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Playing with google sheets


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@GazzaGarratt hope you don't mind, you can delete this thread. Thought I would post and see how it looks on the website ^_^ 


Basically just set up a top stats page, top 5 for each of the mains. I just need to work out how to remove the scroll bar ^_^ 





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Yeah i think it works well - we'll have to consider the background as one unified colour as if someone is on the Light theme then it will obviously stay dark. I think it works well, cheers buddy!


Its ideal for our Game Hub pages which I've took away for rework to see if we could make something better and easier to update over time.


The scroll bars aren't too much of a major issue personally. You might be able to freeze panes perhaps that would help it? Or even effectively locking/hiding all below rows which in turn removes sidebars within Google Sheets? Always another way to look at it @Luseth 😎

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On 2/13/2023 at 9:52 AM, Luseth said:

I just need to work out how to remove the scroll bar ^_^ 

Have you tried deleting the empty cells? If you highlight the columns/rows that you aren't using for actual data you can delete them and make your spreadsheet only the size that you need to show your data.

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On 2/15/2023 at 2:10 PM, Rumelylady said:

Have you tried deleting the empty cells? If you highlight the columns/rows that you aren't using for actual data you can delete them and make your spreadsheet only the size that you need to show your data.


Sorry forgot to say thank you, this did work 🙂




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Yeah I think we're getting somewhere @Luseth! I even know I could make a form like when you create a topic to get this info but equally if we can get this on a Game Hub page again where specific game info is stored, I think it would definitely help the use of it all and especially the overall stats too! Thanks for your efforts so far its really appreciated ❤️

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