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Flex 01/05/14

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First try in Flex went really well. We had 6 guildies and 4-5 pugs, and downed three first bosses of SoO. Fourth one, Sha of Pride, came close but didnt manage to down him yet, because failing on the deadly fight mechanics. A little bit of practice and he will bite the dust, I'm sure. Other than that, all aspects of healing, tanking and damage were good.


Very good start, I would say!

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Yep, great fun to be at it again. It's still no the regular raids I used to love, but I think the only thing holding us back from that is gear. Still, 3 bosses down with some pugs who were seriously questionable in their lack of gems and enchants and I think we did well killing three big boys.

We still need a backup tank, a healer or two and some deeps to fill our rota but hopefully that warrior who joined us last night proves decent. Felt really bad getting phat lewtz on all three bosses and my co-tank getting nothing. That personal loot system is rubbish and another reason to move up to 10 mans as soon as possible.

My dbm wasn't working for some reason last night (only just installed it) but when I hopped on an lfr earlier today the timers all popped up so that should help as well.

I've also just paid for another three months on the Team speak server which will no doubt come in very handy, as proven last night.

All in all a great first night especially considering it was basically just on a whim but I see only good things coming from this.

Thank you all for your excellent performance, and see you all in game!


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Actually went much better than I expected.


I have to defend the pug deeps ttho, they really saved our asses .


We only had two bad ones, but they left quickly. The pug rogue and monk were much better geared than any of us (apart from the healers *cough*)


I am looking forward to the tanks getting better gear (Cele, Burden wink wink, nudge nudge) :P


Other than that, first time raiding with you guys was quite pleasant. I liked the chilled atmosphere a lot.


It was also my first time healing in a raid outside LFR.


I hope we can progress soon :)

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Thank god we had two pro tanks yesterday who knew this stuff was this easy, tbh I didn't expect anything else from flex and the first two bosses.

However getting Norushan on the first try was quite impressive. The sha gave us some troubles tanking wise, but we had it figured out by the 3rd try wich we were close on.

Not sure what happened there but I guess it was alot of explosions + the raid wide aoe dmg, might consider picking up amz for sha. As to one tank recieving all the loot yesterday flex will gear the group up faster than the normals so it's all fine, soon you don't have to pretend to be the MT anymore!




PS: It was fun to get started again nice to see some new faces in the mix!

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They're members of our new guild, Ethereal Brothership in World of Warcraft. All great people really. 



//Klax u just jelly I'm better than you. I also got some more goodies recently so my tanking ilvl is 506. 




On a side note, I hit the point where I need to gather 3k valor points for the legendary quest. I stacked them all ready to go but unfortunately I need to collect them with the quest active, so that's put me back three weeks. Meh. Still, glad I'm done with those damn sigils. 


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