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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Not true Rich. I'm sure he also left the club to bang the stripper
  2. That is a top result for Swansea. Most top 4 clubs would be over the moon at a 3-0 away win. I hope they carry their form through the campaign, dark horses maybe?
  3. I think this thread proves that you'd more likely bitch and moan some more
  4. Had a good session on it last night and I fucking loved every second. It just feels really nice to play and everything is so seamless. It was good to get upto usual COD antics and dick about with firing ranges, pulling the longest wheelie etc.. And not worry about the missions. It finally feels like the GTA series again that I loved on the PS2
  5. I can testify to that. I've met Diddums twice and I have no idea what he looks like still!
  6. You're happy to wear a skirt but not give drunken man hugs. You need to sort out your priorities son
  7. Not meeting you then. I hear the benches at Victoria station are mighty comfy to sleep on
  8. Train tickets booked. I'll be at Brixton around 4 so Dave & Rich can meet me for drinkypoos!
  9. I've listened to the new one a few more times to see if it grows on me and sadly, I think I now think it's even worse. Hail to the king and shepherd of fire are ok, but planets is just pure awful. Ahh well, at least it gave me a reason to start listening to the back catalogue again
  10. I'm putting money aside and hoping I can pick one up from a supermarket
  11. Yup, but we've known this for some time, it's just the weird way they calculate the rankings
  12. Just a bit more info on the situation
  13. Yeah, man. I'll grab whatever I can. I was gonna bring a bottle anyways so...........more jager
  14. Not as bad as you I dare say. Oh, I know, you should wear a big rucksack as well and a Union Jack hat. You'll fit right in!
  15. I can just imagine Euan on a sighseeing trip in London. Map in one hand, camera in the other. Pleading to the bus conductor not to take him to the place where the Londoners stab the Scottish folks! You'll have a great time Euan
  16. I've seen people use that technique to throw the ball from miles away to right in the middle of the opponents penalty area. A pretty cheap technique but is it much different to that geezer who played for Stoke (can't remember his name?)
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