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Anyone been to see this yet? I think I'm gonna take my Nephew next week to see it.

I've heard that everything other than the giant monster fights are very average.

Which, you're GOING to watch FOR the monster fights, so I don't think it matters.



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Went to see this beauty on Saturday in 3D IMAX. 


I don't care what some people are saying. This film kicks ass. They've rescued the big fella from that abysmal Matthew Broderick film and brought him back to the way it should be.

People are also saying he's fat. I wonder have these fucknuts ever seen original films or products? He's a big boy since birth and I for one am delighted he's back to looking his best.


The most fantastic thing is that things happen that they don't show you in the trailers unlike every single film out there these days. So you'll still have surprises. I may be only speaking my own opinion but Steve, if you like Godzilla. You'll love this film.


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I haven't seen the movie yet but IDGAF about the negative critiques. People love complaining about all kinds of things in movies, highlight those and most often the miss the point. I'll make up my own mind about it when I see it and I don't think I will be disappointed. 

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I haven't seen the movie yet but IDGAF about the negative critiques. People love complaining about all kinds of things in movies, highlight those and most often the miss the point. I'll make up my own mind about it when I see it and I don't think I will be disappointed.

Thats pretty much my view, I'd have missed loads of good films if I believe the critics.

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I may be only speaking my own opinion but Steve, if you like Godzilla. You'll love this film.


I loved the movie! Granted, my expectations weren't particularly high, because my only prior exposure to Godzilla had been the first 20 minutes of Jack Black's back story. I had to turn the movie off after that.


I didn't feel any connection to the main character in the new film, but that may just be me. Other than that, I really liked it.

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Went to see it today. I won't say it was bad, but honestly it was quite a let down. The special effects were good, but I was just amazed that in all reality Godzilla himself was only in the movie for maybe 15-20 minutes total if even that long. And when you have a 2 hour movie about Godzillia, then damnit I want to see more of Godzilla and not 1hr 45mins about some unknown actors personal life and 15mins of Godzilla.


I don't know how to do that 'Spoiler" thing to hide this so I'll warn you now, don't scroll down if you don't want a spoiler....

























When you have a great actor like Brian Cranston in your movie you don't kill him off so quickly leaving only mediocre actors for the majority of the film.


On a scale of 1-10...I'd have trouble giving it more than about a 5 or 6 at most.


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