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The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)


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Sure we seen her dad die and he said to Carol that he was all they had.


Bad Joe!

Back in the corner!

Lies! For all the father knows thats true. What we know the Governor could have his wife in a rape room. She's still trouble. ;)


EDIT: Plus a lot of people have died in the story and others are calling those peoples kids their kids. Like Lee and Clementine in TWD game.


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I thought this last episode was fantastic. It answered all the questions I had in regards to where and what happened to the Governor after the roadside massacre. Was it slow? Absolutely, but I believe it was needed to fill the back story. I love that fact that he was so cold when he met these people and by the end of the episode, he was caring for them.


Can't wait to see next week. Should be very interesting.

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I had the opposite finding, I disliked the episode. They're wasting time back storying the Governor. The show has been given too many episodes this season obviously so now they feel they can throw a few turds in here and there.


They didn't establish the Governor as the rapist lunatic like they should have originally, and it's not a secret he comes back!!!!! Now it feels like they are scrambling to push him down my throat. I know this was all meant to be clever and produce fan chatter but its not clever at all and fails miserably to capture my attention. His back story should have been threaded into the beginning of this seasons episodes to maintain a constant flow. Like the Sweed returning in Hell on Wheels last season; only Hell on Wheels handled it better. They incorporated what happens after the conclusion of the previous season into the base story instead of having nothing about him for 5 episodes and then devoting 1-2 just to him like a retard ripping us away from the action they built up to highlight a character that is going to die.


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I think it had to be a slow burn and that was just fine.  Coming off last week's crazy action packed episode into this slow one felt right.  You can't develop a complex character without taking the time to do so. I understand he isn't being portrayed as he is in the comics. That's because this ain't the comics.  Also, the best villains are the ones that you sympathize with at least in some way and can understand why they might do certain things.  If he was just a total psychopath, he wouldn't be as interesting or popular.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I think it had to be a slow burn and that was just fine.  Coming off last week's crazy action packed episode into this slow one felt right.  You can't develop a complex character without taking the time to do so. I understand he isn't being portrayed as he is in the comics. That's because this ain't the comics.  Also, the best villains are the ones that you sympathize with at least in some way and can understand why they might do certain things.  If he was just a total psychopath, he wouldn't be as interesting or popular.


Good point. They're doing this version of TWD's story an injustice by reworking story and timelines to suit the popularity of characters on social media.


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I agree with you on that. However, when has rape ever went over well on television; any medium for that matter.  This show is popular, to add rape scenes into it would seem an injustice in itself.

Rape is on TV all the time, and that makes me chuckle. A bitch can't get beat and forcefully raped because it might not go over well but no one bats an eye at the blowing, smashing, chopping, shooting, stabbing etc... of dead peoples heads? :lol: I'm not suggesting it be uncomfortably graphic but it's a part of his character.


If his being a monster was previously relieved to TV land the Governor and Andrea scene where he asks her to take off clothes, creeps on her and leaves her alone would have been 50 times more impactfull. Was that the shows attempt, along with showing the prisoner rooms, at filling us in he locks up, beats and rapes women? I'd have them run the subject through not poke it with a dull stick. No one should ever feel sorry for the Governor. I'm bothered they did a poor job of revealing him to us in the beginning which does make me feel like they're scrambling to shove him into our consciousness and show us how unstable he is before he's a memory and a new hope or threat is introduced.


So no tank, no Lori Judith collateral, no Ricks hand but they have a bitchin' episode where you feel bad for the Governor. :rolleyes:


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I don't feel sorry for him , but I thought it was interesting that he is trying to redeem himself (much like Darth Vader tried to redeem himself at the end). I'm not rooting for him, I'm actually looking forward to him getting what he deserves. This episode as a character study will make it all the more worthwhile when he does get it.  I agree, that scene hinting towards rape was more impactful than if they actually did a rape scene.  why?  Because our imaginations fill in the rest.  Just like watching a Horror movie and if you only see glimpses of the monster, it is that much scarier.  But if you show the whole thing, not so much.


Walking Dead has always been about the struggle to retain a moral compass in a world gone mad. There will be grey areas, not black and white. As such that is why Carol crossed the line, Rick lost it a time or two and now why the Governor is being portrayed as a good guy for a stretch.  he's still evil, he's still the antagonist but he is more interesting now. 

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I read an interview that they didn't go right into his story with the first episode because they didn't want to seem like they were retreading season 3 all over. They are still at the prison which makes it still feel like season 3 anyway, going right into the Governor as well would make it even more like that.  In previous seasons they have had a change of scenery. I'm actually looking forward to the next location, I'm sick of the prison already. And just like that one boy hinted at, they don't stay anywhere long enough for it to get bad.  Which is foreshadowing that the prison will get bad and I think they will be on the road by the midseason finale.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I agree, that scene hinting towards rape was more impactful than if they actually did a rape scene.  why?  Because our imaginations fill in the rest.  Just like watching a Horror movie and if you only see glimpses of the monster, it is that much scarier.  But if you show the whole thing, not so much.


I meant if they did his back story before the Andrea creep scene it would have been way better. Because he would have already beaten and raped the chocolate ninja. Twice if I remember correctly. Not because we fill in the blanks.


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ah I see, that makes sense.  Where do you think they will go with it now?  We will probably see a Rick/Governor showdown no? I'd say the Governor dies by the end of the season but by who's hand is the question.


Good question. The disharmony in the prison with the Carol & Tyreese hasn't even been touched on and the Governor should attack again with Martinez and the crew.


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So is the timeline this?


  • episode 5, governor appears at prison
  • episode 6, picks up from season 3 finale, catches us up for those lost 3-4 months on the road
  • episode 7, they make their way back to the prison and catch up to end of episode 5


Keep calm and question nothing.

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Machionne will kill the Governor. Daryl will be good with Carol being booted. By the mid-season break, they will be moving out of the prison, due to another attack and the fences being brought down.


This is all speculative but it's fun to see how close you can come to predicting what happens.

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