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Found 11 results

  1. After Easter (next week), we'll be getting a significantly huge patch with over 400 fixes to the game. Patch Notes apparently out next week but here's the key bits from the Community Manager tweets: Rao and Paik shall have their traits updated Sundance has also received some fixes to their Grenade Belt, allowing for better Anti-Armor Grenade target acquisition within their immediate vicinity rather than things football fields away Ribbons have been tweaked in order to allow easier unlocking across modes such as Rush. XP for Support Actions and Teamplay within the game have also been balanced to ensure teamwork remains king Vehicular Warfare balancing alongside targeted tweaks to the likes of the Bolte, to ensure that Infantry/Vehicle counter play still has some bite! Bug Fixes towards the ADS bug when exiting a vehicle and reviving near obstacles are also in this Update. Attachments shall also receive an overhaul in Update 4.0, with a focus on ensuring they feel unique and have an impact on your loadout choice and gunplay. He signs off saying "While this merely scratches the surface of Update 4.0 in #Battlefield 2042, we do appreciate the patience afforded to us with getting this update out there. Again, truly looking forward to your feedback as the update goes live, next week. Stay safe out there folks 🐧" I mean, I think its worth a stab back on it considering its a game I've barely even touched and had so much potential. Problem will likely be just the population and getting a full game I imagine! What's people thinking? Anyone hoping for something big in the patch they haven't mentioned yet?
  2. I spent about 30 mins playing it this morning. Looks and plays pretty well imo. Very bf4 like, and that’s a good thing. Experienced a few glitches. Screen tearing. Couldn’t jump at one point. Glitched into a rock a bit. Can’t wait to play a bit more with it later. TTK feels pretty quick. Gunplay seemed pretty on point for the series. Time will tell how much polishing it needs.
  3. It's time to f**k shit up!!! Now that many of you have decided to purchase either the EA Pass or Battlefield V itself, Still looking to get a regular game night in where we get sweet relief from hearing the ting off an enemies head from a gorgeous sniping headshot! Something that can only be matched by making sweet love to a beautiful woman or scoring a last minute goal on clubs but let's face it, But tonight, Battlefield is where its at!! 😁😁😁 So.... Instead of sitting at home and pulling on your todger, come on and enjoy ruining someone's night! 😈😁 Hope to see you all on later! Peace out ✌️😈
  4. It's time to f**k shit up!!! Now that many of you have decided to purchase either the EA Pass or Battlefield V itself, it's time to get a regular game night in where we get sweet relief from hearing the ting off an enemies head from a gorgeous sniping headshot! Something that can only be matched by making sweet love to a beautiful woman but let's face it, FG is where its at 😁😁😁 So get your names down my comrades and let's dance!! Hope to see you all on later! Happy trails 😈
  5. Event Title: Battlefield Wednesday Event Author: Macca89 Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 03/17/2021 07:30 PM It's time to f**k shit up!!! Now that many of you have decided to purchase either the EA Pass or Battlefield V itself, it's time to get a regular game night in where we get sweet relief from hearing the ting off an enemies head from a gorgeous sniping headshot! Something that can only be matched by making sweet love to a beautiful woman but let's face it, FG is where its at 😁😁😁 So get your names down my comrades and let's dance!! Hope to see you all on later! Happy trails 😈 Battlefield Wednesday N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  6. Ok, so a new Battlefield gets released once a year around October. So why was Hardline just released? Will there be a Battlefield 5 or is Hardline Battlefield 5? And then with Battlefront in the mix, I'm just confused. I'm really enjoying Battlefield 4 the past few days... It's one of the few FPS games that I don't mind playing by myself. I was thinking about getting premium with my brother since he is really enjoying it as well. But I don't know what to do with all these battlefield games around.
  7. I am subbed to this guy for his COD sniping videos. He just uploaded this one and I thought you guys might like it. This video is making me want to buy it.
  8. What are people's thoughts on the new Battlepack system? I personally love it. Unlocking random stuff is always nice, I've unlocked some googies that would otherwise take me weeks, if not months to get in BF3. I've got a few camos and other shit, mainly optics and a couple of dog tags. The only issue I have with it is that some things are battlepack only, which means that it's pure luck to get something you want. I'm not sure if you can get doubles of anything, I haven't had any yet, so time will tell. Thoughts?
  9. Diddums

    The XM25

    So in the beta I'd come across someone who'd be using this, and he'd be insanely good with it. He'd be killing me behind cover, on roofs, etc etc. Yet when I gave it a go, I couldn't hit a thing with it. I'd get a few hitmarkers here or there, but that was it. Well, turns out I was using it wrong. It's not meant to be used as a grenade launcher, but as something different entirely. Here's how it works: The projectiles are little balls that explode, much like grenades. The difference is that these babies can explode mid-air. You don't have to pop them yourself, you simply lock on to something and let the gun do the rest. Now when you lock on to something, the ball will pop 3 metres behind that something. So say someone's hiding behind a wall, you lock on to the wall, and shoot just over it. The ball will go over the wall, and explode, in mid-air, right behind it, damaging the naughty rascal hiding behind it. I can't wait to give this a go later. Here's a video explaining it: There is some incorrect information in this video, because the ammo does in fact resupply from small ammo packs, just very, very slowly. I know this from personal experience. So give this a go, it looks like great fun!
  10. I'm probably going to rent a BF4 server for the PC. It'll be funded 100% by myself, but for this reason it'll probably only be 20 slots at first. If I get enough interest from other players who are willing to chip in for a bigger server, then I'll go for that too. How many of you would want a server for us to play on? Would this be worth my while, or are the PC folks here not interested?
  11. Ermagerd. I can't wait for this, this maps looks EPIC. It's a town, which gets flooded as part of the levolution system, which means that jeeps will no longer spawn, but boats instead. You can only move around in the water by swikking or using boats. Damn, this looks awesome. I NEED THIS DAMN GAME TO COME OUT NOW DAMMIT!!!!!! Also, I'll get to be wet with you guys. We can have lil buble bath parties n shit.
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