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Watch Dogs

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oh man, that last one, WOW


Also, I moved back to the west side of the map, where the starting safe house is and just started doing all the missions around there.


I got a sweet assed safe house in a shipping container. that thing is just amazing looking

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I got a sweet assed safe house in a shipping container. that thing is just amazing looking

I have a couple of those - if you infiltrate the CTOS towers in the specific areas; you usually get a new safe house in that region. I think I've got five or so now. 


Just completed Act II which consisted of 15 or so missions and have started Act III but there only seems to be 6 missions in that and so far they've been a bit shit and samey in the town of Pawnee. Looks like I'll be reaching Act 4 tonight so I may have to do a detour and try some of the extra shit in this game to drag the campaign out. 

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I fear I'm rapidly coming to the end of Watch Dogs already. Granted; I haven't done much of the side mission parts of the game but I am a bit disgruntled in the overall pacing as the game progresses. There were about 25 missions in the first two acts with but 3 acts remaining but then the game seems to be accelerating to its conclusion. The missions continue to be a bit samey and there doesn't seem to be a scale of difficulty as the game heats up. Dare I say; the latter parts feel rushed. 


I've had the game for 6 days and I haven't really had any major sessions so my initial prediction that this would take 40 hours to complete seems way above the mark. I don't know how much time I've put in but this game doesn't feel long or have much substance as it progresses. 


I don't know whether to string out what is left or get it over and done with and then piss about. Just like GTA though; perhaps when it's done, I'm done also. 

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Why rush trough games like this? I'm enjoying all the side missions. Many can be a challenge. I'm still in act 1 but haven't had much time to play. I get wrapped up in side missions to easily. I did the same thing with Infamous.

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Why rush trough games like this? I'm enjoying all the side missions. Many can be a challenge. I'm still in act 1 but haven't had much time to play. I get wrapped up in side missions to easily. I did the same thing with Infamous.

I actually thought I was pacing it quite well; I did think I was only halfway through the game and then suddenly everything gets concluded very rapidly and the narrative then feels rushed. If I do finish it within the next couple of days, I'm just gonna either do it again on the hard setting or mess about with the side mission portion of the game. Either way; Watch Dogs still has plenty of action left for me but from Act II onwards; the game suddenly unfolds too quickly I found.

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I finished the main story last night in the end. Bit gutted that it unfolded so quickly and that there is considerably less missions in the last 3 acts than in the first two. I'm only 33% through the game though from the progression wheel and I've checked in more detail what is required to complete Watch Dogs 100% and I still think there is 30+ hours left in the game which is good. 


I wont spoil the ending but the one thing I will say; this game is primed for a sequel. 


Watch Dogs was an incredibly hyped game and just like Titanfall; it didn't quite deliver on release as hoped but is still a fantastic game nevertheless. The driving aspect was initially an issue but the more you play; the more accustomed you become to its mechanics. The controls and interface were incredibly well designed and easy to get in to. I found Chicago to be a real joy to explore with some stunning visuals and lighting effects. It may not have been on par with the E3 demo back in 2012 even on the top end PC's today but from the weather effects to the time of day feel; it is one of the best looking games on console these days. 


The campaign's narrative was pretty stylish and current. The overall premise has been seen countless times in movies and games but the way it was told and unfolded was fresh and interesting with the hacking and general modern online element. The characters were pretty intriguing and well written although there perhaps wasn't enough depth or drama in a few of them however you could really sense who people were and if they could be trusted. 


There perhaps wasn't enough diversity between missions though and the stealth elements were very inconsistent. Sometimes you'd be able to complete a mission on the quiet and other times you'd have no choice but to go loud. Some tasks were just too easy to wipe everyone out even without alerting the shoddy AI to the countless bodies around them. This wasn't a very satisfying way to complete missions and the few that I managed to do completely undetected were very rewarding although there wasn't enough in-game reward for doing it this way. I don't think there was any missions within the 5 acts that really stood out as being memorable although there were none that I really despised. The insta-fail ones did irritate at times and the fact you could escape cops too easily by darting into water was a huge discrepancy when sometimes you'd get into a long and tedious car chase with them bouncing off other cars and scenery whilst trying to utilise the hacks around the city to stop them.


Overall, Watch Dogs is a superbly presented game and a very good one indeed. Sometimes it feels repetitive and even bland when not focused on the main campaign but there is tens of hours of great gameplay here to enjoy. It may not be the killer game we were expecting but with the distinct lack of games on the gen so far; I don't think we can be too picky. It's nice to have a break from the typical COD, BF, Assassins Creed and all the usual annual franchises that are becoming tiring and predictable. This is a unique game with a fresh IP and despite its problems; they are definitely work overlooking for the overall experience here.

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I was gonna but then I just got the game on PS4 in the end. The PC version has issues with uPlay (unsurprisingly) and a lack of optimization apparently


There is a hack out there to disable UPlay for it. Game supposedly runs better after it

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I have no idea what I am doing in the game anymore


I drove around the city for about an hour last night dicking with traffic

Then I went and bought all the guns I could afford

Then I went and dicked with some slot machines and lost all my money

Also, did you guys know that there is a time limit on how often you can call for a car?


This has been what I have done for the last few nights LOL


I don't even know where the story mission is at at this point

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I was involved in a tough game of chess yesterday at this cafe and just when I was on the verge of winning; someones handbag got swiped outside and the game ended and I had to chase after the culprit :angry:


Not a happy chappy.


I did cream on 3 guys playing poker soon after which more than made up for it but I am still royally pissed off about the chess saga.


I even got dicked in the shell game last night. 


Bad day at the office.

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It was a glitch. My save data has me with all my money and still at the same point in the story but none of my hacking upgrades work even though they were all unlocked. All my guns are gone and online says I have to complete the intro mission again. So Ive basically had everything reset without losing my mission progress...

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It was a glitch. My save data has me with all my money and still at the same point in the story but none of my hacking upgrades work even though they were all unlocked. All my guns are gone and online says I have to complete the intro mission again. So Ive basically had everything reset without losing my mission progress...

Well that sucks ass
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