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Post Streets update with a bunch of changes and fixes. Patch notes below.


We present the Escape from Tarkov patch notes.



Updated Nvidia DLSS to version 2.5.1 and AMD FSR to version 2.2;

Configured sound positioning settings on Reserve and Shoreline;

Adjusted sound positioning settings on Streets of Tarkov;

Increased the cloud size and spread speed of smoke grenades by 30%;

Added an in-game mail notification system for banned players based on player's report;

Adjusted the user interface for placing an offer on the Flea Market, taking into account the disabling of barter offers;

Expanded the quest area for Assessment - Part 1.



Fixed one of the causes of disconnects while loading into a raid. The remaining possible causes are being researched and eliminated;

Fixed multiple visual issues with scopes when using the DLSS/FSR of older versions (such as blurriness and artifacts during movement, lack of clarity, etc.);

Fixed the indoor fog glow on Interchange and Reserve;

Fixed the excessive vegetation sway that occurred during long raids;

Fixed the effect of street lighting glow which flickered when overlapping obstacles. The issue was mostly present on Streets of Tarkov at night time; 

Fixed some texture memory leaks that caused excessive RAM consumption when the game was running for extended periods of time;

Various optimizations in lighting system components;

Fixed some object culling issues on various locations;

Fixed incorrect visuals of some buildings in the background of Streets of Tarkov;

Fixed incorrect audio system behavior at the first indoor gunshot or explosion;

Fixed the possibility of incorrect character visuals when trying to operate a stationary weapon by two players at the same time;

Fixed the ability to install conflicting attachments on some weapons;

Fixed incorrect matchmaking behavior after pressing "Ready" while the co-op mode settings interface is open;

Fixed Error 228 when failing all QTE stages in the Hideout gym;

Fixed an issue with loading into The Lab in co-op mode;

Fixed the ability to look through some walls on Reserve, Interchange, Factory, The Lab, and Shoreline;

Fixed incorrect player spawn points on Lighthouse and Streets of Tarkov;

Fixed an issue when loading into online raid after a co-op mode raid;

Fixed an issue with insurance for an item with an enhancement that was previously returned by insurance.


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