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Everything posted by ChaosGladiator

  1. Well if it's any comfort, I haven't been able to connect to Sean since the first time we played together... Which is BO1. Have to have someone else host every time
  2. Knee sliding while shooting someones face off is pretty damn awesome too!
  3. Hmmm... Will have to try that again later then!
  4. Also figured out why some people have Stalker early while I have to wait until lvl 50 to get it! When you first go online to Create your soldier, you get a choice between 5 different classes. I unlocked Marksman or some crap. Anyways, depending on the perks you see on the classes you can choose, you unlock them in different orders. Not sure what class unlocks what when. But I'm sure someone will figure it out.
  5. Domination on certain maps is not for me in this game. I imagine Blitz, with a well coordinated party of 6 could become a massacre. Gonna give it another go later, but atm my PS3 froze up. First issue I've had all day.
  6. Played today with Dope, Crippled_Viper, RLPK and Rich. Solid 3 bar even with Dope hosting. Unlocking stuff takes a while... Blitz is fun, but the games barely seem to last 2 minutes Extinction. Wow. This new game mode is HARD! The aliens are definetly more difficult to kill then zombies. Very fast paced and ammo goes away very quickly cause these suckers can move faster then Severus Snape confronted with shampoo! Definetly a lot I still need to try out! But so far I'm loving this game!
  7. Wtf is Negan? I only read the comics to a certain point. Also on the whole feeding rats to the zombies. The little blonde girl who lost her dad that is now sick? She had a pet zombie called Nick? This whole deal with the new virus going is annoying me. Don't they already have enough problems? And thanks to this thing we are now gonna lose Hershel or Glenn... Fuck sake.
  8. You bastard. I'm gonna cave and get it for ps3. Decided today actually... Seing as I will have to wait for xmas eve or after xmas to get it
  9. Terminal and Crash from CoD4 would be awesome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO_ttMJwmUY Ffs how do you get the video to show not just the link?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNm5CmnYBzU Guess what popped up on my FB feed? Extinction reveal!!!
  11. IW makes some kick ass campaigns though! If you have never finished the campaign for MW3. Do it now! Some many awesome moments!
  12. RLPK was mentioning this when we were playing some MW3 yesterday.
  13. I'm open for suggestions. SMG with no attachments, secondary, nades or killstreaks was bitch last year!
  14. Use the money services on your phone. I also struggled with finding ATMs
  15. Happened to my friend (Fjeldz) he just went back to story right away when he saw it happen and it went back to normal when he tried again.
  16. Lovely! I did get the bounty for them! 2 sniper shots as they were hiding behind a damn garbage container. The two of them in a heli chasing my heli was epic though! Yeah got an invite from a friend to survival, if you make it all 10 rounds it's 20k right in your pocket. No worries about killing me. Wasn't sure if you would see me or not and after you killed me I did try to gas you xD
  17. Been happening to me as well. And I haven't downloaded any patches...
  18. After the bit about iced tea I just had to stop. Was laughing so much I nearly fell off the couch!
  19. Well that sucks. I'm very glad the Minigun isn't unlocked until lvl 150 though!
  20. I'll try to be on. But most probably I'll end up getting kicked after 5 mins again xD Gonna go on and check if I've got my 500k yet though
  21. Hahahaha had no clue you were recording there Cal! Also that was my first time doing that mission. And as I said earlier. I went back to the helipad twice and finally got a helicopter. Flew up there and got destroyed...
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