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  1. I'm going to start this one like so.. This game is friggin hard! Seriously, do not be fooled by the first stage. Yes, it's difficult, but the jump in difficulty between this and stage 2 (The Club) slides up to insane levels. Sifu is an action/rougelite/super hard game by sloclap in which you play as a young lad out to avenge his Fathers death at the hand of a group led by... The Leader. You'll fight, a lot, through various stages and the key to success is literally perfect timing with dodge/parry and the avoid system. Avoid is used by holding the L1/Lb and flicking the RS just before an enemy makes contact. Sounds easy but the window for this and parrying is really small and you will be hit.. and die... a lot. I've heard som copare the combat to the Arkham series and I will tell you now, that is a HARD NO. This feels nothing like the arkham games. I feel it has more in line with sloclaps previous game absolver then anything. Death is handled in that when you start the game, your age is 20. Whenever you die, a death counter appears and your age increases by how large the death counter is. after your first death, you'll age to 21, and so on. You can reset your counter by beating special enemies in a level as well as bosses. An interesting system that's limited by how you unlock skills. You can use XP earned to gain skill in a run. But, in order to unlock it permanently, you have to keep spending XP, a lot of XP, to get the permanent unlock. For example, a skill costs 500 XP to gain. Once bought, you them have to spend another 2500 XP on that same skill to unlock it. IMO, this sucks. I've been playing this since launch and when everything clicks and you get into a combat flow, it's great. The graphics have an old water color look to them that i don't really find that impressive but considering the story being told, it fits. Audio is ok i suppose. You'll get a lot of ambient sounds coming through the dual sense controller, like flies buzzing around a pile of garbage or walking over broken glass, and the dialogue is ok too. I don't know what it is with Sony and some of their exclusives lately being so difficult. Demons Souls, Returnal and now Sifu. If I'm trying to entice gamers to my platform with a nice, new game, I'd at least put in a difficulty option to make this more accessible to everyone and not limit it to a small select group of gamers. Basically, if you're a fan of souls games, rouge, rougelites, or just brutal, unforgivingly difficult games, then this is for you. I'd recommend to anyone else interested to wait until sloclap implement a difficulty option before giving it a go.
  2. Hey Everyone sooo my kids thought it would be a great idea to smash my controller multiple times .... and its finally checked out . After numerous repairs i have done, the analogue sticks packed in and these i cannot fix. Who knew cheap Chinese parts wouldn't last. However. I am coming to you wonderful lot to advise me on the best possible cheap PS4 controller ideally wireless 🙄 Send help.....
  3. My son is 11 in 10 days time and I think its time to get him a better PS4 headset for his birthday. I bought him a super cheap but decent wired one as he's grown up which has been okay but I think he deserves to at least hear things way better than a simplistic wired headset. Budget i'd say is around £100. Obviously looking for one that can last a little while...he has the tendency to get a little angry so the usual PlayStation Golds can be a little too flimsy. Let me know what you think I should get him! Thanks in advance
  4. So this monstrosity of an update for the PS4 has utterly balls'd up all the party chats you could have or see. On the face of it, it looks like you can't have chats on your own, or see any of the other chats going on so its extremely hard to just pop in and say hi or see whos available to jump in to a game with. I'm more frustrated because at a time we're all struggling with very little social contact these days, this only further restricts. Don't get me wrong, if I want to talk to someone, like say @phil bottle, i'd create a group between me and him and then connect to voice chat. No one else though would see i'm in a chat - fine if sometimes you don't want to be disturbed - but not cool if you're happy for people to pop in and say hi, check hows things are, oh and maybe join the game that we're playing? I have an idea though until they patch the silly system (we hope). I'm going to throw out a number of Groups that will show that i might've added you to it. In doing so, its not to spam you with messages (I can do that many other ways already 😏) but more to try and help find ways to group up with people. From what I can see it looks similar to discord where you create a Group or 'Channel', only thing you need to be on the list to access it, either for text or voice chat, otherwise you won't know you're missing out. I was gonna make a few on the lines of....: FG Fridays FG Chat 1 FG Chat 2 FG Chat 3 FG Destiny Room 1 FG Destiny Room 2 etc If you want to not feel on your own and happy to be in a chat where some/all of us can join in and say hi let me know your thoughts. As I don't want it to be forced, you can always remove yourself from it the chats yourselves. Before you do though just ask yourself - how much you genuinely rely on the chat service on being able to just pop in and say hi? You might not realise it but you're probably making someone's day by just doing that. Any thoughts ASAP would be great to have below. Cheers.
  5. Looks like theres a playstation update out thats changing a number of things existing whilst getting ready for PS5. Grabbed the following from Playstation: Includes changes to Party and Messages features, new avatars, updated parental controls and more. Our latest system software update for PlayStation 4, version 8.00, is launching today globally. This update includes changes to the existing Party and Messages features, new avatars, updated parental controls and more. Here are some of the key features in this update: Updates to Party and Messages Following this update, Party and Messages will be more tightly linked together and you will see changes to the UI. Both apps will now use the same ‘Groups’ of players for Party voice chats and message exchanges, instead of having different groups setup across the two apps. So now you can start a Party chat or send a message to the group you’ve previously chatted with across PS4, as well as PS5 when it launches. New Avatars We’re expanding the collection of pre-set avatars for players to showcase on their Profile. An array of new avatars from your favorite games will be available, including Bloodborne, Journey, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, The Last of Us Part II, The Last of Us Remastered, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and many more. Mute all Mics from Quick Menu We’ve added an option to “Mute all Microphones” in the Quick Menu, so you can easily mute your mics while gaming. Simplified and more flexible Parental Controls Under Parental Controls, we’re combining the ‘Communicating with Other Players’ and ‘Viewing Content Created by other Players’ into one setting – ‘Communication and User Generated Content’- to cover both areas of communication and UGC sharing. This offers a simpler setting that’s easier for parents to understand and apply to their children. In addition, children can send a request to their parents to use communications features in specific games. When a child sends this request, the parent will receive an email notification and can choose to make an exception for that game and allow the child to use its communications and UGC features. This will provide more flexibility to both parents and children. Enhanced 2-Step Verification The 2-Step Verification (2SV) feature on PS4 will be enhanced to support third party authenticator apps as an option during the activation flow and 2SV sign-in across PS4, mobile and web. Removal of Event Creation and Private Community Creation After 8.00, you will no longer be able to create Events or access existing Events created by other users. We’re also removing the ability to create private Communities under the Community app on PS4. If you already have existing private Communities, you can continue to access them. Updates to Remote Play App on Mobile and PC At the same time as 8.00, the existing PS4 Remote Play app on mobile (iOS/Android), Windows PC and Mac, will change its name to PS Remote Play, and the option to connect to PS5 will be added. You’ll need to sign in to PSN from your PS5 to be able to access the feature, so sit tight until PS5 launches this November! As a reminder, a PS4 system with a wired connection via a LAN cable is recommended to download the update.
  6. The free PSN game this month is also out on Steam too - and its the best party game out in ages! With all the praise I could give it after a few go's, the only one huge MAJOR disappointment from this game is that the party system is 4 players MAX, including no Private game mode. I couldn't quite believe it. The game is literally hilarious and it would one of the most easy accessible games for things like FG Fridays or for people struggling for a game to find to just kick back and have a great night. There's many modes to get past in this Total Wipeout/Takeshi's Castle type game to be the last one standing and its always the simpliest of games that make the most impact. I really truly hope max players can be extended in the coming months as you can absolute then count it will be an FG Friday game for sure. Anyone that has a Playstation Plus though MUST pick this up this month, do not miss out on a free bargain! Probably the best free game offering since Rocket League.
  7. I am clearing out my quest book and need some people to help with strikes, such as savathuns song and exodus crash strikes so if on PS4 and wish to help just send me a message
  8. Gameplay and Date revealed February 21st 2020. My god, if this story is half as good as the first it's worth playing. Never been a better story to make me want to get through levels. Halo was close but this edges it. Let's not forget...this will have a MP side too! Now if that's upgraded we have to get some people on this. Looking amazing so far. Any other thoughts on it? I think they'll have a big plot twist at the start...
  9. Available late January 2020 with RRP $29.99. Cheaper alternative to the custom made controllers by SCUF and Astro but I really hope it actually is worth that amount of money. Like the idea so you can apply it to any PS4 controller and you won't get an official controller with paddles at that cost from anywhere else, i imagine its a pretty good deal. Bit gimmicky though and I wonder why they haven't invested time in making a new one - Maybe cos they won't be compatible with PS5 perhaps?
  10. Just caught this on Twitter! Holy balls! Make sure you download it and let everyone know what you think here please!
  11. Out of nowhere, DayZ for the PS4 has now got a release date and its coming out literally in a few days. No hype, just a release date. Can't find anywhere a cost element but I would expect some people, even here to pick it up as its a popular survival game on the PC. If its free or next to nothing, do we see getting into it on a PS4 as well?
  12. Can't seem to find last year's thread with the hype this built. This game really does look like a big winner. Some gameplay from E3 this year is below. Could be another epic story like The Last of Us.
  13. The beta starts today and details will be revealed for this game as part if the livestream later today. It seems to be evolution of Little Big Planet so you can create your own game within the game itself. I've found the gameplay from E3 that looks pretty neat. Not sure what to make of it as the concept always sounds amazing but I never was ever enthused about Little Big Planet. Anyone wanting to try the beta?
  14. until
    We've talked about picking Rainbow 6 back up so let's see how many we can get around. Advance warning - make sure the game is up to date!
  15. Event Title: FG PS4 Rainbow 6 Night Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Rainbow 6 Calendar Event Date: 09/03/2018 08:00 PM to 09/03/2018 11:00 PM We've talked about picking Rainbow 6 back up so let's see how many we can get around. Advance warning - make sure the game is up to date! FG PS4 Rainbow 6 Night N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  16. until
    We've talked about picking Rainbow 6 back up so let's see how many we can get around. Advance warning - make sure the game is up to date!
  17. Event Title: FG PS4 Rainbow 6 Night Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Rainbow 6 Calendar Event Date: 08/20/2018 07:30 PM to 08/20/2018 11:00 PM We've talked about picking Rainbow 6 back up so let's see how many we can get around. Advance warning - make sure the game is up to date! FG PS4 Rainbow 6 Night N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  18. Event Title: FG PC Rainbow 6 Night Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Rainbow 6 Calendar Event Date: 08/16/2018 08:00 PM to 08/16/2018 11:00 PM For PC FGers to get some games in! We've talked about picking Rainbow 6 back up so let's see how many we can get around. Advance warning - make sure the game is up to date! FG PC Rainbow 6 Night N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  19. My birthday is coming up, my wife asked what I wanted... so I thought this would be a good time to upgrade my PS4 HD. I'm trying to stay under $100. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  20. Event Title: FG PS4 Rainbow 6 Night Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Rainbow 6 Calendar Event Date: 08/13/2018 07:30 PM to 08/13/2018 10:30 PM We've talkedabout picking Rainbow 6 back up so let's see how many we can get around. Advance warning - make sure the game is up to date! FG PS4 Rainbow 6 Night N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  21. until
    For PC FGers to get some games in! We've talked about picking Rainbow 6 back up so let's see how many we can get around. Advance warning - make sure the game is up to date!
  22. until
    We've talkedabout picking Rainbow 6 back up so let's see how many we can get around. Advance warning - make sure the game is up to date!
  23. Grabbed the following from H1Z1 website. All PS4 servers will be coming offline at 8PM PDT on Monday, August 6 to support launch, with servers unlocking for play with the launch update at 10AM PDT on Tuesday, August 7. Season 1 of the Battle Pass will be starting on Tuesday, August 7 alongside H1Z1's launch out of Open Beta on the PS4! With 3 different reward lines and 30 reward tiers, it's time to gear up and get serious. In addition, Skulls will be going away at launch, and your existing Skulls will be converted into a new currency (Credits) that you can use on all-new goodies in the Marketplace. For more information on both the Battle Pass and the currency conversion, check out our FAQ below: What options are available for the Battle Pass? There are 3 reward lines available - Free, Premium, and PlayStation Plus. You'll get the Free one automatically just by logging in and playing during Season 1, and if you're a PlayStation Plus member, that reward line will be automatically unlocked for you upon login as well. The Premium reward line can be purchased either through the in-game Battle Pass menu or through the PlayStation Store (you'll get a bonus item for purchasing through the PlayStation Store!) How do I level up my Battle Pass? You can level up your Battle Pass with Medals, which you can earn in two different ways: Daily Challenges - You can earn Medals directly from completing your Daily Challenges each day. Season Level Advancement - You will continue to earn XP from regular gameplay, such as getting kills or winning a match. This XP will feed directly into your Season Level (the maximum Season Level is 100). Each Season Level you gain grants you Medals as a reward, with milestone levels (the ones that end in 0 or 5) granting you even more Medals. It takes 10 Medals to complete 1 tier of the Battle Pass (regardless of level or line). If you have the Premium line, you can also unlock tiers using Crowns through a direct purchase in the Battle Pass menu.
  24. Event Title: Black Ops 3 FG Night Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 06/06/2018 08:00 PM to 06/06/2018 11:00 PM Let's have a Black Ops 3 Night everybody to get ready for Black Ops 4. Prop Hunt has been introduced in recent months and also Gun Game has been a lot of fun in the past for us all. Make sure you get it installed again! Black Ops 3 FG Night N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  25. until
    Let's have a Black Ops 3 Night everybody to get ready for Black Ops 4. Prop Hunt has been introduced in recent months and also Gun Game has been a lot of fun in the past for us all. Make sure you get it installed again!
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