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1 hour ago, cyberninja2601 said:

They have no obligation whatsoever to carry anyone content if those people insist on being paid to carry the content. 

They have made the obligation by allowing for all news media to be published unrestricted. Banning news rather than just not allowing monetisation would then put the onus on Australia to withdraw or continue as is. An outright ban the main issue here. Facebook could have left it until legislation hit and then Australia would've had to walk to comply with the laws they approved.  To censor the whole country and put livelihoods at risk is an astonishing action motivated more by money and politics rather than ethics. 


It also contradicts the concept after they have been negotiating a news platform for months which has already been executed but just because Australia turned it into legally-binding legislation, it becomes a democracy grab where rules are different between countries even though the fundamentals are the same. 


It would be like Activision suddenly charging EU countries £249.99 to play Warzone because there was a draft legislation in Belgium that would put restrictions on in-game purchases by 2027 or YouTube suddenly taking 100% of revenue from content creators because they can as it's their platform. Or even Twitch suddenly wanting 100% of donations and ad revenue. Just completely unreasonable and if such frameworks are in place then this should be extended globally without punishing countries that want to protect people and companies against corporate greed or power grabs.


Facebook should have put the ball in Australia's court because no matter how scummy, as you and Dave have said, they are under no obligation to pay for the content but once they start blocking content without a basis or through other media's that have no say then it opens up more ethical doors. Their obligation is to allow for news to be published as per their fair use policy and if Australian law wants to see shared income on 3rd party publications then they will have to find a platform willing to do so or remain contained within its own business. 

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1 hour ago, Plumbers Crack said:

That’s called business....if the Aussie press or media don’t like it, then remove the link that they installed. As I said earlier, FB doesn’t take the media, the Aussie media uploads it themselves.

It sure is business but banning all news output from the country is an insane action to take and not even willing to negotiate because of potential legislation is a pretty tasteless move especially when the likes of the UK have successfully negotiated an balanced framework between all parties. I think it's a very unethical thing to do and goes against the alleged core values that Facebook has banded around over the years. Canada and the EU are also drawing up legislation that will fall in-line with Australia so it will be interesting to see what Facebook do when more is at stake especially if existing competition laws are stacked into consideration. 

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1 hour ago, Plumbers Crack said:

I wouldn’t normally side with FaceAche but I think they have a point here....as I understand it, most major TVnetworks and media channels have a FB presence because they ASK for it and post content there themselves, FB doesn’t just take it. 

The problem is Facebook taking money for the free media. These news pages are in the hundreds of thousands each week globally and Facebook takes the whole share rather than publish the pages for free or offers a commission back. Several deals have already been struck with publications so this should also be the standard applied to other counties irrespective of a deal being set in stone. 


Stories from the Guardian, Daily Mail, Economist and more will appear in a dedicated feed


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Absolute disgrace - essentially banning Australia from accessing basic news because Facebook would have to comply with a law that pays the publisher of the article a cut rather than reap all the income for themselves by embedding the page. Not only does this annihilate democracy, it stops people accessing crucial pages and has even impacted jobs from innocent people caught in the crossfire. It's a sad day to see a giant corporation trying to override a government this way whilst kicking the media in the teeth by siphoning off their work. Sadly it will likely just lead to negotiation rather than severe action.  Australia is one of the few nations left that don't bow to such bollocks so I hope they don't buckle. 


It comes in response to a proposed law that would force the company to pay publishers for content.


I remember having a debate about 12 years ago at an old job where people said Facebook was just a social site for friends to connect like Bebo and Myspace - I was even branded a paranoid conspiracy nutjob when I remotely suggested Facebook would grow its presence for sheer global power, the control information and extreme wealth! 

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EU have done a humiliating u-turn after widespread condemnation but the damage is done. They've essentially shown their true colours as malicious dictators to the world. Not only were they so triggered by a comment made by the health secretary regarding the speed of our approval process thanks to Brexit, I'm willing to bet they didn't want to buy into the AstraZeneca vaccine purely on the basis it was of British origin. It's the only reason as to why their approval process would be 3 months late which also coincided with the release of other non-UK vaccine variants.


UK might be better off out of that toxic shithole after all. I just feel bad for the people of Europe having to suffer because of incompetence and childishness by fully grown politicians.   

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EU's conduct today has been absolutely disgraceful - First they threw a tantrum a few weeks ago because the UK approved the AstraZeneca very quickly and now they are trying to steal 3.5m doses of the vaccine by using a fake German news article saying that it's only 10% successful against Covid in the over 65's in a shameful bid to divert supply and put many vulnerable lives at risk here. They only approved the vaccine themselves today and have further thrown Northern Ireland under the bus in some outrageous revenge bid to cause the utmost friction. Maybe if they moved their arses as a matter of urgency instead of picking and choosing at the 11th hour, they wouldn't have a supply issue with prospective orders going unfulfilled to paying countries instead. 


Those bureaucratic bastards have let down their own member states and are childishly passing the buck in the most despicable way possible. If they provisionally adopted the AstraZeneca vaccine and started the approval process last year; not only would they have stock, there could've also been extra temporary supply depots created within the EU. Instead they've left it to the last minute and are now scrambling in the most desperate way possible.  We saw them confiscate ham from sandwiches the other week which was hilarious but this is far more serious. The people are the ones suffering whilst the suits just want to squabble - the vaccine being made political is what everyone feared. 

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100,000 is an horrific milestone - we were just too slow off the mark to take strong preventative action. The Cheltenham festival should have been postponed along with the Liverpool v Athletico Madrid game. Both those events were responsible for an early surge and a window of action was there to be taken.  The most significant one was the amount of overseas people returning to the UK from high-risk places such as Milan and Madrid who weren't tested at either end and nor were they told to isolate. We did get a grip on it through the summer but people became far too relaxed whilst others, especially in the East of England persistently violated any restrictions in place. BLM protests did not help along with the insane numbers at beaches down south. Several politicians have also violated the guidelines they supported which was a huge kick in the teeth. That Scottish SNP one who berated Cummings yet she went up and down the country having taken a test, neglected to isolate and was found to have Covid potentially infected tens. She then claimed Covid impaired her decision making which was the ultimate insult. Thank fuck she has been charged criminally. 


Labour have been vocal but have offered fuck all in strategic terms - their entire purpose is sit on the fence, point out mistakes after they've happened and then play the hindsight card to make themselves look good. The amount of political point scoring attempts by them through this process has been disgusting and now even the vaccine has gone political with the EU who are clearly still bitter after Brexit. The political landscape in this country is beyond fucked so matter who you follow - they are all a bunch of clueless, dishonest clowns. I've lost count of how many said a second lockdown was an overreaction and not needed and now the same ones area saying we cannot lift the third one anytime soon!


The only way out of this would be to take the number of cases down, get everyone vaccinated and then employ strict control and trace methods with enforcement on par with Australia, New Zealand and China. This will no doubt trigger the Piers Corbyn crew of conspiracy theorists and other nutters but it's the only way forward to normality. Thankfully the vaccine roll-out is off to a strong start and the UK currently sits behind Israel in leading the way so whilst other countries in Europe deal with bureaucratic red tape, we can at least set an example in this respect.  


The good news is the rich continue to get richer especially the mega corporations. Cannot wait to buy my fruit and veg from Amazon and my Newspaper from Facebook in the future. 

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Ellen DeGeneres
13 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Any back story/recent info @J4MES OX4D ? I genuinely haven't seen any of it, maybe cos i don't get drawn to her programmes in the first place! I don't normally check trending threads either, however i'm finding myself do it more and more to my own annoyance so perhaps she'll pop up soon?

Basically her 17 year show has come under fire and is subject to a major investigation by Warner Media for behind the scenes bullying, general workplace toxicity, racism, and abetting sexual harassment. Ellen has also been accused of some stuck up behaviour where staff are not allowed to talk or even look at her and guests have reported being treated disgustingly off-camera.  She also tried to dramatically reduce her staff's income when the lockdown began despite being a multi-millionaire and then shunned her entire team and started producing in-house to keep the money rolling in sourcing other (cheap) people instead. Ellen also said that lockdown was like being in prison despite sitting in her $27,000.000 mansion at the time.


She has this 'I'm the nicest person alive' persona and is known for giving small amounts of money to charity to maintain the charade but more and more very credible people are coming out with allegations amounting to some pretty damning things. The latest one which seems to be verified as true was going above and beyond to get a waitress fired for having a chipped nail. Another one was a famous YouTube beauty guest who she refused to speak to off camera but when the show started, she carried on like they were best friends. 


For years she's had this untouchable power that many LA idiots have lapped up but I've never really bought into her brand of bullshit so this saga isn't surprising but for many, it's shaken the celeb world to its core and the accusations keep on piling up. She is basically the US female Jimmy Saville🤣

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Ellen DeGeneres

I was wondering what's people's general opinion of this cunt? She seems to be getting a lot of flak lately since the lockdown while she's been 'imprisoned' in her mansion. There's been bullying accusations on her show and a generally toxic atmosphere plus people have come out of the woodwork to say what they really think after meeting her. 


I've personally never understood her popularity - she seems awfully stuck up and her audience seem like screaming lap dogs who worship anything that comes out of her mouth. I've also never bought into her 'be kind' motto when she doesn't seem to give a shit about anyone that isn't being paid the same amount of money as her.  


We seem to live in this culture where it's easy to pile on somebody without basis, but in this case it seems like people are finally coming forward with credibility and Ellen isn't the scary force she once was in the industry. 

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Lebanon Explosion

Storing over 2,000 tonnes of ammonium nitrate next to a fireworks factory wasn’t a good idea. The explosion was heard and felt as far away as Cyprus and the scale of the damage is astonishing. Currently 70+ confirmed dead and 4,000 casualties. Absolutely horrific scenes all round!

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Top 10 games of PS4 generation

Not sure if I can muster up ten right now or put them in order but here's a few of my faves:-


God of War, The Last of Us Remastered, Uncharted Collection Remastered, Bloodborne, Shadow of the Colossus Remastered, Red Dead Redemption 2, Detroit Become Human, Spiderman. 

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29 minutes ago, phil bottle said:

It does shine a light in a certain type of mentality. This is not some backwater hick with a granddaddy in the kkk, it's an intelligent and affluent suburban with likely a good and expensive education. The bubbles people live in...

She looks like one of those extremist feminist types. She probably would have played the sexual harassment or even assault card had he been white. People like that are so malicious and mentally unstable that they pose a danger to society. 

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