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here are the champs I now have and my impression


Alistar, good at top and nice head butt but I don't play him much


Annie, Great for the middle and alright. The bear can come in handy by does not seem as controllable as what the bots can do. Just so so


Ash, great for bottom and haven't played her in a while. People seem to prefer bot and I am more than happy to let them have it


Garen, Good at top but rather boring to use for me


master yi, fun to use and good top and bottom. I need to use it better however because he is far from being my best


Nunu, just started with him but simply awesome jungler and down the middle. Had 7 kills in a row with him today and a triple kill. Use him to speed up the ADC with Sona provide health support and it's pretty incredible. His buffs make him a natural for the jungle. His ultimate with the right gear is crazy good


Soraka, haven't really used her.


Tristana, my favorite range one. Good in the middle. Need to figure out the gear for her better


Trydamere, he's worth trying. Amazing on top or in a solo lane with blood lust and lots of melee buff. Had a few real good games with him


Udyr, good jungler and top. Kind of slow but can be fun. Trydamere, nunu and warwick are more fun and preferred however


Warwick, favorite jungler. He's so hardy in the jungle that it takes no time at all to get to the ultimate. Just put some armor on him and you don't even need potions. I tend to play him a lot if the rotation is not very interesting.


Had Jarvan, it was a disappointment. I was hoping he would be as good as what I have seen but he hasn't worked for me that well.


I did like Voldibear and might get him. Wasn't great with him but he was fun. 


I keep seeing Tommy with Ziggs and that seems like a lot of fun too, I might try to get him as well. 


Anyways, Nunu, Warwick and Trydamere will probably get the bulk of my playing time for the next little while

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I wanted to try Lee Sin but never got around to it.  I think I'd really like him. 


I haven't tried Nami. 


Hey Pat, how many champs are you up to now?  Mind listing them (in order that you prefer them)? 




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I wanted to try Lee Sin but never got around to it.  I think I'd really like him. 



Lee-Sin is a bunch of fun. You have to be on point with your mechanics/skill-shots to be successful with him though. Once you do get him down he is one of the most rewarding champions to play in my opinion. 

Kia Ora. 

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Lee-Sin is a bunch of fun. You have to be on point with your mechanics/skill-shots to be successful with him though. Once you do get him down he is one of the most rewarding champions to play in my opinion. 

I'm generally pretty good with skill shots.  I think I'd like him a lot.  Once I'm done with my rune purchases, I'm probably going to buy him. 




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I have 12


Here's the order


- Warwick (Jungle, I seem to play him well most of the time)

- Tryndamere (top)

- Nunu (Jungle or support) 

- Corki (mid or bot)

- Tristana (mid)

- Annie (mid)

- Udyr (top, disappointed with him in Jungle)

- Master Yi 

- Alistar  (I don't play them much pass this but you wanted them listed)

- Ash  

- Soraka

- Garen 



I need to get Nami, she was really good. I need a good support champ that I like and she was tops for me. There are some good lower tier one but I didn't end up liking them as much as I did Nami.

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That's a solid line up for sure, Pat.  Nice choices.  


So you don't care for Ash, Soraka, or Garen?  I love all three of them :)  


I haven't played Tryndamere yet, but he looks like an absolute beast in this game.  


Udyr is supposed to be a really good Jungler, I've never played him, but I've seen Heiman do really well with him in the Jungle.  


I'm surprised to see Master Yi that low on your list too.  He's really good if you get fed early.  I like playing him Mid lane, but Top is fun too.  


Thanks for posting those man, I love seeing what others think of different champions.  




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Soraka I didn't like at all. I found that her spells just weren't something I liked. Ash and Garen have had little play time because I found the others more fun and interesting. I don't even remember using Garen. 


Tryndamere can solo top and still get pretty good kills. Get a good Jungler as well in there and you got a great combination. He's also good a supporting because of his slow. You do need to emphasize melee items and critical strikes. So it can be a little slow at first.


Udyr isn't that good in the Jungle in my opinion. Too slow. 


There's nothing wrong with Yi except that I have other champs I like better for the roles that he is well suited for. I probably would need to spend more time figuring item lists for him that work with his skills and I haven't. I used him early when I didn't really know what I was doing. Could be why he did not make a better impression. 

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Yi is a wrecking machine. I bet you'd like him more now that you know what you're doing. He can get multi-kills easy. I've got a good build I'll send you if you want.

Soraka is my favorite support. Taric is a close second.




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Udyr is an amazing jungler for the more experienced. His stun paired with excenllent timing on ganks is a definite kill for your top or bottom lane which puts that lane ahead. Yi is only good if he gets fed early, and just needs to be part of the cleanup crew because his Q resets on kills. Tryndamere is a complete prick to play against. An OP ult that encourages tower diving, a slow, plus being able to esacpe easily with his axe spin? Plus he doesn't die, and doesn't take much skill IMO, all you have to do it auto attack and win. Soraka and Taric are good supports, but no one plays them much because other supports outshine them much more, such as Zyra and Thresh. Alistar is mainly used as support now, but you don't see him much because again, other supports outshine him. Nunu gets banned. Tristana is a good ADC, and an amazing AP is you play her well mid. She can burst someone down with her combo in like 3 seconds with her W, E, then R. And lastly. I've been loving playing Annie as support. It's something I saw in the LCS and is amazing. If you line up her stun with Ult at level 6 bot lane with a competent ADC, it's a forsure kill.

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Yi is a wrecking machine. I bet you'd like him more now that you know what you're doing. He can get multi-kills easy. I've got a good build I'll send you if you want.

Soraka is my favorite support. Taric is a close second.



Sure go ahead a send it please. I've tried to get mid with him a couple of times but someone always calls mid before I do


Otherwise I guess I'll continue with  that complete prick to play against Tryndamere with his OP ult that encourages tower diving, a slow, plus being able to escape easily with his axe spin and doesn't die skilless champ :) 

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Can any of you recommend me a champ? I've been using Fiddlesticks and he's an absolute boss. Also been enjoying Warwick. I only have those and Ashe right now but I was going to buy a tenners worth of RP to buy a champ, cheers


What lane do you prefer?


Top: Darius, Pantheon, or Garen

Mid: Ziggs, Master Yi, Brand

Bot ADC: Graves, Caitlyn

Jung: Nunu

Support: Soraka, Taric




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