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  • Rival-9 SMG On Shipmas
    Bryson 800 On Shoothouse
    Shotgun Power! 
    Airfield annihilation
    Tec-9 Slays
    Join a match in progress on the map Diesel.
    DM Ultra Tec-9 R.I.P other team. 🙃
    Pat's Maiden Raid....Last Go!!
    We were getting fed up near the end, so this was our LAST go at Crota Hard on @cyberninja2601 (Pat) maiden Destiny raid run.



  1. GTAV Fridays: What A Laugh!  

    GTA V - Started by ,

    That was as funny editing as it was playing, GGFG
  2. Wrong place, wrong time...

    DayZ - Started by ,

    So Aaron (nutcutlit), one of his friends called Jim and I were driving around Chernarus about to find a spot to log out last night when what follows happened... Jim's footage revealed that the three of us got wiped by a single friggin dude who somehow managed to find an M4 on an official server, which is about as rare as stumbling upon a unicorn in your neighbourhood park. Car stalled going uphill. This really was us being in the wrong place at the worst of times. Enjoy my POV of this utter fuck-up! 😄
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