want to listen to the Deftones. <_< It's cool they're trying to change it up a bit. Wonder if they ever entertained user suggestions or if they just had some hippie egghead marketing research company tell them the color blue puts people in the spending mood and suggest thinking for the customer is the best option because they're too dumb to do it for themselves. Like cars that break and alert you you can't drive.  :(


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I hate it when supermarkets change where their stock is stored and when I go to the cat food shelves I find myself looking at baked beans.


It's worse when they change the store layout and I turn a corner expecting an aisle only to walk into a precariously balanced display.


Steam you bastard, if you're going to change something make sure it works, please.


Having said that I've only given the new Steam page a cursory glance so I guess this'll be my knee-jerk reaction ;)


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I'm now being recommended games like COD 4 (which I own on disk) and UT4 which is bloody ancient. Every game in my 'Queue' I have absolutely no intention of buying or even playing as F2P so that section is immediately void. It almost mimics the top-sellers list anyway!? The Curators are just groups and fanboy followers who recommend games which I already own or have no desire to play. Most of the popular groups where games are reviewed, sees you re-directed to YouTube for the review instead of reading about the game in its Steam hub. There are so many sub-sections of material; it's painful on the eyes and that's not even considering the blue tint. 


Basically Steam seems to be trying to whore out as many games as possible. Most of them; people have no interest in buying particularly at some of those prices and others aren't fit for purpose. Any account holder knows what games are worth getting and what is not. It doesn't help that Valve have plagued the Store with Early-Access titles so other titles on their books get slammed down the pecking order into obscurity. I know a select few games dominate like DayZ and CSGO and have virtually been pinned into the top-sellers but many other games don't get a large audience look-in because they aren't worth buying outside the sale or sometimes even in it. 


It just seems they're being commercially-heavy now and throwing too much at the user. Most of the things I have seen so far, I have purposely not bought or have no interest in. It's made the store look an utter state today and features like the 'Queue' and 'Curators' need to go as they provide no use to anyone by the looks of things apart from clogging up the store. Navigating seems a mare and the irony is; I'll probably miss out on something that does interest me because Steam is trying to sell me something like Operation Fucking Flashpoint which I owned on the 360 5 years ago. Urgh! 

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