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So I decided to play some BF4


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Haven't played in ages. A week or so ago, I thought I'd fire it up and see how it's going. Banned for a week. 


Log in today, "we are investigating a hack blablabla". Look, here it is.


Finally get into a game, shot, due to lag. Rubber banding, but it's bearable. 


Look at my stats, level 1 again. For the.... what? fourth time?


Amusing. I can't even get angry any more, it's a lottery seeing if this shit works or not. 


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played some bf4 last night. netcode is still funked, but this game is still hilariously fun. slam mine trolling and some jet kills forgives all!







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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I've played a bit lately with the Dragons Teeth DLC and the netcode is still iffy along with a few glitches here and there but it's definitely a massive improvement from what we have seen. I can't see DICE being able to do much more in terms of the technical side but as it stands; it's epic fun when it's at its best. A big lesson learned for the future though. 


Chain Link is really good fun although the ticket bleed is a bit generous and the spawns are hellish. Still got the Final Stand DLC to come so there's life in the old dog yet unless Call of Duty pulls it out of the hat. 

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tried again this weekend. lag is un-be-fucking-lievable. and I have been disconnected from some 10k 50+ kill games on rented servers. fucking badmin cunts!

Report the server if you can. I hate badmins who think they have the divine right just to do anything because they own a server. They are supposed to be representing the game to paying customers and still have to stick to the rules. They cannot kick/ban people without good reason and playing well does not constitute to a boot. 


I got kicked off Metro once because I got 6 in one nade - I was booted for 'suspicious activity' despite being something like 43-39 at the time. I reported the server and it got suspended for a month. Went back on it when it went live again; raped the admin with multiple kills and called him a cocksucker at the end. Got perma-banned for that but it was worth it B)

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its a joke really. the server list isn't properly populated on ps3. you'd think there would be atleast, say 10, metro only 200% servers in europe...but no. so im stuck with dice offical servers and have to play full rotations or im stuck with 1600 ticket metro with a disconnect a real possibility. given that those games are nearly an hr long, Its seriously frustrating to be booted near the end of a good game.

also....admins who ban shotguns and c4 yet hide on the metro building a flag stairs waiting for people to step on the c4....







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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