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Mine was quitting on me the whole of yesterday, managed to just finish my second attack before it shut down. Well fudging annoying! GG to everyone so far, i've had an awful war so far but others are putting in some good scores!



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Just seen a replay of Jsyn being mullahed by 20+ level 5 hogriders....never gonna stop that easily.


Don't be disheartened guys, that's a good showing against a clan that were 8 from 8 before the start of this war. We're always gonna have problems like this but on other days we'll pull through. We've had guys away on the holiday weekend, people have connection issues etc but that will always happen because it's only a game and we live in a real life world.


So relax, enjoy it, watch the replays etc. If you qualify to war...then war!!


Side note: Diddums in chat box "1 star. Just.1.star." I could feel the rage :)


Side note 2: Kyle, I think you're right about my walls being intimidating. I think I've been attacked once in 3 wars :ph34r:


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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20+ level 5 hogriders?!!?!? Holy shit balls, gota watch that!


I think the problem we have is that we don't have many of us at high intimidating levels, they had a good 6 bases which i'd look at and say, fudge that.


Hopefully we'll get put against some people who are a little less armed next time and hopefully the app works properly! 



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Just seen a replay of Jsyn being mullahed by 20+ level 5 hogriders....never gonna stop that easily.


Don't be disheartened guys, that's a good showing against a clan that were 8 from 8 before the start of this war. We're always gonna have problems like this but on other days we'll pull through. We've had guys away on the holiday weekend, people have connection issues etc but that will always happen because it's only a game and we live in a real life world.


So relax, enjoy it, watch the replays etc. If you qualify to war...then war!!


Side note: Diddums in chat box "1 star. Just.1.star." I could feel the rage :)


Side note 2: Kyle, I think you're right about my walls being intimidating. I think I've been attacked once in 3 wars :ph34r:


I'm having a ball doing this.  I love CoC.  I just feel bad about holding others back.  Being the weak link blows, haha.  But, if you (Dave) aren't bothered by it, then I'll keep at it. 




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Once I fixed the connection issues, I watched a lot of the battles from our side against them. One thing I did notice is that a lot of us seem to disperse our troops in drips and drabs. I'm most successful with attacks when I send in my giants first with a heal spell. I then send in my wall breakers. While most of the enemies defenses are concentrated on the giants, I then release my archers and wizards, kind of release everything else behind the giants. Guys, high level wizards kick ass!!!! Not only do they destroy anything in the enemy's clan castle but they pretty much destroy everything else as well. It's just a suggestion. I very rarely lose a battle anymore since I went to the wizards.


As for defense, my suggestion is to try and have your clan castle as close to the center of your village as possible, along with your TH. I see some of you have the clan castle near the outer edge of your village and that's just way to ease to draw them out and destroy them.


I hope this helps some of you and if I'm in the wrong, just tell me to shut the fuck up!! Hopefully, the next war will be different.

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Spot on dude!


I watched some guy yesterday completely destroy a dragon with a few archers and 4 wizards, i'm definitely going to start to use them! I've tried them before but they always seem to get merked far too easily.


I definitely need to sit down and sort my village out, although i rarely get 3 starred. I did this time but that's because the dude dropped about 7 dragons on my face  :blink: Don't think anyone's village is ready for that!



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Yeah, the guy the 2 starred me sent in 22 level 6 giants or something like that, along with an archer and high level king. Lower level villages are no defense against enemies with that type of arsenal.



Edit: That would be 29 level 6 giants, 13 level 5 wizards, 8 level 5 wall breakers, 31 level 6 archers and both his king and queen were level 5. Holy shit!! and he still only 2 starred me. Bitch!!!

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I'm having a ball doing this.  I love CoC.  I just feel bad about holding others back.  Being the weak link blows, haha.  But, if you (Dave) aren't bothered by it, then I'll keep at it. 

Tommy, I'm not bothered, none of the guys here are bothered, Chris (Tiger) will give you some slaps probably but that's par for the course - if you're having a good time then that's fine, keep at it :D


I'm not exactly brilliant at this either, I get fumble fingers and hit the wrong symbol and stuff. I'm gonna give Bees wizards a try out over the next few days


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Only issue with wizards, they take 8 minutes to make and if you're using a bunch, it seems like forever. I have no issue giving them if wanted for a clan castle. I once got destroyed on an attack. I sent in my giants and the enemy had level 6 wizards in his clan castle. I think I only destroyed like 15% of his village before I died. Retarded.

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Also, for the benefit of myself and Bees, could you guys post up the preferred days/times for starting a war.


Also, feedback on targets/strategy please - is taking the suggested target in the first round like we did last time better? Given the time zone differences should we wait until most people have played round 1 before we go free-for-all on round 2


Given that you can't "opt out" of a war, perhaps we should make more use of the forum to post up if we can't play for any reason so we can get a feel for, say leaving some lower level targets for our "lower" ranks (only way I could think of describing it) to have a pop at or trying to mop them up early


Any thoughts guys?


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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They do take far too long but i can see why! Never even thought about having some sat in my castle but i still think a dragon is much harder to kill. Definitely need to use them more though because they do so much damage!



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@Dave as far as strategy I've looked up a lot on YouTube and everyone who seems to be half ass descent keep saying hog riders and wizards are the way to go. High level riders that is.

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Also, for the benefit of myself and Bees, could you guys post up the preferred days/times for starting a war.


Also, feedback on targets/strategy please - is taking the suggested target in the first round like we did last time better? Given the time zone differences should we wait until most people have played round 1 before we go free-for-all on round 2


Given that you can't "opt out" of a war, perhaps we should make more use of the forum to post up if we can't play for any reason so we can get a feel for, say leaving some lower level targets for our "lower" ranks (only way I could think of describing it) to have a pop at or trying to mop them up early


Any thoughts guys?


I'm not a great fan of the pairing off against the respective guy in the opposite clan, reason being the top 5 are usually rock hard, and so we waste 'higher level' attacks against stuff where we have no chance. I appreciate the fairness of giving the guys with lower level troops the chance to attack the lower level enemy, and if they can do well that's a really good strategy, but I think it should be a bit more of a free for all in the middle ranks, so we three star as many people as possible


Maybe round 1 should be - top 7 players go against opposition 6 to 10, bottom 8  go against 11 to 15. We have enough failed attacks at the moment that it would'nt leave anyone with no-one to attack


Round 2  - improve on what we have by learning from round 1


Swapping strategies is also helpful, I'm off to build some wizards which I haven't used for ever

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I need to upgrade my hog riders but keep getting attacked before i can reach 20000.


I also agree with Bob, i think we do waste a lot of attacks not knowing if we're even going to get one star. There are some people who have their town hall outside the walls, they're normally guarded by teslas but should still be an easy 1 star for most people. If the opposition have a high leveled person with the town hall outside of the walls, then i think we should let someone who's on a lower level take a pop at getting the 1 star because the chances are that most of us would only get 1 star anyway.


Hope that makes sense?


Also i don't mind when we game, if the app actually wants to work then i'll be fine to game when ever.


Bees!!! Did your app manage to stop fucking up, mine still quits on me all the time?



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