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Plumbers Crack

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Everything posted by Plumbers Crack

  1. Nnnnnnnoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Cal!!!! :(
  2. I read it = feck!!
  3. Funny to see but.....really?? I would have thought most women would have tried it on, looked in the mirror and immediately said "no way!!" Probably designed by a pervy Columbian drug baron
  4. Bug damage? Phone auto complete Gary but......?
  5. Nice post!
  6. Nice to see you seem to be enjoying the game a bit more and it's good to understand how you roll as well
  7. Less than a fortnight now.....
  8. *Brian Blessed voice* Diamond's alive ??
  9. Fixed that for ya! Ooppss! No, just been corrected by Mrs P - Wembley is technically in Middlesex, suppose it depends whether you're on the Sudbury side of the Triange or the Stonebridge side
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-29168676 The Advanced Ligo instrument, a laser "ruler" built to measure the traces of gravitational waves, is progressing at amazing speed, scientists say. The first generation of Ligo, which ran between 2001 and 2010, saw nothing. Over the last four years scientists have designed a more sensitive detector that achieved "full lock" in June this year, earlier than planned. Researchers reported that the new one is already 30% more precise and will start scanning the sky in summer 2015. Ligo (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) operates in two sites in the US, one in Livingston, Louisiana, and another one in Hanford, Washington. Space ripples "In June we reached this state that we call 'locking', where the entire system is switched on and behaves for a short time, 10 minutes or so, as predicted it should do in science mode," said Prof Andreas Freise from the school of physics and astronomy of the University of Birmingham during the British Science Festival. Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space and time that propagate across the Universe like sound waves do after an earthquake. But in this case, the sources of the "tremors" are very energetic events such as supernovas (the explosion of a dying star), fast spinning neutron stars (very dense and compact stars), or the collision of black holes and neutron stars orbiting close to each other. With Ligo's current precision, the interferometer should be able to detect gravitational waves coming from neutron star and black hole binary systems 27 megaparsecs (about 88 million light-years) away from us. Researchers are still working on the intricate optical system and detectors within Advanced Ligo to gradually increase the precision. "The target is to reach [a distance of] 200 megaparsecs… which is a factor of 10 better than the old detector," explained Prof Freise. Gravitational waves are thought to emerge from energetic events such as the collision of two neutron stars Augmenting the distance by a factor of 10 means that Ligo will scan a volume of space 1,000 times larger than before. "Advanced Ligo will be sensitive to a factor of 1,000 in the volume that we were observing with initial Ligo, and that is the sphere of volume where we expect to see a few gravitational waves," added Prof Alberto Vecchio also from the School of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Birmingham. Ligo observatories operate by beaming a high power laser into a splitter that divides the beam into two parts. Each part is then directed towards two 4km tunnels perpendicular to each other. A mirror at the end of the tunnels reflects the rays back into a detector where they are recombined. Since both tunnels are equally long, when the two halves meet in the detector the signal shows no pattern. But this is not the case if a gravitational wave were passing through the Earth. "When [the gravitational waves] reach Earth they distort space and time. In particular, they will change the separation of the mirrors," explained Prof Vecchio. "Over 4km, a decent gravitational wave that we can detect creates a change of less than a thousandth of the size of the nucleus of an atom." This minuscule variation in the space between the mirrors will produce a distinct pattern from which the properties of the gravitational waves can be inferred. Profound observation The team at the University of Birmingham has been involved in Ligo since 2000, leading the development of technology and hardware, and the tools for the analysis of the scientific data. The main improvements in Advanced Ligo included an upgraded suspension system of the mirrors to make them as stable as possible, a more powerful laser, and a change in the optical elements to accommodate the laser's extra power. Although the former Ligo instruments did not detect any signature in its 10 years of observation, researchers think that with the upgrade, Advanced Ligo will be able to detect at least one gravitational wave in its lifetime. Prof Vecchio said that the most pessimistic prediction is that "Ligo will deliver one detection over five years". "Reasonable predictions tell you many events per year and there are optimistic ones that tell you a hundred or a thousand. We just don't know." Ligo will complement rather than compete with the results of the Bicep2 and Planck experiments, as it is tuned to look at much shorter wavelengths. The implications of detecting gravity waves are profound from a scientific point of view. Prof Freise said: "There are two aspects. One is testing the theory of gravity, but I think the more interesting for me is for astronomy. "We are tapping into the unknown here, so we will get a new signal that may tell a lot of people in astronomy that they were wrong. And that's what I am after. Red text is my highlighting Call me cynical but most builders struggle to build a house to exactly the dimensions shown on a plan and these guys have built two 4km (2.4855 miles give or take ) perpendicular tunnels so that both are exactly the same length??
  11. Luckily Euan was asleep at his keyboard when you posted that!
  12. pppsssttt!! a lot of people still play TDM on CoD4
  13. Surely you mean Brent is an area of massive cultural diversity sited in an area of urban decay which could be the next area to become a property hot spot?........no, you're right, it's a bit of a hell hole Plumbers Crack (ex NW10)
  14. Fixed that for ya ..... you never know who's about
  15. Yep, I'm loving it at the moment...the real test will be when we move past the levels that were in the beta release. I hope to do levels 4 and 5 tonight hopefully with Gary and Mazz as we did this together during beta and they are certainly easier with a full fire team Took part in a public event last night which was cool. Keep an eye out for loot caches as well. The trick is not to go straight from A to B but to have a good root around as well Also played on patrol level outside the Cosmodrome for a while which is agood way of killing some time single player if you want a break from the story. There are beacons which give you tasks
  16. When I logged in Bob it said we were on probation as we needed more members
  17. Swiss seem to be a bunch of whingers!
  18. PS4 and Hunter....and loving it! /gloat
  19. Well, that's the first 3 levels completed - they're the same as the beta for those that played it. Works really smooth at the moment, graphics are lovely. The real test will be tomorrow night when everyone is live Now, i must be getting a bit masochistic but I'm going to stop playing and watch the England game!!
  20. Thanks for the heads up about Game, Gary, mine was a day early as well ! Half way through the 15.89 GB install now then off to download the Vanguard gear before it gets busy Even the install backdrop pictures look gorgeous!
  21. and I've applied so let me in!!
  22. What the wise old Owl says Cal, that's what I'm looking forward to most of all. Gary, Maria and I played the beta and we found that we preferred the co-op to the multiplayer every time. Makes you work as a team and communicate more
  23. Never had you down as a copper Tam!
  24. Really excited about this and hope it gets delivered ok on Tuesday. Like Stretch, I can't take the day off but will try and get a few hours in Tuesday evening. Me and Mrs P. are away for a week so that'll set me back a bit but I've also got another week off after that so......
  25. I seriously and honestly hope you win that bet Tam!
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