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Found 8 results

  1. Ok, so a new Battlefield gets released once a year around October. So why was Hardline just released? Will there be a Battlefield 5 or is Hardline Battlefield 5? And then with Battlefront in the mix, I'm just confused. I'm really enjoying Battlefield 4 the past few days... It's one of the few FPS games that I don't mind playing by myself. I was thinking about getting premium with my brother since he is really enjoying it as well. But I don't know what to do with all these battlefield games around.
  2. UPCOMING VEHICLE TWEAKS Aircraft and Anti-Aircraft 1) Reduced the total amount of missiles carried by the Mobile Anti-Aircraft vehicles from 6 to 4. The total carried missiles were making it impossible for helicopters to use counter measures to avoid the MAA’s attacks. 2) Reduced the velocity of the MAA’s default 20MM CANNON from 1200m/s to 800m/s to match the 30MM CANNON. This reduction reduces the distance projectiles will travel and should prevent situations where the MAA could engage enemy vehicles without leaving its protected home base. The damage of the cannons remains unchanged, and aircraft, especially helicopters, should remain wary of getting too close to a MAA. 3) Reduced the physical impact of all Anti-Aircraft missiles to prevent helicopters from flipping uncontrollably when hit. The damage values have not been changed. 4) Reduced the cone in which ACTIVE RADAR missiles search for targets, making them require a higher level of skill in predicting where a target will be when the missile is fired. The missiles were previously too easy to aim at long range, making them a guaranteed hit and a clear advantage over the other missile types. 5) Increased the direct damage done by the Attack Helicopter’s gunner cannon. The gunner will be better able to assist the pilot in taking down vehicle targets with this change. 6) Increased the direct hit damage of the Zuni Rockets for Attack Helicopters. The rate of fire of these rockets combined with their smaller magazine pool made them a poor choice over the other two rocket types. 7) Reduced the splash damage and maximum splash damage range of the Scout Helicopter 25MM CANNONS. These weapons were too effective against infantry with a higher splash, making them a clear choice over the 7.62 MINIGUNS in all combat situations. The 25MM CANNONS are intended to give the Scout Helicopter some measure of effectiveness against vehicles, at a clear trade off in effectiveness vs. infantry. Tanks and Anti-Tank 1) Reduced the “intelligence” of the MBT LAW missiles, requiring the player to aim the missile closer to their target before the smart projectile will activate. Additionally, the MBT LAW now reloads slightly slower. This keeps the MBT LAW in its role of an easy to use, fire and forget weapon available to all Engineers, while also balancing it with the other rocket launchers in favor of skilled AT shots. Finally, a bug where the MBT LAW would pass through an ACTIVE PROTECTION shield has been fixed. 2) Fixed an issue where ACTIVE PROTECTION and the MP-APS did not properly stop 12G FRAG rounds. 3) Reduced the range where the M2 SLAM will do maximum damage to vehicles from 6M to 3M. Players will now need to be craftier when placing the M2 SLAM in order to get the full damage potential of this ambush anti vehicle weapon. This change is to primarily counter a tactic of placing 3 mines in the same spot to guarantee a kill on any vehicle passing within 6m. The range was deemed to be too large, making the M2 SLAM far superior to the M15 AT MINE. 4) Reduced the damage the STAFF shell does to all targets by 25%. This should balance the ease of use of the STAFF shell with its damage potential. Source:http://blogs.battlefield.com/2014/01/bf4-balancing-vehicles/
  3. What are people's thoughts on the new Battlepack system? I personally love it. Unlocking random stuff is always nice, I've unlocked some googies that would otherwise take me weeks, if not months to get in BF3. I've got a few camos and other shit, mainly optics and a couple of dog tags. The only issue I have with it is that some things are battlepack only, which means that it's pure luck to get something you want. I'm not sure if you can get doubles of anything, I haven't had any yet, so time will tell. Thoughts?
  4. UPDATE #8 (Nov 12): Client patch (PC) The PC client patch for Battlefield 4 will go live in the near future and fixes a number of different issues you have helped us to identify, including a number of the most common crashes and freezes. We will get back to you with a full fix list and a specific date for this update soon. Maintenance downtime (All platforms) Nov 13, we have a planned maintenance starting at 9AM UTC/1AM PST. The maintenance will last for 2-3 hours and multiplayer for Battlefield 4 will be unavailable on all platforms in increments during this window. This maintenance is done in preparation for the upcoming client patches. Console Server Update (PS3/X360) During the Nov 13 maintenance window mentioned above, we will roll out the latest server update for X360 and PS3. This server update will include the following fixes: • Temporarily disabled the ”Indirect Fire” and ”Perimeter Defense” Field Upgrades on PS3 as they caused the game to crash when spawning. This is a temporary workaround while we work to solve the issue altogether. • Fixed a number of dog tags that were showing up as blank in-game. • Lowered the damage caused by Mobile AA Active Radar missiles to aircraft. The previous damage was incorrectly set too high. • Improved server crash reporting and performance tracking on all platforms. This should further help us identify and fix server crashes going forward. Upcoming console client patches (PS3/X360) We are testing and finalizing upcoming client patches for PS3 and X360. We will be able to give you an ETA on these at a later date. You can always find the latest info in this thread. Upcoming Live Scoreboard (PC) We will introduce Live Scoreboards in the PC server browser on Battlelog in the upcoming days. It will let you see the current status in the ongoing round on a server before you join, such as the number of remaining targets in a round of Obliteration. We will be able to give you specific date on this feature soon. UPDATE #7 (Nov 12): Server Update R8 rolling out on PC We recently deployed the R8 Server Update on PC. It should be propagating throughout servers in the upcoming hours. You can find the change notes below. R8 Update Notes: *Fixed a number of dog tags that were showing up as blank in-game. *Lowered the damage caused by Mobile AA Active Radar missiles to aircraft. The previous damage was incorrectly set too high. *Improved server crash reporting and performance tracking on all platforms. This should further help us identify and fix server crashes going forward. UPDATE #6 (Nov 11): Quick Update Update Just a quick update: We don't have an ETA on the client updates just yet, but we will have information on these soon. We will let you know as soon as we have more detail. Stay tuned, and thanks for your patience. UPDATE #5 (Nov 7): R8 Server Update in the Works We are working hard to deliver the next server update as quickly as possible to improve stability. This has now been released. Client Update in the Works We are also working on upcoming client patches for Battlefield 4 on all platforms. These will contain fixes for crashes and address a number of other issues that you have been feedbacking to us. Patch notes will be posted as we get closer to releasing these updates. UPDATE #4 (Nov 6): R7 Server Update Rolled Out We just rolled out a new server update for Battlefield 4 that should fix some of the most common server crashes across all platforms. Let us know if this patch improves server stability for you. Patch notes below: -Fixed two of the most common server crashes (All platforms) -The "admin.say" command should now work properly (PC) -The "vars.preset" command should now work better in conjunction with other vars settings (PC) (It is now easier for server admins to set a server preset) -Fixed a bug in the queue system regarding GUID (PC) -Fixed various minor bugs (PC) UPDATE #3 (Nov 4): Fixing server crashes New server update (R6) was rolled out across all platforms to fix the most common server crash. UPDATE #2 (Nov 3): Fixing the server queues on PC We're rolling out a server update on PC with a fix for the join queue. As this new server version starts to populate servers, you will notice that server queues on PC will be available again in Battlefield 4. Note that it might take some time before the majority of PC servers are equipped with this fix (up to 24h). UPDATE #1 (Nov 3): Server crashes We have identified an issue where the game server will crash and disconnect players, causing them to lose any stats gathered during that specific round. We have a fix in progress to address this issue in a server update and will let you know once it's ready to roll out. Since the launch of Battlefield 4, some fans playing online have been experiencing various issues with the game. Thanks to your feedback, many of these problems have been resolved, but there are still a number of bugs that we are actively working on. Below you will find a list of some of the resolved issues, as well as some of the issues we are prioritizing at the moment and what we’re doing to address them. Game crashes and freezes ELIMINATED AS WE IDENTIFY THEM Players on all formats have been experiencing game crashes and freezes while playing. We have logs of the most frequently occurring client crashes, and we are actively working to Obliterate the cause of these crashes in upcoming updates. Note that crashes come in different types, and therefore this is technically not one single issue. There are two kinds of crashes and two types of updates that can address them: server-side updates that we can release on the fly (four of these have already been released since launch), and game client updates that require more in-depth testing and certification before they can go live. We have found and eliminated some of the server-side crashes on PC in our server updates. There is also a planned client update on PC in the near future where we are aiming to eliminate as many of the client-related crashes as possible. Progress in Multiplayer Lost INVESTIGATING Players have reported losing their progress in multiplayer. This is probably related to crashes stopping the game reports from being sent to Battlelog. We are still investigating this issue in more detail. Note that your progress sometimes can seem to be reset during server maintenance windows. In these cases, your stats will be just fine and reappear later. Single Player Save File Corrupted WORKING ON POTENTIAL FIX We are still investigating the issue of single player save files being corrupted for some players. If you have experienced this problem, please describe below the steps leading up to the save file being corrupted, your platform (PC, PS3 or X360), and when the issue occurred. If you’re on PC, please also list your OS and system specs. Miscellaneous Audio Bugs FIX UPCOMING We are aware of the issues with missing/corrupted audio in multiplayer and have created a fix for them. This fix is planned for release in the next PC client patch. Magazine Reload Bug on Normal FIXED On all platforms, some players were experiencing a bug when playing on Normal servers. The bug caused the reload setting to incorrectly mimic the behavior from Hardcore servers. This was fixed in our fourth and latest server update. Xbox 360 Missions not Working as Intended FIXED There was a bug preventing Xbox 360 players from creating MISSIONS. This should now work properly, as we made some necessary changes to the backend infrastructure. Battlefield 4 Premium “Reset Stats” Feature Not Working FIXED Server Queues not Functioning FIXED Promotional Battlepack Items Not Appearing In-game and/or on Battlelog INVESTIGATING We are aware of this issue, and are working on a solution for it. Note that in some cases the Battlepack items will actually show up after a delay. If you’re still not seeing your items after 12 hours or so, please reach out to EA Help at https://help.ea.com/en/battlefield/battlefield-4 [help.ea.com]. Keep the Gameplay Feedback Coming! We are hearing your feedback regarding gameplay balance and other tweaks to classes and weapons, and are actively discussing these with the designers. One subject that’s been generating a lot of feedback is the controller layout in Battlefield 4. An in-depth look at the controller options in Battlefield 4 is published on the Battlefield Blog at http://blogs.battlefield.com/ [blogs.battlefield.com]. Thanks for your Patience We would like to thank all players who have been reporting their issues to us – your feedback is invaluable when making sure we can deliver the Battlefield 4 experience you all deserve. In true DICE fashion, we will keep supporting Battlefield 4 for a long time, and we appreciate your feedback and patience as we work these issues out. /The DICE team Found here. Boy I can't wait, it's time we see some improvement over various things in the game.
  5. I'm probably going to rent a BF4 server for the PC. It'll be funded 100% by myself, but for this reason it'll probably only be 20 slots at first. If I get enough interest from other players who are willing to chip in for a bigger server, then I'll go for that too. How many of you would want a server for us to play on? Would this be worth my while, or are the PC folks here not interested?
  6. Ermagerd. I can't wait for this, this maps looks EPIC. It's a town, which gets flooded as part of the levolution system, which means that jeeps will no longer spawn, but boats instead. You can only move around in the water by swikking or using boats. Damn, this looks awesome. I NEED THIS DAMN GAME TO COME OUT NOW DAMMIT!!!!!! Also, I'll get to be wet with you guys. We can have lil buble bath parties n shit.
  7. So I wanted to make a thread to talk about BF4. Everytime I see more videos on this game it makes me want it even more. But only on the PS4, of course. I just watched some sniping gameplay and the map looks great with the weather and all!
  8. Diddums


    I played a bit of this on the PS3 a while back, never really got into it because all the twats I play with were all on COD. Now on PC, I've been playing a bit with Levi and Squiggs, and it's fantastic fun. There are still pepole that play like little bitches with their SMAWs and camping, but at least it's good fun enough to tie me over to BF4. Having said that, last time I spent some proper hours playing an FPS on PC was UT2004, that's about 6 years ago. It's going to take some getting used to the mouse and keyboard again, playing anything other than an FPS I can do reasonable well, but my reaction time sare still a bit on the low side and I always over or undershoot when aiming. Practice makes perfect I suppose, and this is excellent training for the next bunch of games. Great fun.
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