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Posts posted by Plumbrodders

  1. Wewe did it with a team of four and five yesterday it started pretty well but went downhill I have some saved I will sort and post and unjust checked my commentary is on it.

    . Yes Gary we done it , It was quite a challenge but it kept us occupied for the evening and was something different to do and fun
  2. Don't know bungies long term plans after TTK , but I think this weapon buff is going to happen just before the TTK drops in mid September and with lots of new games comming out just after, I can see lots of people moving on to newer things and this buff is going to only effect us while we play the TTK

  3. I screwed up, have no glimmer, but hit rank 4 in the Iron Thorn. So now I gotta farm glimmer like a mad man, before it all goes away. Not guaranteed but some times when you open the small chest on POE you get something called royal amethyst and it's worth 5000 glimmer

    I will be on doing Instances and crap if anyone wants to join in. I figure Omni Gul with Black Wax idols is the best way to farm cash currently, if I am wrong, let me know please

  4. The thing is that when TTK drops in September is it going to keep us occupied for longer than the HOW two ,three weeks did ? Even with a raid added . Would it be beneficial, to have match making for the raid so as it could be attempted if a FG fireteam could not get together . With all the pros and cons of that argument ,perhaps the option of either .

  5. Yep it's got very mundane on destiny nowadays, everybody off doing different things now but will get the TTK for the short term plan . A few people have mentioned star wars battlefront I'm up for that and perhaps it will be the game that brings the group back together as some good times have been had over the last nine months or so .

  6. Anyone on tonight for a 34poe, Charlie needs one and my titan will make 2, so anyone else want to get one done, it's not too hard so worth doing if you haven't 34'd yet

    . I can help out Bob if you need a hand
  7. Had three games with Bob and Charlie ,kept up our unique record of not winning one match , moved on to POE and done our first level 34 where I picked up the Elder Cipher exotic weapon challenge so not too bad a night in the end

  8. Unlucky today on the 34 POE plumbrodders! Great effort though! As soon as you hit 34 we will be flying through them! As long as I get the fecking Ghorn! Haha! One day! One day!

    yep got kicked on the boss ,but got to level 34 via using iron banners etheric light purchase on level 3
  9. I'll be getting off soon it will be more like Fri onwards.

    Really enjoying iron banner so far...goto weapon still over soul edict strangely enough.I use the over soul find it matches the thorns very well ,need a etheric light to max it but it is still holding its own in IB

    Rewards have sucked so far plenty of weapons to others.

  10. Tip for any of you wanting to use Iron Banner to get Etheric light. Takes 3700 rep to get to level 3 and 8500 to get to level 5. So if you want 2 etheric light its easier to do 2 guardians to level 3 than 1 guardian to level 5

    Also picking off the easier bounties every time they come up will speed the progress to level 3

    or have a weeks holiday like me
  11. Too bad... You missed two Gjallarhorns... And I finally dropped my Hunger of Crota!!!! About damn time!!!

    In your opinion Ryan how do these two weapons compare against each other as I have both and was wondering your views ?
  12. from what I hear especially this week at 34... hell, the 34 boss is the 32 this week... and to think I completed a 32 with rodders, (who held his own, and bluffin with a blue primary weapon...:)) fun times!!!

    Was hoping to count on your services next week too
  13. 90 minutes of desperate battering struggle, but me Charlie and Rodders succeeded in taking out Valarus. Epic effort, real mad battle

    yep Bob ,Charlie thanks quite a battle but all went to plan in the end
  14. I can help too, I need the Hunter on 32 though as well... Sam, you can get a core for each guardian each week, buy the armor piece, max an exotic piece and in three weeks BAM 34s...

    thanks Ryan you have confirmed my thoughts
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