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    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Random Pictures   
    Sign I made because I have to teach people older than me simple tasks. The reality of my life.


  2. Like
    kylebees reacted to Sennex in Random Pictures   
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    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Random Pictures   

  4. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Random Pictures   
    ^Is that India on top of the train?

  5. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Random Pictures   
    It reminded me of my friends and I too! Great memories. O man having to unscrew A/B switches and uhf/vhf transformers to hook up different systems; I still have a tools of the trade bag at my moms with all my old switches, lengths of cable, etc... Then when VCR's caught up and had RCA connections so I could have my Atari 2600, NES AND Genesis hooked up at the same time I was king of the world!
    My friends parents would ask who taught me how to install entertainment system things when my friends got new consoles because I'd be running wires and have their TV sideways hooking it up. Adults aren't keen on 10 year olds messing with their electronics You're so right kid's don't even know with their 1080p one cable connection BS. We had to learn and suffer for pleasure!

  6. Like
    kylebees reacted to Drifter in Random Pictures   
    That's awesome. And yes it does very much so! Kids these days don't know what it's like to sit in front of a 13" TV and have to flip the "A/B switch" to play a video game. Man that brings back memories
  7. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Random Pictures   
  8. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Random Pictures   
    I've seen it before He's obviously heard that from someone else if its real at all. And whats an 11yo girl doing posting booty poppin' videos in her underwear on facebook for? It's fucked up at any angle you try to figure it out.
    I have issues with spelling and punctuation but I did spend a lot of time in the hall during second grade. Also there was more of an emphasis on writing and speaking English correctly in the past. We've got the No Child Left Behind Act that protects people from learning English, and if kids come from an English as a second language family or if their family talks in Ebonics teachers can't berate them like in the past. If a teacher threatened kids with a dunce cap, or suggested they stop speaking like they have severe head trauma, news choppers would be circling the school like vultures as whole communities of incorrect English speaking people flooded the streets like ants in protest. So if you have gripes with people not speaking or typing English correctly place the blame on political correctness where it belongs and not the victims of it.
    (I'm not being a jerk BTW <- figured I'd throw that out there)

  9. Like
    kylebees reacted to J4MES OX4D in Youtube Stuff   
  10. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   



  11. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from deterioration in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    Travoltified....Kyle Bees=Katie Butter :lol:
    Putting an actor with his pedigree would be doing the show a disservice. Not a bad suggestion Cal, it just wouldn't work.
    Also, good call on the Joe's Bar BQ Shack. I doubt we'll ever find out though, being that his throat is laying on some highway!!
  12. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Just Cal in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    Travoltified....Kyle Bees=Katie Butter :lol:
    Putting an actor with his pedigree would be doing the show a disservice. Not a bad suggestion Cal, it just wouldn't work.
    Also, good call on the Joe's Bar BQ Shack. I doubt we'll ever find out though, being that his throat is laying on some highway!!
  13. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in U.S. Meet Up   
    I could go to the gas station right now, pick up a 22oz Stella Artois tall boy and slug it for breakfast.
    Depending on the money conversion rates you probably could do it cheep (1 British Pound Sterling equals 1.66 US Dollar) So right now one pound is almost worth 2 dollars. Get double your moneys worth, just be sure and pack your most comfortable pajama bottoms. You'll want to wear them anytime you go out in public so you blend in.
  14. Like
    kylebees reacted to phil bottle in U.S. Meet Up   
    We should organise a UK invasion of USA, Forever Gaming style, teach those boys about the joys of Stella Artois.
    I've never been across the pond.
    It'd be a multicoloured benetton UK invasion of course, with Jocks, Dutch, Plastic Paddies, Mockneys and the whole menagerie...
  15. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    Put the pipe down crack head!
    Since he can't say "fuck fuck fucking fuck fuckidy fuck fuck fuck" like in the comics they'll replace it with "Up your nose with a rubber hose Rick!"
    O and:

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    kylebees reacted to Just Cal in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    My choice:

  18. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    ^ Superb post. I thought it was a matter of time before they hit a stride with writing, applying funds to the best of their ability and being able to satisfy fans in the process. O and I agree with the journey of Rick in this season but it has to be said he really didn't grow a pair until he found his hatchet. Him and it are like PB&J. Fabulous, secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic hatchet and said... I have the power! Yes I just compared Rick to He-Man.

    On the use of Fuck vs. Fucking it reminds me of:
    It's PG13 with fucking.
    Maybe its what context its used in or I think I've read that there is a formula for whats acceptable on TV. Like a scale that has to be balanced in the opinion of the screener, so if you have X amount of gruesome deaths you can't show a tittie <or> if you show a tittie you can't say shit 3 times. It's dumb, especially on this show, not to have vulgar language. Carl's cursed more than anyone.
    Still has me wondering why they skirted around Michonne being brutally raped but had to include a cut where a kid is being grinded on?
  19. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    Good point on what can be shown. My question is, if Breaking Bad can say fuck once per season, why couldn't they use it? I'm guessing there is a difference between 'fuck' and 'fucking'
    Did you see that guy that got ate who they couldn't save was from the comic too? I'm really happy that Scott Gimple is running the show because he puts as much as he can in from the comics while at the same time really developing further. For example the Marauders were developed a lot better than in the comic. It would have been even more dense if when Daryl met up with them, it was in the house with Rick and that Len dude that got the arrow to the eye, was the one getting beat when they woke up Rick. They already were playing the out of time sequence during the first part of the back half.
    I really encourage everyone that enjoys the show to marathon the whole season because there are so many easter eggs planted along the way. "Look at the flowers, Lizzy" was said in episode 2 when Carol killed their Dad off cause he was bitten.  Also, you can really see the whole grand story/journey of Rick which was what the theme of the season was. Can the survivors come back to their humanity after the things they are forced to do to stay alive. And now we know the answer. Nope, no they can't. It was a big turn in the comics for Rick and its a big turn in the show.  We were getting frustrated with Farmer Rick, even Carol said so in episode 4 "You can be a farmer, you can't be JUST a farmer."
    So Carol was forced to take up the slack for Rick, and of course she made poor decisions because of doing so and not having any experience; killing Karen and David for example.
    Then Rick gets his ass handed to him by the Governor because he wasn't in the right frame of mind. He runs off with tail tucked between his legs to heal and new Savage Rick emerges from the cocoon.
    Even though Carl was getting on our nerves, we now know he has Rick's back and he's also second guessing himself as being a monster and enjoying the killing.  That was a good piece of development. They ended the season on a high note, even though the situation is bleak.  That smirk on Rick's face directly from the Flashback to the same smile when he says "They're gonna feel pretty stupid once they find out..." was priceless.
    Lastly, when it did that flashback before he said that, Carl's hat fell off and Rick put it on Beth's head saying "There's a new sheriff in town."  This is obviously foreshadowing that Beth will become something more perhaps even helping them get rescued. I have a feeling they are steering Beth onto Comic Book Andreas path. That would be awesome.
    Good stuff.
    Here is the rest of the Panel to Screen comparisons
  20. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    I was thinking it during the show and I just read a write up on it: Whats more offensive the suggested and creepily simulated butt rape of Carl on his belly or if Rick would have said fucking instead of screwing? It's odd what is ok for TV and what isn't.
    It was a great episode. And am I crazy or was it way better shot than any episode this season? The camera angles and lighting are actually moody and well done.
    I've missed Rick. It was nice to see him on form.
  21. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    They missed on purpose so they could funnel them into the trap. Just like Rick was talking about the snare trap and how it funneled the animals in. So they have a pretty good set up. Draw people in from way out, make them follow the rails, right into the funnel trap and bam. Feed them a plate, make them comfortable, pounce. Now they are bait for the next group. There were the letter A pasted all over the doorways they were herded into. Sorta like a sign to help the snipers funnel them.
    Kirkman on next season
  22. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from spectre in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    Awesome episode!!
    I saw the bones. It was real quick so if you blinked you could have missed it. Definitely looked like a human spine.
    Also, didn't they think it was a little weird that they were using machine guns but yet couldn't hit them? And oh look, a letter A on every exit. That doesn't look suspicious. Other than that, I thought it was so good!!
    So the only ones that haven't made it there yet are Carol and Tyreese. They must have something to do with getting them out. It's a shame we didn't get to find out what happened to Beth. But like the pictures above indicate, maybe someone ate her out.....literally!!!!
  23. Like
    kylebees reacted to Jason in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    Well that's not good... I really wish this was a 2 hour long episode.
  24. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    most intense yep. Every scene is weighted. I love the haunting of Hershel. They are showing the mirror of morality to brutatlity; hershel vs rick. And can he come back from it or will Hershel's way totally be lost.  Hershel is even haunting the episode with his pocket watch permeating the situation. If you recall, watches have been a theme. Carol gave Rick her watch. Hershel to Glenn. Rick to those 2 hippy survivors.
  25. Like
    kylebees reacted to Jason in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    That last scene.... Wow. Most intense of season.
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