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I'm impressed he took a head shot from a 100 ton train and didn't get knocked out ... I'd like to punch him in the head and see if it's a fluke.



If you stop the vid between 1sec and 2 sec you can see it was not the actual train that hit him, there was some dude on the front of the train that stuck his foot out and nailed him in the head with his boot. Classic! lol


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oh snap!

turns out we are all wrong

the engineer was saving the kid from getting hit by the train




The red circled step is actually really sharp and would have ripped off the back of this kids head.

Everyone thought The Train Operator kicked him in the head for a good reason to begin with. Now everyone will see that he kicked him in the head to save his life.


// I'm not gonna lie. I wanna kick a moron in the head even if his life is not in danger.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Makes you wonder, why the hell was he standing so close to a train track to take a pic/vid of himself? Makes no sense.

It makes me wonder why self-obsessed, social media attention seekers feel the need to take a selfie wherever the fuck they go. Can't they just put their fucking phones in their pocket for more than five minutes without the need to snap a pointless pic of their stinking ugly mug? 



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It makes me wonder why self-obsessed, social media attention seekers feel the need to take a selfie wherever the fuck they go. Can't they just put their fucking phones in their pocket for more than five minutes without the need to snap a pointless pic of their stinking ugly mug? 





I know I am the same way I hate when I see people taking selfies all the time. One of my "friends" on FB is worse than a 15 yr old girl when it comes to selfies. I've seen him post at least 15-20 selfies in one day just recently. It's ridiculous.



Sennex, on 17 Apr 2014 - 11:33 AM, said:snapback.png

The only thing worse than this is the stupid fucks that take pictures of their food and then post it to Instagram



Yep that's my other pet peeve right there. Why the F do people post pics of food, or a cup of coffee, or a bottle of beer. They act like they are the only people on the earth that eats or drinks something WTF??


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And here I thought I was a bitter fuck ^_^


IDK man, its not so much I am bitter, I just know what I hate, and I hate more things than I have time to list.


I know I am the same way I hate when I see people taking selfies all the time. One of my "friends" on FB is worse than a 15 yr old girl when it comes to selfies. I've seen him post at least 15-20 selfies in one day just recently. It's ridiculous.


Yep that's my other pet peeve right there. Why the F do people post pics of food, or a cup of coffee, or a bottle of beer. They act like they are the only people on the earth that eats or drinks something WTF??


Kick your friend in the dick once for every selfie.


If you do it once in a while, thats okay.

Random things like we do here occasionally with "Try this beer" or I made this badassed steak. Thats okay to me


when it happens every course of every meal, then you need to get kicked in the dick..... IN THE DICK!

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I'm so glad it threw in the towel with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 


I don't mind the odd picture of food if it's original and unique, let's say a newly discovered restaurant with awesome food or a unheard of beer with a quirky name but when I see people in eateries now taking snaps of fucking MacDonalds or mainstream shite to share as a status update; I can't fucking stand it! Who really gives a fuck?

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Makes you wonder, why the hell was he standing so close to a train track to take a pic/vid of himself? Makes no sense.

Cos this is how we have let the standards of society slip in the western world

astronauts, scientists, doctors, generals, dare i say it, politicians, teachers..firemen, policemen, explorers, athletes, lawyers, dentists, surgeons...these are the things kids used to want to grow up and be

now it seems everyone wants to grow up to be a fucking moron







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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Selfies are definitely overused; you should see my news feed on facebook... Selfie overload...


I wont lie though, I do take selfies but I never take them of just myself (besides snapchat) and I don't upload them to facebook or anything. It is more of a fun thing to do in order to pass time and keep some memories. I do agree that people are taking it much too far though.

Kia Ora. 

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