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  1. GazzaGarratt


    The brand new game coming from Bungie. For me it was the standout trailer based on looks and idealogy of what they are trying to create. Whats even better is that Bungie released a ViDoc separately which explains shows some more insight into the game. Clearly, I'll give Bungie a lot more time personally because they've become one of the more transparent game developers out there and have been the most consisitent in the past 6-7 years. This looks very different to what they've done before but must be taking some ideas from where Escape from Tarkov has changed the PvP gaming space. Some great people involved in that ViDoc that brought the best years to Destiny and Halo. I'm pretty sure I'll be seeing this game and convos gather interest here just like CoD and Destiny has in the past. Thoughts everyone?
  2. A new trailer released just before it went live: Well, firstly i'd say that when I looked at the pricing model, I did think this was going to be overpriced in some ways versus the seasons and upcoming DLC in Feb 2022. However, yesterday was absolute blast. It was like opening the game and everything wacky, fun as hell to do was right there to do yesterday. I think what has also helped is that we have Iron Banner and Moments of Triumph that have started on the same day so it felt like you could pretty much go anywhere and do something fun. What I like most about it though, is it is exactly what they've been saying it was for weeks on social media. They knew it was going to be exactly connected to story but more of a celebration for all things Bungie related. What we got was a Xur and Horsey playing Wheel of Fortune Gameshow with tons of randoms Power Ups alongside some fun, simplistic mechanics. The Dungeon is also just really good fun for anyone that wants to have a real laugh at watching your mates get spiked by accidentally hitting a pressure pad or a lever. @Ajay , @ImRyzxn and myself spent over an hour just dying and laughing away, finding our way through it 🤣 Is much of the content easy? Yeah, I think so. But they also shipped stuff with Master difficulties to be challenged a little more and there are triumphs to grab that will give you some pretty cool emblems and other cosmetics. Loot? Well, if you love Halo like I do, the fact you now can get the CE Pistol and Battle Rifle from Halo in the game is absolutely awesome. The Battle Rifle scope is just like what you would expect, detailed for a long range Pulse Rifle. Cosmetics/Ornaments - There are some great new emotes and some crazily good ornaments. One of which makes me want to start using a Warlock more (yes, I did say that). The Titan has a Burning Tiger Helmet which i'm so looking forward to getting. Oh, and I nearly forgot. Xur and Starhorse's inventory in the 'Eternity' space now on the overall Map, feels like there is a ton of stuff to do and doesn't feel grindy on the face of it. Time will tell of course. How is everyone else finding it? Truly surpised for a 20 quid DLC unexpected at this time.
  3. What's a Xûr? Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the four Worlds, depending on planetary alignments and Bungie's whim. Xur sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them. TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it’s coal. When does Xûr visit? Xûr visits every Friday at 9:00AM UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.
  4. This topic has been coming up more frequently lately. So, show of hands - who is on PC for Destiny 2/willing to be on PC for Destiny 2? Feel free to post thoughts below.
  5. In the This Week At Bungie (TWAB) post this week, they've explained within the next Festival of the Lost event coming up soon, they get the chance to offer one concept armour via Eververse (so real money)...so, which one are you?! Lets see which wins a poll here! #TeamDino or #TeamMonster ?! Both sets look incredible if you ask me! Lets hope its one of those things to spin up some PR and we get both! Can't deny I'm team dino, but the more I look at them, the more I prefer the monster versions!
  6. Press release from Bungie website: Bungie Prepares for Future Growth in 2021 > News | Bungie.net WWW.BUNGIE.NET This is pretty significant news for a company that is now out there on its own, its clearly very successful still on the back of the current state of the game via the income streams they get as to create a whole new International HQ in the middle of Europe is a statement of intent that Destiny 2 is here to stay and grow longer, alongside whatever their brand new IP will be (out before 2025). The fact there has always been huge debate on how good or bad a season is and the huge amount of feedback they receive to keep improving the game shows there is a massive desire for the Destiny Universe to carry on. With more and more people that I see online and out in the media/streamer section, people are either picking it up for the first time or returning with better/improved views of the state of the game. It'll always have 'droughts' or quieter spells and i'm glad it does. This game should strive to survive alongside other games rather than be the only game to be played. The past few months they are nailing that without the severe FOMO and grind that was always with Destiny.
  7. Weekly reset thread
  8. Taken from Bungie.net THIS WEEK AT BUNGIE – 9/12/2019 0h - dmg04 This week at Bungie, we’re looking into the near future. We’ve talked a lot about how Shadowkeep will change the way we play Destiny, and we’re not even done yet. We’ll have more to say before October 1 about how the game is about to evolve. There might even be a final pre-launch Bungie ViDoc about Year Three next week, but that’s not my promise to make. Keep your eyes up. Seeing Guardians rejoin Eris on the Moon for a new adventure is not the only thing we’re looking forward to when we daydream launch day. As this new campaign against the minions of the darkness begins, a new Season of Destiny gameplay will begin with it – followed by three additional seasons of updates. We’re about kick off a whole new year of explorations, rewards, and surprises. But not everything should be left to surprise. We know that Guardians like to plan their gaming sessions. This calendar shows what’s coming free to all players of Destiny 2, what’s in store for Shadowkeep, and what’s included with Season of the Undying: Save these dates! If you’re not one to over-plan your life, you know we’ll keep you up to date from week to week on what awaits you in the game. That’s just what we’re about to do right now. SHADOWKEEP SANDBOX UPDATE: WEAPONS Last week, we did a bit of a deep dive on upcoming changes to abilities in Shadowkeep. This week, we’ll be giving a patch note preview on how your weapons will be fine-tuned. For this pass, the team put some love in to a few Exotics that may have been collecting dust in your vaults. On top of that, a bit of tuning has been done in how damage is applied to different targets in PvE environments. In terms of how these changes will impact your PvP experience, a few weapons and archetypes are being buffed, with some seeing more aggressive range falloff to give breathing room to Scout Rifles and other weapons. Weapon Changes - General Weapon mods are now treated as reusable unlocks instead of consumables. Any mods you have in your inventory will be converted to unlocks This gives players the opportunity to play with different mods more frequently If the only copy of a mod you have is already in a gun, you will need to reacquire one to unlock it Auto Rifles PvE damage increased between +30% and +25% depending on combatant rank Bows PvE damage increased by +31% against minor enemies, and +26% against major enemies Fixed an issue where bow draw times were displayed incorrectly in the inspection screen Hand Cannons PvE damage against minor enemies increased by 30% Lightweight and Adaptive hand cannons use a new firing animation while aiming down sights This change was made to increase weapon accuracy when firing these weapons as fast as possible Ex: Currently, players can shoot faster than the recoil animation of 140/150 archetypes – so while the handcannon looks to have fully reset from recoil, the following projectile will be shot as if the weapon was still in a recoiled state. Reduced the effect the range stat has on damage range falloff (effective range) for this weapon archetype Machine Guns PvE damage against minor enemies increased by 25% Increased the effects of damage range falloff on this weapon archetype Pulse Rifles PvE damage against minor enemies increased by 28% Increased the effects of damage range falloff on this weapon archetype. Archetype specific damage changes (impacts both PvE and PvP gameplay) Rapid-Fire Pulse Rifles now deal 14/23.8 base/precision damage (Previously 13/21.4) High Impact Pulse Rifles now deal 21/33.6 base/precision damage (Previously 20/32) Scout Rifles PvE damage increased between +36% and +18% depending on combatant rank Sidearms PvE damage increased to minor and major combatants by 16% Sniper Rifles PvE damage increased by +47% against minor enemies, +20% for others Exotic sniper rifle perk damage bonuses have been modified to compensate for this change and they will not receive the full benefits as a result Submachineguns PvE damage increased by 22.5% against minor/major combatants Aggressive Frame Removed the intrinsic effect of "Deals bonus damage at close range." This bonus was 10%, but was unintentionally always active The bonus damage has been moved to the base damage for 750 RPM Submachineguns, resulting in no damage change As a result, Tarrabah and The Huckleberry gain 10% damage in both PvE and PvP Exotics Sweet Business Increased magazine size from 100 to 150. Increased PvE damage by 15%. High Caliber rounds have been replaced with Armor Piercing rounds. Damage changed to 15/21.2 base/precision (Previously 13.21/21.14) This weapon no longer requires you to be firing when you pick up ammo to have it automatically reload. Graviton Lance PvE damage increased by 30% Sunshot Increased magazine size to 12 Vigilance Wing PvE damage increased by 25% Crimson Damage changed to 19/30.5 base/precision (Previously 13.76/24.75) Fixed an issue that was causing this weapon to deal higher flinch than intended Merciless Fixed the missing aim assist stat for this weapon Ace of Spades Memento Mori's damage bonus is now affected by range falloff Lumina Noble Rounds should apply their buff to allies more reliably now The Colony "Serve the Colony" now functions as Auto Loading Holster does Perks Subsistence Reduced the impact of this perk on total reserves Ricochet Rounds Removed the hidden bonus to damage falloff Swashbuckler Perk now activates when getting a kill with Ball Lightning Grave Robber Perk now activates when getting a kill with ranged melee abilities (ie: Ball Lightning, Explosive Knife) One-Two Punch Reduced the effectiveness of stacking One-Two Punch and Cross Counter (Liar's Handshake) Ex: Players won’t be able to defeat Riven in less than three seconds after Shadowkeep launches using the combo of One-Two Punch and Liar's Handshake, but we know many of you will try other builds… and potentially even succeed. We still have a few TWAB’s before the release of Shadowkeep, which will shore up our patch notes previews on a variety of topics, ranging from Black Armory Access to bug fixes. Stay tuned! RECKONING: ONE MORE THING… Destiny 2 Update recently brought some frequently requested Quality of Life changes to Reckoning and rewards. Next week, we’ll be making one additional change to the experience, further bridging the gap between you and your desired rewards. Starting on September 17, all negative modifiers will be removed from Reckoning. This activity will continue to feature a weekly singe, with a daily rotation of Brawler, Grenadier, and Heavyweight. Our goal in this change is to improve the replay-ability of Reckoning, so players will feel more inclined to hop in to matchmaking for some sweet loot. This should also help to address some feedback items from players that specific modifiers could feel too punishing (We’re looking at you, Blackout Darkblades). If you’re looking to get your hands on some weapons from Season of the Drifter that have eluded you, I reckon this is your time to shine.
  9. DESTINY 2 UPDATE 0h - Destiny Dev Team INVESTMENT Inventory Updated the stack size limit from 999 to 9,999 for Planetary Materials, Gunsmith Materials, Vanguard Tokens, Crucible Tokens, and Iron Banner Tokens. Braytech Schematics Braytech Schematics are no longer limited to 1 per day, per account Braytech Schematics have a 25% drop chance when opening any Rasputin Data Cache The four Braytech weapons offered by Ana Bray, and also tied to the Wayfarer seal, now have a greater chance of granting a weapon you do not currently have. NOTE: The description of the item will be incorrect and still mention that it's limited to 1 per day, per account. This will be addressed in a future hotfix. Pinnacle Weapon Quests Wendigo GL3 Grenade Launcher kills are worth 100% more for each objective Death Penalty no longer exist for the final objective Grenade Launcher multikills grant 50% more progress Completing Playlist strikes grants a significant amount of progress towards the final objective Mountaintop Required number of multi-kills has been reduced from 200 to 75 Required number of medals has been reduced from 100 to 25 Points earned in Competitive has been further increased relative to other pvp modes roughly 1x for Quickplay, 2x for IB, 3x for comp ACTIVITIES Gambit Prime and Reckoning Enemies in Reckoning adjusted to have less health and do less damage to players Increased weapon drop rates in Reckoning and Gambit Prime Further increased bad luck protection to each activity, so players should receive a weapon reward after playing multiple matches without one dropping Tier 3 Reckoning will have even higher drop rates, as it is more challenging Eververse Refunds Fixed an issue that would cause wrapped items to no longer be refundable when transferred between characters Character Boosts The Forsaken character boost is no longer available for purchase Players will continue to receive one free character boost when accessing Forsaken for the first time
  10. Taken from Bungie Website THIS WEEK AT BUNGIE – 6/13/2019 11h - Cozmo This week at Bungie, we watched Guardians hunt for Truth. Season of Opulence is off and running. Guardians are piling into the Emperor’s lost vaults in search of the treasure of their choosing. Earlier this week, you discovered a new boss waiting for you in the depths of the Menagerie. Upon defeating it, you were given a quest to seek out Truth. Not in an X-files way, but to find the Rocket Launcher, Truth—a weapon that seeks out its targets… aggressively. Just look at what some players are seeing in the wild: Next week, we’ll mix things up once again with a third additional boss to keep things fresh in our new six-player activity. And that’s not all we have planned. We are also welcoming an old friend back to the Tower. Iron Pursuits Lord Saladin will return next week for the first Iron Banner of Season of Opulence. With a new Season, you have a fresh set of weapons and armor available to earn. Saladin continues to offer Iron Banner bounties, but will also set you on a quest to earn your gear. In other words, prove your worth, and be outfitted as an Iron Lord. This Season’s Iron Banner armor is now acquired through a quest. Each armor piece will be granted upon completing its associated quest step. Each armor piece will be granted as a powerful reward. After unlocking an armor piece, it may be reacquired with random rolls through Iron Banner Reputation Packages and match rewards. If you are a veteran player who earned Iron Banner ornaments in the past, this Season’s armor is compatible with all Year 1 Iron Banner ornaments. Iron Banner packages have been updated. Iron Banner Armor may now roll with enhanced perks. New weapons have also been added to Iron Banner packages and have a higher chance to drop on the first package you redeem. New Iron Banner shaders, an emblem, and a Sparrow may be earned through objectives that must be completed during Season of Opulence. Iron Banner bounties will continue to grant rewards and Iron Banner Tokens. Iron Banner bounties no longer unlock direct purchase for Iron Banner gear, as it is now acquired directly through the Iron Banner quest. Iron Banner and Increased Valor Start: 10 AM PDT on June 18 End: 10 AM PDT on June 25 Here is a preview of the armor and weapons available during Iron Banner events in Season of Opulence. Valor boosts will also be available next week in Iron Banner and the rest of the Crucible. Saladin will also have some other items available including this new Emblem. Raid Stats Thousands of Guardians explored deep within the Leviathan to tackle the challenges of the Crown of Sorrow raid. A fireteam of six completed it first and paved the way for others to follow in their footsteps. We made a graphic showing the number of Guardians who beat the raid in a few key timeframes during the first week. If you were one of the 45,475 Guardians who bested Gahlran within the first week and are thinking about purchasing the Bungie Rewards raid jacket, you have until 11:59 PM PDT on June 18 to claim your Bungie Reward code and place your order. Dmg04 and I both completed it the night before the deadline and ordered ours. Congratulations to everyone who has completed it so far. If you’re still Powering up, Gahlran is waiting for you.
  11. This is the biggest news for quite a while to come out of Destiny. Massive implications, and I am being very positive about the future of Destiny after this statement being released. OUR DESTINY 0h - Destiny Dev Team When we first launched our partnership with Activision in 2010, the gaming industry was in a pretty different place. As an independent studio setting out to build a brand new experience, we wanted a partner willing to take a big leap of faith with us. We had a vision for Destiny that we believed in, but to launch a game of that magnitude, we needed the support of an established publishing partner. With Activision, we created something special. To date, Destiny has delivered a combination of over 50 million games and expansions to players all around the world. More importantly, we’ve also witnessed a remarkable community – tens of millions of Guardians strong – rise up and embrace Destiny, to play together, to make and share memories, and even to do truly great things that reach far beyond the game we share, to deliver a positive impact on people’s everyday lives. We have enjoyed a successful eight-year run and would like to thank Activision for their partnership on Destiny. Looking ahead, we’re excited to announce plans for Activision to transfer publishing rights for Destiny to Bungie. With our remarkable Destiny community, we are ready to publish on our own, while Activision will increase their focus on owned IP projects. The planned transition process is already underway in its early stages, with Bungie and Activision both committed to making sure the handoff is as seamless as possible. With Forsaken, we’ve learned, and listened, and leaned in to what we believe our players want from a great Destiny experience. Rest assured there is more of that on the way. We’ll continue to deliver on the existing Destiny roadmap, and we’re looking forward to releasing more seasonal experiences in the coming months, as well as surprising our community with some exciting announcements about what lies beyond. Thank you so much for your continued support. Our success is owed in no small part to the incredible community of players who have graced our worlds with light and life. We know self-publishing won’t be easy; there’s still much for us to learn as we grow as an independent, global studio, but we see unbounded opportunities and potential in Destiny. We know that new adventures await us all on new worlds filled with mystery, adventure, and hope. We hope you’ll join us there. See you starside. BUNGiE
  12. Any tips or tricks you find post here. I'll post videos I'm here as well as reference.
  13. So fair play to Bungie. Such a brilliant idea to open a game up and make people engage emotionally. You can't not smile at seeing who you completed those activities with. I had a mix of the regulars here on mine. Started with @Stretch616 as he helped me realise what FG was all about, on to a memorable Prison of Elders completion with @techno and @Diddums which took for-ev-er. Great news just confirmed by Mark Noseworthy that you can access your memories. There is a View Legacy icon (3 shields) on the Select Character screen. Cursor over it for the option to see them again. Maybe post your video if you get chance? What did it remind you of?
  14. If you have time give this a watch. Very good video.
  15. A good Q&A from twitter questions
  16. I just want to say this,thank you Bungie. Thank you for creating a game that many of us love, then hate,then love again, then hate to love. The first time we landed on the Cosmodrome not knowing what the hell was going on, to the end and beating Wrath of the Machine. I think this game has done more than brought people together, it's given us more than a friendship. It brought us together as a family. Many of you I still talk to almost every day. I remember @BO7H B4RRELS and I picking it up and midnight chatting while it installed. Waiting only to get a damn error code and couldn't sign on. Stupid ass anteater We have all done special things together on this game. Standing in front of a cave for hours just shooting with hope of seeing a purple drop only to take it to that bastard at the tower and he gives us a blue (yes I'm still bitter).The first time we completed the Vault of Glass is still one of my most memorable in gaming. Took us about three night but we finally did it. Thinking why the hell Xur was selling a rocket launcher and who would waste what few strange coins I have on it. He will sell something better next week. Yeah that was Gjallerhorn week. I chased that damn thing for months. Don't think I got it until like December. However he did sell the icebreaker that next week. Then the horrible feeling of being Forever 29. The Vault could be a bitch. Ran it weekly trying to get my Warlock to 30. Even started running two Warlocks and could never get that damn helmet to drop. I remember @Plumbers Crack trying forever to make it to the exotic chest in the Vault. Wanting us to just go ahead. No one was left behind with us. He finally made the jump and was there when I got the first Gjallerhorn. Thought I busted his eardrums out. I remember @jSyn66 learning how to two man all the way up to Crota because our schedules suck and no one was ever on with us. Never having ran the hard mode Crota I took to Reddit and the first to invite me was this twat @The3rdWalker. Little did I know that he would become a large part of this community. Now he's a fucking douche but he's here. May as well keep him. There really is is so many memories I have with this game. So many laughs @SensaiNemesis and all his voices. Really Chad you need help 😘 I love this game and this fucked up family we have here. I can't wait to see what Destiny 2 has in store for this group of assholes,misfits, douche bags and one that has pepperoni nipples (had to Rib). Stay classy FG. Seee you next week. Let the grind begin.
  17. COMPANION UPDATE 0h - Cozmo To prepare for the console launch of Destiny 2 next week, we have updated the Destiny Companion. What is the Destiny Companion? Between Bungie.net and our mobile application, it’s an experience that spans your desktop and your smart phone. We put the tools at your fingertips to manage your Guardian adventures wherever real life finds you. Rand Myles, the product lead for the Destiny Companion, wanted to share some details on the latest updates. Here is what you can expect from the Companion when Destiny 2 launches on September 6. Tell us about the latest updates to the Companion. Why the overhaul? What can you tell us about these new experiences? Can we expect both mobile and web to have the exact same experiences? But what about Destiny 1? Our community has created some amazing things utilizing our API. Will you still support them in building other apps? We are only one week away from Destiny 2 going live, and many of the new Companion features lighting up with it. Our Bungie.net team is a passionate group of engineers, designers, and testers who would love to hear from you. Our Feedback and Help forums are the best way to reach out to them with any feedback, suggestions, or any issues you might find.
  18. Microsoft is considering allowing cross play with any platform or PC https://www.vg247.com/2017/08/29/microsofts-open-invitation-to-valve-nintendo-and-others-to-join-xbox-one-and-pc-crossplay/
  19. We know that some Destiny 1 exotic aromor is making it way into D2. So what do you want to see, weapons or armor Mine is easy Bones of Eao. Don't care about any others. They made the hunter jump best in the game.
  20. With all the news that's came out in the past few weeks about D2 and after the beta. What do you need from Destiny 2? With what they are saying bout the amount of story and then patrols that's a big thing for me. I want story. My big thing is I want the exotics to feel like exotic to me. Sort of like year one exotics were. Let's be honest after the Y1 stuff the other exotics didn't really feel,well, exotic. The iconic gums we all wanted or needed wasn't really there after Y1. They did a good job on the exotic armor but the weapons were lacking. I want it fun again mostly. I want more straight forward guest like they did in Takem King. That was a huge step forward. So what do you want?
  21. If you have 20 minutes give it a watch. Great perspective
  22. In October, we reported that Destiny would be ditching the DLC plan for year two, replacing big downloadable content packs with cosmetic microtransactions and free missions. Two months later, Bungie’s finally confirmed it. Speaking with Eurogamer at the PlayStation Experience last weekend, Bungie designer Derek Carroll said that free events like the Sparrow Racing League (which will be released today) will replace DLC packs for year two of Destiny, which started in September with the launch of The Taken King. Bungie’s plan is to surprise people with these events rather than map them all out as they did with The Dark Below and House of Wolves last year. Although Carroll wouldn’t go into details on why Bungie made this switch, you can find the answer in our report on the story behind Destiny’s development. In short, thanks to technology deficiencies among other issues, it’d be near-impossible for Bungie’s developers to create enough new content both for DLC packs and the next expansion to Destiny, which is code-named “Destiny 2” and will be out next fall. News that there might not be significant new zones or new raids until fall of 2016 might come as a bummer to some, but sources close to the game’s development have told me that last year’s DLC schedule was unsustainable. In the long run, this could make for a better game. Bungie Confirms That They're Not Doing Big Destiny DLC For Taken King
  23. Iron Banner returns tomorrow (June 30th) at 10AM. Earn Gauntlets, Chest, Machinegun and for the first time ever… the Pulse Rifle (Skorri’s Revenge)
  24. What are your first impressions of Destiny? Personally I am really enjoying it. So much to learn though. It looks and feels amazing. Bungie makes a class act game. Everything is so fluid. I find myself stopping to look at scenery and surroundings. Cannot wait to get more into the game. My only complaint, if you want to call it a complaint, is the horizontal movement is a little sluggish. Other than that it feels great. Only did PvE with Tommy but I'm ready for more. I haven't felt like that in a while about a game.
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