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    kylebees reacted to Diddums in [|FG|] PS3 Meet Up Times   
    I might pick this up, kinda missing playing with you lot.
    Fucking FCPs, you lot are a disease.
  2. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in "You know what really grinds my gears?"   
    Old people at banks. True story from my Credit Union: Two weeks ago a guy shit himself on the guest chairs while waiting to talk to a Financial Services Representative. It was all over the chair and on the floor. They had to call an ambulance because he said he had a colonoscopy before arriving and exclaimed in branch that his rectum had fallen out. Last week the same dude came in. He wanted to finish what he started the other day but proceeded to shit himself again. After being directed toward the member bathroom he returned; hands covered in shit he was instructed to sign the pad before the teller realized. A piece fell and landed on the tellers desk. Apparently old people shit themselves there all the time.
  3. Like
    kylebees reacted to Plumbers Crack in "You know what really grinds my gears?"   
    You miserable SOB's will be old one day!
    That's when you find out that the pensioners favourite hobby is to do their shopping or banking during everyone elses lunch time to see how many people they can wind up. Winner gets a bag of friut gums!
    9 more years to go then I can join in! Bring it on, baby - come at me bro!!
  4. Like
    kylebees reacted to Commander_Undies in [|FG|] Forever Gaming Banter Thread   
    Give the Froggie a kiss. He bought me Ghosts the Hardened edition! I get it on Monday. Freakin' love that man. 
  5. Like
    kylebees reacted to Dr Diamond in Ghosts First Impressions   
    yeah i kind of want to get it, especially as everyone seems to be able to party up properly again. but i dont have the time or cash to be distracted by gaming as much until christmas, so i might just wait til then to get it.
    if i wait a bit atleast i can see if any major issues come up. i do miss you raging bees
  6. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from TigerBurge in Ghosts First Impressions   
    Debbie Downer right there^^^^^^^^^^^  (please see 2 posts up)
    Adam, do you have the game or are you just here to try and bring down the rest of us that do have it and are enjoying it??? Come on man, you're better then that!!
  7. Like
    kylebees reacted to Stretch616 in Weapon of Choice?   
    Throwing knife. About 200 kills in! Plus a little bit of shield on the side!
  8. Like
    kylebees reacted to techno in The Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Thread   
    Just purely pathetic!
  9. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in The Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Thread   
    There is no sense of morality, duty, honor or responsibility anymore. That's why douchebag hackers do what they do.
  10. Like
    kylebees reacted to L_C_Scipio in Double XP Weekend   
    I was playing MW3 last night to knock off the rust for Ghosts tonight. Did better than expected so I'm ready to roll.
  11. Like
    kylebees reacted to Docwagon in In a thread: Success   
    I took a real first name with fake last name (without knowing which if either was real), a real parent's name, a partial license plate, and 18 hours of my time researching across 3 states (4, now that I think about it because the car rental company was in a different state than the car was registered in) and identified a robbery suspect.
    A case with a partial lead is the most time consuming of all.  Some robberies are incredibly easy, some you have no evidence or suspect and there's no followup to do.  When you get a partial to rundown, it can be a huge time sink that may or may not payoff.  In this case it did, and its an incredible feeling to finally be able to say "got you" when you put everything together.
  12. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from spectre in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    Cal, good find. I didn't hear the Sanctuary part. That's pretty cool that they hinted at that already.
    Sebba, Negan is a badass and you'll meet him soon enough if you read the comics further.
    As for the new virus, I actually like it. Think about it, they are now living in a world where the dead have arisen and there is blood, guts, dirty people, dirty water, lack of food, no medicine. How could there not be some deadly virus happening? I really doubt we'll lose Glenn and Hershel. I could be wrong but I saw on the sneak peek into next week's episode, Daryl and Pips are in the medical college. I'm pretty sure they'll get the medicine and be able to save at least one of them. Plus they had wild berry tea to save them!!!
  13. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Just Cal in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    Cal, good find. I didn't hear the Sanctuary part. That's pretty cool that they hinted at that already.
    Sebba, Negan is a badass and you'll meet him soon enough if you read the comics further.
    As for the new virus, I actually like it. Think about it, they are now living in a world where the dead have arisen and there is blood, guts, dirty people, dirty water, lack of food, no medicine. How could there not be some deadly virus happening? I really doubt we'll lose Glenn and Hershel. I could be wrong but I saw on the sneak peek into next week's episode, Daryl and Pips are in the medical college. I'm pretty sure they'll get the medicine and be able to save at least one of them. Plus they had wild berry tea to save them!!!
  14. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    Walking Dead renewed for Season 5
  15. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from TigerBurge in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    Wow!! How did I miss this thread!?!?!?
    This season has been great. This past week's episode was the best so far. It's setting up next week to be even better.
    Here's my take on the Gov. He will be back but it won't be until either the winter break (right before the holidays) or at the very end of this season. I think it's going to be the latter, that way we are all left waiting to see what happens in the next season.
    For all you fans, I seriously recommend that you check Talking Dead. It's on immediately following The Walking Dead. It's hosted by Chris Hardwick and it's hilarious, insightful and they have some pretty awesome guests on each week, like producers from the show and celebrity fans!! You also get to see behind the scenes action as well as a sneak peek at the next episode.
    In closing, I only have one thing to say......Carol?!?!?!!?  Really?!?!?! Carol?!?!?!?!?
  16. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from TigerBurge in Last movie you watched   
    Just watched Shooter with Mark Wahlberg. Pretty decent movie if you ask me.
  17. Like
    kylebees reacted to Cassidy in What are your expectations for Ghost   
    I feel like BO2 kind of ruined the excitement I used to get before CoD games came out. I'm really hoping this game has a multiplayer that I can just get caught up in for hours. 
    And doesn't make me want to shoot myself, like BO2.
  18. Like
    kylebees reacted to burnfitbillyboy in What are your expectations for Ghost   
    Not excited in the slightest, it will just make me angry... Have it pre-ordered
  19. Like
    kylebees reacted to Dockter in Poor me thread   
    I really don't know why I'm even writting this, just need to get some of this out and this is the only forum I'm on and although I don't talk to many of  you much this place is probably the best corner of the net.
    So I'm in a rough spot lately. For anyone that read the drugs thread on the old forum know that I started messing with that stuff early and sold and was heavily addicted to coke until about the age of 23. I lived off and on with my dad from 10-16 but he was never really around even when I lived there. I have very little contact with him today even though we live in the same city. My mom is going through a pretty rough divorce and the guy she is divorcing I was very close to but he straight up lied to me and had been having an afair for over a year. He is actually the only older male I've ever been close to and looked to him for guidance. I haven't talked to him in about 4 months. Along with this my grandma has COPD. They have given her about 6 months to live. I lived with my grandma off and on all through my childhood and also lived with her from 16-18 and after I got back from Job Corps in Utah. She has pretty much always been my rock. I've been with a girl for about 5 years that I've honestly never thought was forever. Earlier this month I finally had the balls to sit down and talk to her because we want such different things. She wants marraige and kids and I honestly couldn't see that with her. I know I never seen myself marrying her and having kids scare the hell out of me. My parents were not the best parents and I'm afraid of failing. Also I know that if anything ever happened to one of my kids I would not be able to recover. I know I wouldn't recover I know I would relapse and I know I would not come out of it. I love kids to death and everyone says what a great dad I would be but I don't think I have the balls for it.
    Now to the main reason for posting. I'm 27 and  I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my life and don't know what to do. I'm not happy with my job I've been at for 7 years. I work for Wells Fargo and I'm on the computer all day but I don't know what I want to do. I've got comfortable here and stopped caring. I feel like the only time I'm happy is when I'm alone and find something to turn my brain off. I've started drinking more than I should again and right now it helps but I know it wont keep helping. I've thought about stuff I know I shouldn't do but I feel like my will power to stay away from it is becoming less and less every week. I've gotten out of shape yet can't find the energy to get out and workout like I used to love doing. Honestly for the most part real life interaction with people lately just stresses me out more and tires the shit out of me to the point that I lock myself in my apartment most nights and when I get to work I put on my headphones and don't talk to anyone. I feel like it takes me a week just to recover from going out and hanging out with people although I still try to do it so my family will stop worrying. I think I've been depressed for a long time yet don't want to see a dr because I hate the pills they normally push on me. Basically I feel like I'm losing everything that meant something to me in my life and I don't know what I can do to fix it. I always like to be in control and lately I feel lost and don't know what the hell to do. Does anyone know how to break out of this funk without the use of pills? I hate how the shit they normally prescribe make me feel or not feel. I feel like a fkn zombie with the shit they put me on and I would rather be pissed off at the world than have no feeling at all.
  20. Like
    kylebees reacted to Diddums in Poor me thread   
    Wow, this is in some ways like looking in a mirror. As most of the folks here know, I've also overcome a drug addiction. It got so bad, I left the country because my willpower wasn't enough. I have never had a father, my grandparents were always there for me and my mother went through hell and high waters to give me the best she could, despite every month having to count the pennies. 
    What I'll say is this:
    This isn't the time for you to be down about stuff like this. This is an opportunity. It's a time for you to lose the shackles you have, and start living your own life. It's always shit to lose people who you can depend on, but it does teach you to fend for yourself and become a stronger person. 
    Your breakup with your girlfriend might have been exactly what you need. If you were in a stale relationship, there's really no point staying. See this as an opportunity to find someone new, someone exciting, someone you want to buy flowers for and spend time with. Until then, use this time to think about your priorities in life. It sounds to me like you're in a rut and need a change. Sometimes changing one aspect of your life is enough, sometimes it's better to change as much as you can. In this case, your relationship was stale, your job is stale, you're potentially losing some loved ones (sorry if that came out wrong), so it's time for you to throw your life up in the air and see how you land. 
    Career wise, a change of environment can make a massive difference. I changed job recently having spent 4 years working for the same company. I do pretty much exactly the same thing, except for a different firm. I'm loving it. I work crazy hours, 12 of them a day, but I also get tons of time off. I make a decent living, and I'm generally happy with my position. Even if you're doing the same thing in a different firm, a change of environment can make a huge change.
    I found a person who is just as fucked up as me and we got married. She became my new rock. We're now married and living happily. She keeps me on the straight and narrow, and it sounds to me like this is what you need too. Focus first on finding a job which will make you happy again. This will in turn boost your confidence, which will help when looking at girls. When you lack confidence, any old girl will do, but if you're feeling good about yourself, odds are you'll look a bit deeper and find a woman who suits you better. 
    Don't see this change as a bad thing. You're young, you have a few years left in you, but just ask yourself this: what are you going to do to get the most out of them?
  21. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Sennex in In a thread: Success   
    Jason, that is awesome. I love hearing about things like that. I actually work with a girl whose Husband won $1 Million dollars on a scratch off. I actually use to work with him years ago. Good people to have it happen to.
  22. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Sennex in In a thread: Success   
    I'm not even joking, I won another $500 this morning on the same exact scratch off ticket as the last one!!! I feel like the big winner is coming though!!!!
    And Mike, it's great to hear about your triumphant return to night driving!! I'm really happy for you.
  23. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Commander_Undies in In a thread: Success   
    I'm not even joking, I won another $500 this morning on the same exact scratch off ticket as the last one!!! I feel like the big winner is coming though!!!!
    And Mike, it's great to hear about your triumphant return to night driving!! I'm really happy for you.
  24. Like
    kylebees reacted to uberwarrior in In a thread: Success   
    Holy hell Bee's, with your luck if you fell into a pool of shit you'd come out wearing a new suit!!
  25. Like
    kylebees reacted to Docwagon in Do you dunk your penis?   
    Reminds me of a story.  Remember the "things your dad taught you" thread?  Remember I said "Never take Eddie to town" on that one?  Yeah, same Eddie.
    I worked as a laborer on a construction site in my teens.  My dad and Eddie were both experienced carpenters.  There were several other guys, many that I never learned the real names of, but the one of note for this story was Thomas J. Turdbucket, Esq.  I have no idea why they called him that, but that was what everyone on the site called him.  Tommy Turdbucket or Tommy for short.  Tommy spent the majority of his pay on weed and didn't have a car, so Eddie took him back and forth to work.  As such Tommy was familiar with Eddie's truck and where Eddie kept things.
    Anyone who's worked outside in the Indiana weather knows that in the fall and spring the weather can swing quite a bit, temperature wise, from morning to night.  Eddie kept a sweatshirt behind his seat in case it got too cool and he hadn't dressed for it.
    Well, one day Tommy got cold and decided he'd had enough being cold so he went to Eddie's truck to get the sweatshirt.  This would have been comical enough, as about 3.25 Tommies can fit inside one Eddie.
    Tommy comes back to the site and yells out, "Hey, Eddie.  I borrowed your sweatshirt."  Eddie is on the other side of the house hanging brick freeze and can't see Tommy.
    Eddie, "The red one or the gray one?"
    Tommy, "The gray one."
    Eddie, "....that's my wipe rag."
    Tommy, ".....what's a wipe rag?  Like for oil?"
    At this point we all look over and see Tommy in a gray sweatshirt with...chalky stripes on it.
    Eddie, "No, for like when I pick up some whore and need to clean my dick afterward.  You didn't put it on, did you?"
    Tommy now doesn't know weather he should shit or go blind.  He desperately wants it off, but doesn't want to touch the outside again to pull it off.
    Tommy, " *random spluttering* WIPE YOUR DICK???  *random spluttering*" and runs back toward Eddie's truck.  I'm not sure why.  He apparently gets the shirt off in some fashion and comes back pissed at Eddie for "being a dirty motherfucker who leaves a dick wipe rag in his truck."  Eddie points out that Tommy should have asked to borrow the shirt before going into his truck in the first place and he can kindly shut the fuck up about it or walk home that day.  Tommy shut the fuck up.
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