Call of Duty
How to S&D
Call of Duty - Started by Stretch616,What happens when you being a knife (& shield) to a gun fight!!
3 FG MLGers Go Down - FGer Game Choice Night
Call of Duty - Started by GazzaGarratt,Highlight of the whole evening. Played a blinder against the elite of FG. Suffice to say we haven't seen them surface since they got brutally murdered by Gumball GazzaGarratt 😎
Clips and Best Bits
Call of Duty - Started by tronic44,I'll do more of these, if people want to start saving clips.
The Darkest Shore - The Furthest We’ve Been
Call of Duty - Started by tronic44,Phil and I finally manage to get further than the fire floor!
If anyone fancies joining us at any time, then give us a shout. I feel we need, at least, another person to be able to complete it.
COD WW2 - Big Tings
Call of Duty - Started by tronic44,Unfortunately these are the only clips i have.