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ChaosGladiator last won the day on August 8 2020

ChaosGladiator had the most liked content!



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    I don't know but there's zombies and people shouting "friendly in Cherno!"

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  1. Siege Friday

    As it is getting to that time of the year and most of us may or may not be on. 

     I thought it would be nice to get together and play some Rainbow 6 Siege for fun. 

    will be good to have some drinks and a laugh. 

  2. Siege custom games

    It’s about that time again you loveable fucks, get your asses away from cod and gta and show up for some Siege Shenannigans. We’ll run pistols and melee only and change things up a bit. I wont make you stay all night, but seeing some of you join for a couple of games would be nice 😉

  3. DayZ FG Server Session - PS4 or PC

    Hi All, As we have 2 servers on DayZ, one for PC and one for PS4, so lets see who's about and people get on both servers if they can to check them out a bit.


    I'll try and dip on the PS4 one as I haven't been on it yet, and switch over if I have time.


    Get your name down if you can make it!

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