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Call of Duty

  1. Warzone | Reckless  

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

    Such reckless behaviour
  2. Stretch Doing His Thing

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

    Stretch going on a mega streak!
  3. How to S&D

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

    What happens when you being a knife (& shield) to a gun fight!!
  4. tronic44: Ferr Dayzz

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

    Throwback time! An old MW3 Montage
  5. The shot of dreams

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

  6. God I love the SDM

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

  7. Cheeky tomahawk

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

  8. 3 FG MLGers Go Down - FGer Game Choice Night

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

    Highlight of the whole evening. Played a blinder against the elite of FG. Suffice to say we haven't seen them surface since they got brutally murdered by Gumball GazzaGarratt 😎
  9. Blops 4 | Blackout - Learning to Fly

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

    I hear everything!
  10. Clips and Best Bits

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

    I'll do more of these, if people want to start saving clips.
  11. The Darkest Shore - The Furthest We’ve Been

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

    Phil and I finally manage to get further than the fire floor!
    If anyone fancies joining us at any time, then give us a shout. I feel we need, at least, another person to be able to complete it.
  12. COD WW2 - Big Tings

    Call of Duty - Started by ,

    Unfortunately these are the only clips i have.
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