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So fucking sick of cancer


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I feel for you dude. What I don't get is why people don't ask "Why are the cancer rates exploding?"  - I think it has something to do with Modern Life. I'd trade it away any day for a rough life in the 1800's

You'd trade death by cancer for death by blood poisoning from scraping your knee and/or eaten by a Gru?



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Cancer is rife in my family and I am just waiting for it to hit me next. I've had a few scares in the past which weren't pleasant so fuck knows what sort of state of shock I'd be in if the cunting thing was legit.


Really sorry to hear about this Dave but despite the absence of a cure and all this bollocks about crossing the road increases the risk of getting it by 33.4493252552%; the survival rates and care are much higher than they've ever been. 


I'd rather have a cactus up my arse and twisted around for an hour rather than getting the c-word. It's grim all round. 

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Cheers guys. 


I was seriously pissed off when I wrote that, so allow me to clear up any misconceptions:


Yes, my wife has cancer. She's had it ever since she was about 12, and it was treated. It's benign, although she goes for checkups regularly. It's not affecting her at this point. 


What pissed me off is that I've got an uncle who has it seriously bad now. I'm not too keen on him so it doesn't bother me as much, but it is in the family. My mother's just been cured, so it's in the family too. Now my father's got it, and that's also in the family. What added to that was all the other family, direct or married-in, which also have it. It just seems to be that everywhere I look, someone's getting cancer. That's what pissed me off. 


That said, I have a very strong history with my father (bad, not good), and he has never been a part of my life. Literally a few days after my 30th, I get a call from my half sister. He's marrying his girlfriend before he goes and he wants me at his wedding. Now I don't even know if this is what he wants. My sister has this thing where she wants a perfect family, and she sounded like she had a few drinks, so I don't really know what to make of it. 


I shouldn't be put in this position. That's what's pissing me off. 


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Sometimes a situation like this can create a change for the better if you know what I mean. I'm usually the one to try and appease a situation where I can, and give people the benefit of the doubt. History on the other hand can be a major road block to that.


For example, I have recently got back in touch with my sister (by adoption) after years of not having anything to do with her (long story) because our mother managed to take a fall and break her hip, but also because she is starting to show advanced signs of dimentia so we're now in touch regularly and it seems to be working out as we have both let bygones be bygones. Just saying. 

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My mom and dad got divorced when I was around 2 y old. From that time and untim I was in my late 20's I saw him only a couple times. He never rang or sent me birthday cards or anything. You can say I was a bit bitter. After my oldest brother died in a car accident 7 years ago we made contact again. I also got contact with my two half sisters. Much was to blame his late wife and mother of his daughters who didnt want him to have any contact with us. I am happy to reconnect with him and we have a good relationship now.

Long story short: Life is too short to be angry and bitter with family. There are eceptions of course..




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There are exceptions of course..

Thanks to everyone who’s shared their thoughts…


My “dad” was also an absentee. Mom and I lived with him for a while and it was a miserable experience. In short him and I did not get along. He got sick and requested I visit him so he could make amends after 15 years of him being a ghost. I refused and told my Aunt, his sister who I am close with, that I would never give him the satisfaction of apologizing to me and allow him to feel better about treating my mother and I so awfully. It wasn't even adversarial in nature; he chose his path and I wasn’t in it. He lost out and I'm confident I'm better off not having him around.


On the mother fuck cancer subject I wholeheartedly agree. Took me a while to post this but I had the displeasure of watching my ex’s brother pass from brain cancer. He was taking an experimental drug, 714-X, at the time that was working to shrink his tumor from softball size to a golf ball but he grew tired of injecting it, tapped out and let it take him. I’ve had Aunts, Uncles and co-workers pass from cancer but I didn’t watch it progress like his. He was 6'+ 270 pounds when I met him and only 120 lbs. when he passed. I was very hard to wrap my head around.




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