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F**K You Rahool


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Share your tales of sorrow with the Cryptarch, purveyor of misery.


Last night I found two legendary engrams, first two that have ever dropped for me. With great trepidation, I knelt before Rahool and held up my engrams with shaking hands. "Fear not young child" he says in a comforting voice, and hands back to me a package wrapped in purple and one in gold. "Try these on and let me gaze upon the mighty guardian".


"I surely would Rahool, if I were a FUCKING WARLOCK"

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Three legendary engrams I've turned in and I have gotten some shitty weapon,a strange coin and some other resource. I thought he hated just me. Now I see others suffer in my pain .

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