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  1. Sunday raid for FG, comment on the event if the time needs to move to help us get 6. RSVP if you can or can't make it ๐Ÿ‘
  2. Sunday raids help many others be around so heres another slot for Kings Fall this week unless there is a huge desire for people to do a different raid. RSVP if you can make this one and also indicate if you want the start time slightly changing.
  3. Wednesday raid - a little later in the evening that may help more NA people if about but I know many UK people can be around later. I thought lets get a different raid in rotation so its not just Kings Fall all the time. Happy for people to suggest a different one if we can get 6 for tomorrow evening.
  4. Raid tonight, lets see if we can get one moving later from around 8pm, if not earlier if the 6 are online before. RSVP if you can make it ๐Ÿ‘
  5. @AceBoogie239 mentioned he might be around on Sunday this week so we'll see if people are about again, just like last week. I won't put the restriction on 6 again as it was good to know how many of us are about. ๐Ÿ‘
  6. @TigerBurge mentioned to me he'll likely be awake by 8am in the US so let's see if we can find enough of us here to be around for an afternoon raid.
  7. After running through this latest "vaulted content" re-release tonight with some fellow FGers, I think I can safely say that the Destiny 2 version of this raid is vastly superior to its D1 counterpart for one reason... You actually damage Oryx with your own weapons!! No running around in circles!! Actual damage phases!!! Fucking hell, where was this 6 years ago, Bungie? With a few minor exceptions, the raid is basically the same save for the one big difference I listed. Warpriest is probably the hardest encounter throughout the whole thing. Good stuff, I'm looking forward to running more of these. Oh, and I got Touch of Malice. Bonus! ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ˜„
  8. A Vow of the Disciple Raid for FG people. First one of the Holidays if you want it! RSVP to be in it.
  9. It's been a while! Getting some raids and D2 sessions up for some fun activities whilst we wind down for the start of the next season. This one is for FG to get a Vow of the Disciple raid in and see if we can get someone the Exotic! GGFG!
  10. It's been a while! Getting some raids and D2 sessions up for some fun activities whilst we wind down for the start of the next season. This one is for FG to get a Vow of the Disciple raid in and see if we can get someone the Exotic! GGFG!
  11. We organised 1 full team that gave Deep Stone Crypt a go on Day 1, managed to pull together 2 full fireteams for the refreshed Vault of Glass Day 1 as well...and this time out it feels like we have more than ever around to try out the new raid on Day 1, but also on Day 2 as soon as contest mode comes to an end. I want this topic to capture everyone's interest at FG, so please pick an option on the Poll but ALSO please PLEASE, comment below on how you're feeling and if there's anything specific to mention. I genuinely think we won't have to grind too hard for Day 1 at all due to contest mode. However, the more power you can get up, the easier it will be to take damage from Day 2 of the raid, which is always a huge difference from past experience. I'd love to get 3 or even 4 teams to do it on Day 1 at FG! At the end of the day, yes, we all want to complete it but very rarely a Day 1 squad gets through it. It really is for the FG ride and experience and working out the puzzles after going in blind without looking at anyone else! Taking 7 hours with @Baabcat , @Greboth, @Bluebear , etc on Day 1 for Deep Stone Crypt and beating only the first puzzle was insane but probably a better feeling than sometimes completing raids even now ๐Ÿ˜„ So, who's in FG! Lets make this 2022 a bloody good one to help one and all ๐Ÿ‘Š P.S. Week One completion usually gives you access to buy something pretty unique at the Bungie Store. My coat from Deep Stone Crypt is probably one of the best things i've ever owned too and a great reminder of what that week was like ๐Ÿงก
  12. Thought i'd stick up a slot for a Vault of Glass on reset for anyone who wants it on reset day.
  13. Sir David @Diddums now has the Power Level to smash this raid, so lets go and get Vault of Glass completed with him and hopefully drop the Vex for a few of us!
  14. Let's get the PC raids and players going! Let us know when works best for you to run raids. We'll go from there. If a different time works better for you and it's not listed, feel free to post in the comments.
  15. Baab and Charlie aren't around this weekend, but that doesn't mean we can't raid without them! Sign up if you want to join in for laughs, finish a glow, get your Vex, or whatever else.
  16. Let's get this going for our PC Destiny players! We'll probably do VoG, but we can look at DSC too for an easier PC run just to get feels for this. Feel free to put your thoughts in on what raid you want to do.
  17. Launch Day for Vault of Glass into Destiny 2 Time expected to launch - 10AM PDT / 6PM UK TIME Power Level Cap for Contest Mode - 1300 Put your name down here so we know you'll be around. Also see the separate discussion topic in the Destiny section HERE
  18. Aaaaand 'Action!' We're nearly there, and this week's TWAB gave us the date we needed to know so we can start planning to put a few teams together and enjoy this raid like previous Destiny 1 players loved and enjoy watching new players experience the different challenges we'll face. The date? Saturday 22nd May 10AM PDT / 6PM UK Time Gonna use this thread for 2 things; Stuff/info that was covered off in this week's TWAB and anything that people find oput about the raid as abnd when it becomes available Start understanding who would really enjoy to try this on the first day and week of launch so we can create some teams So for now, here's some basic stuff to know from the TWAB. I'll try and summarise the main points first: Vault of Glass will launch with Contest Mode (explained here) enabled for 24 hours. You will need to be at 1300 Power to be at the cap for all of the encounters. THAT IS 10 POWER LESS THAN THE CURRENT SEASON CAP SO YOU MAY ALREADY BE READY FOR DAY 1. Clearing Vault of Glass with Contest Mode active is the first step to access the new Challenge Mode in the Director and the Tempo's Edge Triumph. Completing Tempo's Edge, a curated list of Triumphs, in this newly unlocked Challenge Mode, will be how a fireteam crosses the World First finish line and claims their prize. To enforce the Triumph requirements in the Challenge Mode, your team will wipe if you fail the success conditions during each encounter. They've been pretty clear they want to try and keep as much of the original aesthetics so broadly the raid should go as most that have completed will know, however there will be updates to bring it into line with Destiny 2's state of play so I'm still expecting a few mechanics, areas and enemies to be tweaked so its not all the same. So, who's up for it?! I'll add an event on the Calendar too (see below). Be good to know what experience below you've had before (if any) and if you do fancy getting involved in the festivities in the month ahead! Maybe sharing thoughts about what weapons to ready up too wouldn't go a miss below to help others! Sound off below FG ๐Ÿ‘‡ P.S. GIVE ME THE VEX MYTHOCLAST!!!!!!
  19. What a blast doing this blind was! 5+ hours working out this section, i'm just devastated that the PS5 hasn't stored the settings to record voices like the PS4 did ๐Ÿ˜žย However, here's the run we had which shows how we had Charlie @Venom ย and @Baabcat as the Operator, Nick @Bluebear ย and Me @GazzaGarrattย as the Scanners either side and finally Scott @RedXIII ย on as much ad duty as possible. ย  We had numbered the control panels 1-5 as per Nick's great suggestion and simple drawing he did whilst we were in there. Shanks hit hard and I got explodeย twice in quick succession down to where the shanks were. ย  We started the round really well but as ads overhwhelmed us we fell behind on the fuses, only to clutch the last one at the end with next to no heavy ammo and a random pulse grenade securing the completion. I dropped the Scout Rifle at the end, a super gun to drop - looks good and shoots great. ย  Next time with voices! GGFG!
  20. I'm not quite sure how this works but essentially a bunch of Warlocks with the new Stasis essentially fries ANY boss in the game with a Fireteam. Look like its with a Grenade Launcher too. As It's Stasis which is linked to so many quests I really don't think they can disable this. What do you people reckon? Last Wish Bosses: 1st Boss - Kalli Morgeth - 3rd Encounter Riven - Final Boss Even in Gambit
  21. The new expansion hits in 5 days ๐Ÿ˜ฑ and therefore looks likely to be 10/11 days to get some Power up to be potentially give the brand new raid a go on the first day. Like @Baabcat mentioned on the Roadmap Calendar, it would be awesome to do this blind. I recall doing Crota in D1 blind and whilst we didn't get far it was one of the best experiences we've ever had on Destiny. So who's in and ready to give it a whirl?! It looks like theres a few facts from a TWAB a few weeks ago giving us some extra details: The next race for raid World First begins on Saturday, November 21 at 10 a.m. Pacific Contest Mode will cap all players at 20 Power below each encounter for 24 hours. Artifact Power will be disabled during Contest Mode. 1230 Power is your teamโ€™s goal to be at the cap for all the encounters. Being above 1230 will not provide any additional advantage in the final fight Now i'm not saying to go for World's first, more just as soon as we're ready it would be an exciting thing to try. Especially because it feels like its been so long since we kinda did it this way (for me anyway's). We start at 1050 so its all about getting as close to 1230 as you can which in all honesty I don't think will be too bad considering Powerful gear will drop from regular Crucible, Strikes and Gambit moving forward alongside other sources of Powerful gear. Has anyone also got any tips in order to be raid ready?
  22. I asked a while back via a poll to try and work out best days to do raids but its difficult as we all can do so many different days and it really didn't matter what we ended up picking...so we din't do anything! So lets start using Thursdays for now as a start off point. Btw, this isn't saying we won't do raids on other days because this day won't suit all. However, to start getting back into the game and making sure we have a regular bunch of people around to learn raids more regularly in turn will mean we can confidently try and complete more raids on other days like over the weekend, etc. I'm thinking we try this via events on the Event Calendar and we try and focus on one type of raid each week. It'll give time to people to realise which one we're trying out and get in the mindset to do their best for that particular raid. If people can't make it or request other times, lets help them and put up an event so we can see if we can get 6 people around. There's been a number of new FGers join recently on Destiny and I know some old folk are starting to get back into it, so happily share what your thoughts are below on what stuff you'd like to try, whens best for you, etc. I genuinely believe if we knew it 'raid night' on a set day like Thursday we can be soon getting at 1-2 teams being able to jump in and help each other. If it doesn't work, then we can always keep trying other ways to get us playing the fun stuff together. Consistency for us all to get behind an idea is the key to us all having loads of fun and completing all the things we'd like to do so please consider getting behind events and whatever we put up. Let us know what you think below.
  23. As discussed in Discord, lets see who's about. If we get more than 6 we should try to rotate out where possible. Lets get the first raids down again ๐Ÿ‘ RSVP below on the event please by clicking 'Going'.
  24. Event Title: FG Destiny Raid - Leviathan & EoW Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Destiny Calendar Event Date: 05/20/2020 08:00 PM As discussed in Discord, lets see who's about. If we get more than 6 we should try to rotate out where possible. Lets get the first raids down again ๐Ÿ‘ RSVP below on the event please by clicking 'Going'. FG Destiny Raid - Leviathan & EoW N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  25. Crown of Sorrow Raid is on folks! Need 6 of you lovely people tonight. Who's around to give it a go? 7 spots with last spot can be a sub. Let's see if we can nail it!
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