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BO2 getting a new DLC


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So on Instagram I am following call of duty news. They posted a picture of a new DLC coming to BO2. This is a first to do a DLC on an old CoD game. But I'm not sure when it's coming out or any other info. If anyone has found more please share. Thanks!

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I saw that Treyarch released a patch out of the blue the other day for the 360 and the games are all on sale on the Live marketplace. Now there's Beast, Weaponised, Dead Man's Hand and Octane camo on the way. A bit strange but there is still a fair few gone back and still playing BO2 of late. Any excuse to make some more ££££$$$$. Perhaps they didn't sell as much DLC for Ghosts and figured that many went back to Black Ops 2 instead so lets pump them for money with new content there?


I'd like to see them try and rejuvenate community interest in Ghosts instead as Duck camo isn't going to inspire many or the frequent DXP weekend events. They seem to be grabbing Modern Warfare content to save their bacon but they really need to find a niche in Ghosts to bring people back and entice them into something they may enjoy. It's all got a bit desperate.


*edit - article up http://www.charlieintel.com/2014/02/27/4-new-personalization-packs-coming-to-black-ops-2-on-xbox-360-on-march-4th/

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I'd eat a nest of wasps for more BO2 DLC.

Figured I'd need if I'm going back to it for another year, eh?

Shame it's only a camo pack.

They do look cool, though.



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I was hoping for more than camos, maybe a gun or a couple of maps. I don't know it would have been cool, I would have downloaded it and played it.

Here here.

Maybe they're doing something secretly? I doubt Activision would give 3ARC funding for the CoD that's a year away, so they must have something for them to do.



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They're already working on their next game. The point of adding another developer to the cycle is to allow more time for each game.

A two-year CoD game? 3ARC, nonetheless?

*Slightly aroused*



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Yup, IW, 3ARC, and SH each get two years per game now.

Edit: Three years actually. SH in '14, Treyach in '15, IW in '16. Then back to SH in '17 et cetera.

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Yup, IW, 3ARC, and SH each get two years per game now.

Now no one has an excuse.

If your game is sh*t, it's not time constraints.

Not expecting much on IWs front, though.

Sledgehammer finished Mw3, and that game was f*cking garbo, so we'll see.



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I may give Sledgehammer's game a look, see what they can do. Hopefully they'll go through with their "action adventure" CoD cause that would be different.

Definitely not wasting my money on Black Ops 3 though.

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I may give Sledgehammer's game a look, see what they can do. Hopefully they'll go through with their "action adventure" CoD cause that would be different.

Definitely not wasting my money on Black Ops 3 though.

What do you mean action adventure?

lol why not? Do you not like good games? xD



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What do you mean action adventure?

lol why not? Do you not like good games? xD

Dunno, that's how they described it.

I do, but I like them for them to work properly. BO2 was unplayable for me due to lag issues. Game itself was fine, nothing special, but it was broken. BO1 had numerous technical woes as well, plus I found it to just be boring.

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What do you mean action adventure?

lol why not? Do you not like good games? xD

They were slated to work on a third person CoD game. All of that got scrapped when they got pulled to work on Mw3.not sure if the project continued after that
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I'm intrigued to see what Sledgehammer are gonna cook up. I dunno if they'll continue will their own spin of the franchise with this action adventure or 3rd person game. I don't think that would fall into Activision's wishes for the franchise although they didn't want a modern COD but MW shaped the series and they got completely red faced.


Although the next COD is apparently next-gen focused; I am still worried that with it being on the old gen consoles; if it will get held back in quality terms. They can back-port a watered down game but if they forward-port a 360/PS3 title; then it won't be good news.


I'm still pinning my faith in Treyarch's game to turn the franchise completely around but they need to sort out their connection/server reliability because it's fucking abysmal compared to the fluent IW games.

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