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Badmins piss me off!


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The main drawback with dedicated servers on Battlefield 4 and many other games is the bent admins that run servers. I am speaking for my experience on PC but I see that dedi servers are on PS4 and was wondering if people have had negative experiences on there as well.


Typical idiotic things that I have noticed is some admin are just scared of losing. I've been on teams where we've had 24 players and they've had 32. I've also seen them swap teams if they're losing. The worst I've noticed is them breaking the rules such as baseraping or using explosives. These warrant being kicked for normal players but they can happily tube away or spawn kill at the fury of many just to raise their K/D and ensure their flamboyant Win/Loss ratio is sky high at 95%+. I'm getting sick of so many servers and despite many being reputable, fair, balanced and strict; there is just too many iffy ones that infuriate.


Tonight was the bloody pinnacle of 'cheating' admins; I was playing a game of Conquest on Metro and it was a very fair and balanced game at the start. It was 16v16 despite the server supporting much more players. After a shaky start, we managed to capture and hold B for a period of time. The admin did not like this as their K/D was likely to take a substantial hit despite the player count being low and opportunities to turn the game on its head, rife. Suddenly 16v16 became 10v21 and we lost the B flag and even our spawn flag. 'NO BASERAPING' kept popping up in the chat box which was an automatic message from the admin who were playing on the other team. We lost a good 200 tickets before they retreated and the game went to 14v18. Everyone on my team was getting rather pissed off including me as the game just deteriorated into carnage and a huge mountain to climb. A fine victory for the admin on how to rig a game, break the rules and ruin the match for everyone for the sake of their statistics and general leaderboard ego. 


There are plenty of decent servers around even where server owners split themselves across both teams to balance things out and have fun fairly but too many dodgy servers are popping up where matches become lopsided due to crafty admin engineering games in their favour at the right time to turn the tide.


Has anyone experienced this on the dedi's on console yet?


I really wish DICE had their own servers on PC too. They may not be customisable or heavily monitored but the cheat protection is usually pretty impenetrable and going back to basics for the sake of balanced matches is something I crave sometimes.  

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Dude, search for "scan" in the filters. They're the guys from hardware emporium scan.co.uk and run their servers tighter than a duck's arsehole. You also start building up some familiarity with names which makes it even more fun. 


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spam the chat box with "admin is a fucking cheating cunt" as much as you can so you get banned and wont have to ever play that server again







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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I wish it was possible to report bad servers too. I know hosts are doing DICE a favour by taking the sting out their costs to run the game through purchased servers but that doesn't excuse them for manipulating matches. The way I see it; host admins are practically franchises who represent the game and gamers are grateful for being allowed to participate on other peoples severs but if it's unbalanced, full of rule breaking and cheating; then it reflects on the game as much as the hosts in my opinion. I do think they need a server report and feedback feature to ensure that there aren't rouge manipulators because if admin breach their own rules; it can constitute to cheating in my book and that is something that shouldn't be tolerated by DICE.

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I don't think there are any rented servers on console for BF4 yet. If there are, I have not seen them.


I have encountered what you describe on the PS3 for BF3 however. Pay to win servers were rather common. Even you get killed by the admin just because you are in a good spot and on a streak. 


I know that you can save favorite servers. I suppose you could save those anytime there is a fair game in order to avoid the cheats.

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