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So...Xbox One or PS4?

Guest Inception.

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Guest Inception.

I plan to buy a next(current)-gen console soon, but I am seriously unsure upon which one. I currently have an Xbox 360 myself. 


I don't care about exclusive games, so keep that in mind. Which one do you guys prefer? 

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I plan to buy a next(current)-gen console soon, but I am seriously unsure upon which one. I currently have an Xbox 360 myself.

I don't care about exclusive games, so keep that in mind. Which one do you guys prefer?

I had a 360 since it came out but switched to PS4 and don't regret it one bit.

My son has a Xbone and besides for Titan Fall he really hasn't enjoyed it that much. He has actually tried talking me into letting him trade it in on a PS4.

I'm not a huge fan of the interface on the Xbone. It's really cluttered and hard to get around. Everything on the PS4 is there on the home screen. No searching for stuff.

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PS4 so you can game with us lovely people :D


If we leave out which has the better hardware coughps4cough, then i really couldn't say, i've never experienced the xbone but over a million more people can't be wrong ;)


The one thing i like the most is the controller, i find the ps3 controller feels weird in my hands now but i just love the shape, weight and feel of it.......probably not the best words to put together  :lol:



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I had a 360 for 7 years but had to switch to the PS4 when I discovered Microsoft were backstabbing twats who can't maintain a decision and have a limited selection of exclusive games worth playing. The damage has been done for me and no matter what they do in the future; the way they have treated the industry isn't for the good of the gamer. 

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PS4 so you can game with us lovely people :D


If we leave out which has the better hardware coughps4cough, then i really couldn't say, i've never experienced the xbone but over a million more people can't be wrong ;)


The one thing i like the most is the controller, i find the ps3 controller feels weird in my hands now but i just love the shape, weight and feel of it.......probably not the best words to put together  :lol:



Correct !! :)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I don't have one (yet?) but if I had to choose where to put my money it would be on SONY and a PS4.


1.) Bluntly, FUCK MICROSOFT Xeverything! I have no confidence in them. Not because I'm a fan boy of one or the other, I've been fortunate enough to have both [XB/PS2, 360/PS3], but because the 360 is an abomination. Their persons in charge, consoles, peripherals and the way they conduct business are garbage and in no way benefit a customer. (Releasing a console they knew would break, racing wheel that sets on fire, THE WORST D-pad ever made in the history of gaming, camera that when plugged in reaches unsafe temperatures, HDDVD, don't move the console when playing a game if you don't want the game disc totally ruined, etc...) 


2.) Just recently one of the morons in charge stated that they are working on having a larger influence in the PC gaming market. Trying to figure out how to copy Steam basically. Think about that for a second... Microsoft wanting to get in on the PC gaming market. The same fucking assholes who's operating system is on billions of PCs just now decide to beef up their PC presance. :lol: They have no fucking idea what they are doing. 0% 


3.) Most XBONE games are coming out running at lover resolutions than the PS4. Argue who's better all you want. I'm used to playing games on PC so I prefer to play in 1080p not 920 upscaled. "Next-gen" :huh:. (Ribbing a friend last night over buying Watch Dogs for XBONE when his PC would crush it. He said it looks worse than GTAV on PS3 at times. I value his opinion(s).) 




If you don't care about exclusives you should build a gaming PC and cock a snook at console gaming.  :o  :lol:  


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I'd say PS4 just for the numbers. I think PS4 leads XBONE 2 to 1 right now and growing. 


Also there have been a few "free" games that are pretty good. A lot of us play Warframe. Planetside 2 is coming soon. DC universe online (if you like that kind of stuff). 


I've always had a playstation so I can't comment about making the change but I like my PS4, I just wish there were more games at the moment but is coming

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I will be getting a PS4. I currently own a PS3, but was open to switching sides.

My reasons:

Sony supports indie game devs. I'm not sure how exactly, but many insider types have said this.

Sony set out to build a game console with a gamers first mentality. MS want to take over your living room.

PS4 has more impressive specs.

PS4 runs a PS4 specific OS, XBone runs Windows 8, which I believe to be very much more resource intensive.

MS seriously cocked up with some of their DRM decisions.

I know you said exclusive titles weren't a factor, but for me it's probably the biggest factor. Seven of my top ten favorite games are PS3 exclusive titles.

I hate Office 2010 and the stupid Ribbon. I want my toolbars back.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Guest Inception.

I actually have no idea why I posted this topic - I have always been aware of the PS4's obvious superiority BUT even then I have a damn video card sitting in my drawer because I have already planned to


build a gaming PC


Although then again, I may end up buying a PS4 anyway to play with my low-budget school friends who have not experience the PCmasterrace who all have PS4s. And you ladies. So the comments are appreciated.


However please excuse me whilst I headbutt a brick wall

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I will be getting a PS4. I currently own a PS3, but was open to switching sides.

My reasons:

Sony supports indie game devs. I'm not sure how exactly, but many insider types have said this.

Sony set out to build a game console with a gamers first mentality. MS want to take over your living room.

PS4 has more impressive specs.

PS4 runs a PS4 specific OS, XBone runs Windows 8, which I believe to be very much more resource intensive.

MS seriously cocked up with some of their DRM decisions.

I know you said exclusive titles weren't a factor, but for me it's probably the biggest factor. Seven of my top ten favorite games are PS3 exclusive titles.

I hate Office 2010 and the stupid Ribbon. I want my toolbars back.

I'm waiting for that day! Been far too long since i've heard a tweet from the Owl



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Bah haha hahaha hahaaaaaaa!



A Twitter user called Jamie Brown wrote: "I can't believe Aaron Paul can turn my Xbox on using his new advert. This is the greatest thing about the console."




That's the greatest thing about the console? Exactly why i got a PS4!



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